The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 197 Alien Jian Zelin?

Chapter 197 Alien Jian Zelin?

Xue Zhiyan found that he had been in close contact with Jian Zelin too many times recently, being hugged by him like this, and thinking of the oolong incident last night, he blushed instantly like a ripe tomato.

While Jian Guozheng and Jian Qiyang were standing outside the kitchen, watching what happened in the kitchen, sweeping away the previous haze, with half-hearted smiles on their faces.

Jian Zelin turned around and saw two old men standing at the door, looking at him and Xue Zhiyan with ambiguous expressions, and didn't bother to think about the problem just now, so he walked out of the kitchen with Xue Zhiyan in his arms.

"Master, it's because I was not careful that Miss..." Yu Ma stood beside the debris nervously, at a loss.

"It's better to say that girl has a way, haha!" Instead of being angry, Jian Guozheng praised Xue Zhiyan, which surprised Mama Yu.

Mama Yu looked at Jian Guozheng in disbelief. It's fine for him not to be angry when Xue Zhiyan scalded his finger, why are you still laughing?
"Okay, after cleaning this place, you can do your work!" Jian Qiyang did not expect Xue Zhiyan to use this method to resolve the embarrassment between the three of them, he is really a different child.Smiling, he glanced at Yu's mother who was embarrassed, and pulled his father to leave the kitchen.

Xue Zhiyan was placed on her exclusive sofa by Jian Zelin, more precisely, thrown.Jian Zelin didn't know why she was very angry when she saw that Xue Zhiyan didn't know how to love and protect herself.

Angrier than when he saw her being intimate with Su Lingxuan.

"Are you out of your mind?" Jian Zelin threw himself onto the sofa opposite Xue Zhiyan, with an angry expression on his face, eyebrows furrowed, and looked at Xue Zhiyan.

"You're so out of your mind!" Xue Zhiyan didn't bother to talk to him, and gave him a blank look, wondering if it wasn't because the three of you guys made the atmosphere so weird, if you gave me 100 million, I wouldn't touch it with my own hands Hot pot lid.

"You didn't lack any roots and went directly to lift the lid of the pot, why didn't you burn yourself to death?" Jian Zelin let it be if she didn't admit her mistake when she heard Xue Zhiyan, but she also lost her temper and became even more angry.

With a lot of anger, he naturally doesn't think too much when he speaks.If he knew that Xue Zhiyan was trying to resolve the awkward atmosphere between them, he wouldn't have said that, would he?
"Hungry!" Xue Zhiyan simply pretended to be stupid, and smiled brightly at his black face. He touched his hungry belly and smiled, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and looked intently at it with his orchid fingers. Looking at the phone, ignore Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan's raised orchid finger, and thought that Xue Xue Zhiyan seemed to have raised his orchid finger a while ago, so he forgot to ask her if her finger was okay.

After looking at it for a while, I really didn't know how to ask.I had no choice but to give up and leaned on the sofa in despair.

What's wrong?Why do you feel like you want to talk but can't?Jian Zelin leaned on the sofa, feeling extremely entangled in her heart, as she seemed to be a little out of order recently.

"Hey, go to You'an Courtyard tomorrow, do you want to go?" Xue Zhiyan finally raised his head to look at Jian Zelin, only to find that he was leaning on the sofa looking shocked.

Seeing that he ignored him, Xue Zhiyan put down his phone and looked at Jian Zelin nervously, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay!" Jian Zelin answered Xue Zhiyan's words angrily, and sat up straight, still looking unhappy.

Seeing him like this, Xue Zhiyan didn't ask him any more, and continued playing with his mobile phone.

"You just said that you will go to You'an Courtyard tomorrow?" After a long silence, Jian Zelin confirmed to Xue Zhiyan what she had just said.

Xue Zhiyan nodded while chatting, "Mother Shen said that Haochen and Haoyue missed me, and asked me to take some time to go back and have a look. By the way, she prepared something for me."

Jian Zelin frowned even more when he heard the words "Mama Shen".It was just because he asked VIC to check Shen Bihua's background, but the reply he got was that Shen Bihua's background was extremely clean.

Regarding this point, Jian Zelin would never believe it. Such a clean woman could manage an orphanage for so long, and no one would believe it.

"Then do you want to prepare something to take there?" Jian Zelin also liked the two children, so he made his own decision to go with him.

Besides, didn't Xue Zhiyan mean to invite him when he asked him just now?

"No need, slowly say that she will prepare." Xue Zhiyan answered Jian Zelin's question, and his attention was still on the phone.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's attitude of ignoring him, Jian Zelin was extremely depressed, leaned forward slightly, and tapped the tea table in front of him forcefully with his fingers, "Can you look into other people's eyes when answering their questions? Miss Xue?"

Xue Zhiyan put away the smile on his face, put down his phone, and looked at Jian Zelin with a serious face.The moment their eyes met, Xue Zhiyan found that Jian Zelin's black pupils were like luminous gems, attracting her attention. Once they met, it was difficult to move away.It's just why I didn't realize that his eyes have such magic power before?
Xue Zhiyan, who was stunned, realized his gaffe, and blinked awkwardly, "Then Mr. Jian Zelin, do you have any questions?" Xue Zhiyan followed Jian Zelin's opinion, as if he was in a company meeting, and asked sternly road.

Jian Zelin didn't know why, she was angry when she saw Xue Zhiyan's indifferent attitude just now, and even more angry when she saw her serious look now.

He simply didn't want to talk to her anymore, and leaned back on the sofa with his eyes closed.

Seeing him like this, Xue Zhiyan didn't know what he was awkward about.Some people are so weird, they are obviously upset, but they don't say it, they have to keep it in their hearts and let people guess.

Undoubtedly, Jian Zelin is the most typical of these people.Xue Zhiyan curled his lips, picked up his phone and continued chatting with Liang Huan.

Guess your sister!It's not the roundworm in your stomach, who knows what you're thinking!Xue Zhiyan tapped on the phone screen, thinking bitterly in his heart.

Finally, Jian Zelin still couldn't hold back, even after holding back for a long time, he still couldn't hold back.He sat up suddenly, his eyes widened, and he looked straight at Xue Zhiyan.

"What are you doing?" Xue Zhiyan sensed Jian Zelin's anger, subconsciously pulled his collar, put down his phone, and looked at Jian Zelin warily.

You just burned your finger, so you're not still angry now, right?Why is this man so stingy?Besides, it's her who hurts, why is he so angry, the key is still not letting go!
"Didn't you just get up, how did you contact Liang Huan and Shen Bihua?" Jian Zelin finally expressed his doubts, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with a puzzled expression.


Xue Zhiyan couldn't help laughing after hearing Jian Zelin's words.Looking at Jian Zelin as if looking at an alien, is this the arrogant and arrogant young man?How could you ask such a cute question?Could it be that he doesn't usually use social software?

Xue Zhiyan smiled for a while, fearing that he would get angry, he quickly stopped his smile and shook the phone in his hand. "Chat software!"

As Xue Zhiyan said, he lifted his butt, sat on the sofa next to Jian Zelin, turned to face him and unlocked his phone's lock screen, just when Liang Huan sent another conversation.

"You don't use it all the time, do you?" Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin with an incredulous expression, and pointed to his mobile phone screen with a smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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