The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 198 Same password

Chapter 198 The Same Password

After hearing Xue Zhiyan's words, Jian Zelin regretted and just wanted to bite off his tongue.How could he not know social software, but he rarely used it.

The reason why he seldom uses it is because among his friends there are always only Su Lingxuan, Yan Shaochen, and Chi Yuan. It is so easy to add Chi Qian, watching her nagging and swiping the screen all day long, so he simply deletes it for her. up.

"You don't have no friends, do you?" Xue Zhiyan said as he put away his mobile phone, with a wicked smile on his face.

Before Jian Zelin could react further, Xue Zhiyan's hands had already wrapped around his waist, and his little hands were still groping around his body restlessly.

Oh, don't get me wrong, Xue Zhiyan just wanted to find out his phone and confirm his thoughts.

What was Xue Zhiyan thinking?Of course, Jian Zelin doesn't have any social chat software on his phone, even if he does have no friends, with his cold appearance, who would dare to add him as friends?

If you say two wrong words, you will get angry with the eldest young master. Who would add him as a friend to a arrogant man with a bad face?

Who would want to be friends with a man who often sits there without saying a word, and would choke to death with a word when he speaks?

"What are you doing?" Jian Zelin's whole body became hot from being touched by Xue Zhiyan's hand. He himself was very surprised, why she could easily arouse his interest from the first time he saw Xue Zhiyan in this living room.

Xue Zhiyan broke away from Jian Zelin's big hand holding her. He didn't realize that something was wrong with Jian Zelin, and continued to toss and turn on him, not forgetting to whisper, "Where's the phone?"

Jian Zelin rolled her eyes, directly stretched out her hands to wrap around her restless hands, and pulled them towards her.Only then did he take out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and put it in Xue Zhiyan's palm generously, "Here, my mobile phone!"

Xue Zhiyan fiddled with it for a while, then looked up at Jian Zelin impatiently, "Password!"

"4125!" Jian Zelin let go of Xue Zhiyan's hand, leaned directly on the sofa, and stopped looking at her.

Xue Zhiyan opened his mouth and moved when he heard these four numbers, and looked at Jian Zelin in disbelief.

After waiting for a long time without hearing the unique sound when his phone was unlocked, Jian Zelin turned his head and met Xue Zhiyan's surprised face.

"What's wrong?" Jian Zelin seldom handed over his mobile phone to others, but today he gave it to Xue Zhiyan for the first time, and told her his password.

"It's nothing, I just think it's a coincidence!" Xue Zhiyan smiled, lowered his head and entered the four passwords, "I also use this number as the password, hehe!"

Xue Zhiyan flipped through Jian Zelin's phone, and basically all the social software she used was in Jian Zelin's phone, which surprised her quite a bit.

What surprised her even more when she logged in was that he actually had friends, and there was an information prompt to add his friends.

"Well, someone added you as a friend!" Xue Zhiyan clicked on the message while speaking. This was her habit, and it seemed that there were unresolved messages flashing all the time.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the two words on the screen, and silently returned the phone to Jian Zelin.He took his mobile phone and sat back.

Jian Zelin took the phone in confusion, this guy was full of interest just now, why did he return it to him so soon?

Looking down at his mobile phone, the word "Di Wei" was displayed on the screen.Jian Zelin suddenly felt very irritable in his heart, and pressed a button indiscriminately, and the word Di Wei disappeared in front of his eyes.

"Do you want to watch it?" Jian Zelin handed over the phone again, looking at Xue Zhiyan with a little expectation in his eyes.

"Well! Let me add you as a friend, so that when you have anything to do, you can just send it to me!" Xue Zhiyan took Jian Zelin's phone and operated it skillfully.

Then he took a picture of himself with his mobile phone. After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't know why he took a selfie with his mobile phone. After looking at it, he wanted to click delete, but Jian Zelin snatched the phone back.

Xue Zhiyan moved his mouth, but did not speak. He picked up his mobile phone and took a picture of Jian Zelin.

Just in time, Jian Zelin raised his head and looked at Xue Zhiyan in surprise.Xue Zhiyan looked at the photo on the phone with satisfaction, and then set it as Jian Zelin's caller photo.

Tired of seeing his stinky face, it's not bad to take out this photo for a change!Tsk tsk tsk, that cute look, if you only look at the photo and don't look at the person, it will definitely make all the women scream!
I really don't know if it's my luck that I can always see another side of Jian Zelin, but I don't know if this Jian Zelin is a thousand-faced male god!Thinking of this, Xue Zhiyan couldn't help flirting a bit more.

"Show me, what did you take?" Seeing Xue Zhiyan's smug smile, Jian Zelin knew that she had done nothing good.

"Don't!" Xue Zhiyan was still thinking about Jian Zelin's face that no one had seen before, but when he suddenly heard Jian Zelin's cold words, he quickly grabbed his mobile phone, put his hands behind his back, and looked at Jian Zelin vigilantly.

Dare to give it?Let him see the cute photo she snapped, wouldn't he blow up immediately?And then another world war breaks out between the two?
No need, it's hard to calm down for a while, Xue Zhiyan doesn't want to quarrel with him anymore, and it will only be Jian Guozheng who will be sad.

Thinking of Jian Guozheng, it seemed like he hadn't seen him since he came out of the kitchen just now. "Eh? Where's grandpa, I'm going to see grandpa!" Xue Zhiyan laughed dryly, and ran with his phone.

Jian Zelin is not blind, how could he not know what she was thinking, and there must be something wrong with the photo she took just now, that's why he was so afraid of him seeing it.

Jian Zelin's height is really not in vain, he has long legs and hands, Xue Zhiyan just turned around when Jian Zelin grabbed his collar.

"Show me!" Jian Zelin hooked his collar, squinted his eyes, and Xue Zhiyan instantly sensed a dangerous aura.

"No!" Xue Zhiyan stretched out his hand to grab Jian Zelin's hand that was hooking her collar, but Jian Zelin grabbed it in his hand, unable to move.

"Jian Zelin, you pervert, let go quickly, your clothes are all torn and deformed!" Xue Zhiyan tried to turn around but couldn't turn around, standing on the spot angrily and stomping his feet.

Of course, she won't be so stupid as to use the hand holding the mobile phone to talk to Jian Zelin, she has already told Jian Zelin the password of her mobile phone just now, if she can't compete with him, if the mobile phone is snatched by him, he will see the photo, By the time……

After twisting for a long time but still unable to break free from Jian Zelin's clutches, Xue Zhiyan sighed, and suddenly thought of a way to get himself out.

Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan who suddenly became quiet, wondering what tricks she was playing.But in the past few months of contact, he also knew a little bit about Xue Zhiyan's habits.

She is good-looking, has a good figure, and looks like a good girl, but she is actually a weird one, with weird ideas and behaviors, coupled with her ever-changing temper, it is really hard to play.

"Since Jian Shao likes this dress, then I will reluctantly give it up to you!" Xue Zhiyan turned his head and gave Jian Zelin an evil smile that couldn't be more evil.

Before Jian Zelin could react, Xue Zhiyan turned around and faced him face to face. The evil smile on his face had changed into a smile that succeeded in doing bad things.

And Jian Zelin couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. The home clothes that were originally put on Xue Zhiyan's body were now hanging pitifully on his hand, and his own hand was still tightly grasping Xue Zhiyan's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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