The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 199 Which Pot Can't Be Opened and Lifted

Chapter 199 Which Pot Can't Be Opened and Lifted

Jian Zelin stared blankly at Xue Zhiyan in front of him. The black vest perfectly displayed her S figure in front of his eyes.

Snow-white skin, delicate collarbone, and the chain hanging around his neck.With a triumphant smile on her delicate face, she has crescent-shaped eyes, delicate red lips, and shiny white front teeth.

Jian Zelin swallowed, and took a step closer to Xue Zhiyan in a daze.The hand hanging on one side, still hooking her clothes, was lifted up, before touching her soft waist, it was interrupted by Chi Qian.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's broad daylight, and outsiders are here!" Chi Qian shyly covered her face, and from time to time she opened her fingers to look at Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan.

Jian Guozheng and Jian Qiyang looked surprised, they never expected that the relationship between Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan had gotten so good.Liang Huan, who was standing on the side, was already in full bloom. She could clearly see how Xue Zhiyan got out of his clothes. This was a trick they used to play when they were young.

Di Wei, who was standing behind a few people, saw that Xue Zhiyan's clothes were still hanging on Jian Zelin's hand, and Jian Zelin was still holding Xue Zhiyan's hand tightly, and her sharp toenails inserted into her tender palm again.

"Master, Young Master, Miss, it's time to eat!" Even Yu Ma came to join in the fun, looked at the people standing in two groups, and looked at Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan who were in weird postures. This was the first time we saw each other. !
It is indeed the first time to see you!She has taken care of Jian Zelin for many years, and has never seen him be so intimate with any opposite sex. Even if Di Wei has been with him in silence for two years, he has never made any intimate moves with Di Wei.And Di Wei was able to hold his arm and stand with him, which only happened after Xue Zhiyan came to Jian's house.

Is it raining red today?
Jian Zelin felt uncomfortable being watched by so many people, frowned, let go of Xue Zhiyan's hand, and put the clothes on her shoulders, "Put on the clothes!"

Look at this, how ambiguous it is!Putting on clothes, it seems that the good things of the two have been disturbed.

But it was also thanks to Chi Qian who spoke in time, otherwise it was really uncertain what would happen.

"Mother Yu, add another set of bowls and chopsticks!" Jian Guozheng glanced at Xue Zhiyan's back with a smile, nodded with satisfaction, turned around and walked towards the restaurant, and said to Mama Yu.

When Jian Guozheng and Jian Qiyang were taking a walk in the garden, Chi Qian and Liang Huan came and walked with them talking and laughing for a while.

Guessing that it was time for dinner, she walked towards the main house, but within a few steps, Di Wei called Jian Guozheng and Jian Qiyang to stop from behind.

Jian Guozheng didn't know why, but whenever he heard Diwei call him grandpa, he had a problem with high blood pressure.Maybe it's because people who have little contact with her don't know her well, maybe Jian Guozheng didn't like her from the beginning, anyway, every time Jian Guozheng sees Di Wei, he doesn't give a good face, and today he even left her to eat at Jian's house?

Even Jian Qiyang felt very strange, what would his father do today?
"Hey, take your time, where are the things I asked you to prepare?" Xue Zhiyan, who was dressed, was the last one to enter the restaurant, and walked to his seat just as Yu Ma came out with a soup bowl, and was about to serve it.

"Sit down, haven't you learned a lesson from what happened just now?" It was Jian Zelin who spoke, and when he saw Xue Zhiyan reaching out to pick up the soup bowl, he became angry.

Xue Zhiyan pursed his lips, and sat down on the chair peacefully.I don't know why, Xue Zhiyan is not in the mood to discuss now.

Liang Huan and Chi Qian rolled their eyes at Xue Zhiyan at the same time, and then took out a very cute little bag with a short-haired cartoon doll image on it. You don't need to look at it to know that it must be Chi Qian.

"Grandpa, uncle, try the biscuits baked by me and Qianqian. The sugar content, cream content and fat content are not high!" Liang Huan offered the uniquely designed packaging bags with both hands, and glanced at Xue Zhiyan with a smile, " And if it is paired with scented tea made by Xue Zhiyan himself, the taste will be even better."

Depend on!Don't forget to drag me into the water with you!Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes, and scolded Liang Huan and Chiqian in his heart.

"Oh? Then I want to taste it!" Jian Qiyang took the bag out of Liang Huan's hand, took out the crisper inside, opened the lid and tasted the biscuits inside.

"Well, not bad!" Jian Qiyang praised while nodding, and then glanced at Xue Zhiyan who was sitting opposite him, "I don't know if my daughter-in-law's cooking tastes better than this?"


Xue Zhiyan squirted out a mouthful of juice. I really can't blame her for being unreserved and always making a fuss.It can only be said that Jian Qiyang did it on purpose. He knew that neither Jian Zelin nor she liked the word "daughter-in-law", but he always mentioned it when both of them were present.

It's good now, Jian Zelin's number one loyal fan is still there, can Xue Zhiyan stop complaining?When the two of them had nothing to do with each other, they would come to the door. After hearing Jian Qiyang's words, wouldn't they swallow her alive?

Jian Zelin didn't respond, but quietly filled a bowl with big bone soup, and handed it to Xue Zhiyan when the bowl was full, "Didn't you say that you are hungry and still drink so much fruit juice on an empty stomach? Drink the soup!"

Xue Zhiyan was really flattered, did Jian Zelin change his gender today?So nice to her!
Xue Zhiyan tremblingly took the soup from Jian Zelin's hand, and didn't want to refute Jian Qiyang, anyway, no matter what she said, Jian Qiyang still called her daughter-in-law, so he just let him do what he wanted.

Di Wei glared at Xue Zhiyan resentfully, the little angry flames in her eyes kept jumping.Xue Zhiyan didn't look at her either. Anyway, she couldn't explain it clearly, but it became more and more chaotic.

"Why did you come here suddenly?" Jian Zelin noticed Di Wei sitting next to him, and asked him with a slight frown.

"I want to hold a birthday celebration for Aze in advance, I came here to tell you the location!" When Di Wei looked at Jian Zelin, the anger in her eyes was gone, and it was replaced by tenderness.

Jian Zelin frowned displeased when he heard the words "birthday party", and didn't speak any more.

Di Wei thought it was because she didn't invite Xue Zhiyan, which made Jian Zelin unhappy, so she quickly added, "Zhiyan is going too, there are so many people!"

When Xue Zhiyan heard Di Wei say her name, he raised his head and glanced at Jian Zelin with a dark face, he just sighed without saying a word.

This is the reason why the embarrassment between the three masters was resolved by sacrificing her own hands. Is this girl short-hearted?Just eat obediently when you eat, and you have to mention some birthday celebration, to celebrate you big-headed ghost!
"Mum Yu! Help me pack the food!" Xue Zhiyan did not respond to Di Wei's invitation, which meant that she refused to discuss this topic.

But she doesn't want to continue this topic, and she doesn't represent other people's opinions.Chi Qian and Liang Huan had already noticed Jian Zelin's strangeness and Xue Zhiyan's helplessness, they both sat and ate quietly without saying a word.

"Aze, where will you celebrate your birthday this year? You won't have to go out all day by yourself like in the past two years?" Di Wei took a sip of the bone soup, with a beautiful smile on her face, full of anticipation looked at Jian Zelin.

"Hmm." It was obvious that Jian Zelin didn't want to continue this topic, so he responded with displeasure, and continued to eat with his head bowed.

"What? It looks like Ms. Di is going to hold a grand birthday celebration for Zelin, our family?"

(End of this chapter)

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