The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 200 Jian Zelin Who Will Disappear?

Chapter 200 Jian Zelin Who Will Disappear?

Jian Guo, who had been eating quietly all the time, was hearing Di Wei's question, and couldn't help but ask, "What? It seems that Miss Di is going to hold a grand birthday celebration for Zelin, our family?"

"Well, this year, if there are words, it will definitely be more lively than before!" Di Wei nodded, her gentle words could not be more gentle, and the flattering smile on her face, "Aze didn't do it in the past, but this year Special, the words are here, I think..."

Before Di Wei finished speaking, Jian Zelin put down the bowl and chopsticks heavily, glared at Xue Zhiyan, and then at Di Wei who was talking happily. "I'm done eating, you guys continue!"

Xue Zhiyan didn't know where he was making him unhappy again, seeing that there was still half of the rice in his bowl, he didn't say anything, just lowered his head and continued to eat the rice in his own bowl.

But Xue Zhiyan still glanced at Di Wei resentfully, this girl really can't open any pot!

"Ah Ze, you haven't finished eating yet!" Di Wei put down her bowl and chopsticks, trying to chase Jian Zelin upstairs.

"Eat!" Jian Guozheng said these words suddenly and sternly, which shocked Di Wei, and quickly sat down on a chair obediently and ate with her head down, and stopped talking.

Even Chi Qian and Liang Huan didn't expect that Jian Guozheng would deliver the goods suddenly, they glanced helplessly at Xue Zhiyan, it seemed that today was really not the right time, the three masters of the Jian family were at war.

Until the end of lunch, Jian Zelin did not return to the table.Mama Yu glanced at the remaining half bowl of rice in Jian Zelin's bowl, shook her head distressedly, and sighed.

"Mum Yu, shall we help you?" Jian Guozheng and Jian Qiyang both went back to their room to take a lunch break, and Di Wei also left when she saw that she couldn't wait for Jian Zelin.

At this time, there were only Xue Zhiyan, Liang Huan and Chi Qian in the restaurant, as well as a little maid and Yu Ma who were cleaning the table.

Mama Yu shook her head, she still had lingering fears about Xue Zhiyan lifting the lid of the pot with bare hands in the morning.Out of the original intention of feeling sorry for Xue Zhiyan, he refused Xue Zhiyan's request to help her pack her things.

"Miss, help Yu Ma bring this glass of milk to the young master. He didn't eat much at noon, so he might be hungry!" Yu Ma brought out a glass of milk and stood beside Xue Zhiyan, looking at him beggingly. she.

Xue Zhiyan still had the half-bitten biscuit in his mouth, Xue Zhiyan looked at the milk in Yu Ma's hand, and nodded.He took out another plate from the kitchen, and put some biscuits brought by Liang Huan and Chi Qian into the butterfly plate.

"Why don't you go upstairs to my room, I have something to ask you!" Xue Zhiyan took two steps with the plate in his hand, then suddenly stopped and looked back at Chi Qian.

Seeing her like this, Chi Qian and Liang Huan nodded dully, and went upstairs together behind Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan knocked on Jian Zelin's door, but no one answered.She opened the door on her own initiative and walked in, Xue Zhiyan shivered unconsciously as soon as she entered.

A room is dedicated to the masculine taste of men, and the main color of black and white is off, which can express the personality of the owner of the room.

Xue Zhiyan curled his lips, is it necessary to decorate the room like this?If she slept in this room, she was destined to suffer from insomnia every night.

"Jian Zelin?" Xue Zhiyan stood at the door of the cloakroom and looked at his closed door, moving his steps carefully, for fear that some horrific beast would rush out of it.

Jian Zelin's room is somewhat different from hers.The same layout, but the decoration is different.Xue Zhiyan's living room was turned into a small office by Jian Zelin.

Xue Zhiyan pouted again, is this a typical workaholic?Why are there desks everywhere?
Unable to hear Jian Zelin's response, Xue Zhiyan bit the bullet and walked to the door of the bedroom, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door, "Jian Zelin, Yu Ma asked me to bring you a glass of milk!"

"Jian Zelin?" Xue Zhiyan didn't hear any response, he tentatively held his hand on the doorknob, and before he had time to open the door of his bedroom, he was startled by the cold voice behind him.

"What are you doing there?" Jian Zelin had a dark face, frowned, put his hands in his pockets, and looked at the cautious Xue Zhiyan.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's cautious appearance, Jian Zelin thought of the night when Xue Zhiyan came to his room to sleep with him. At that time, Xue Zhiyan must not have been as timid as he is now when he opened the door, right?

"My god! You want to scare me to death!" Xue Zhiyan let go of the doorknob, patted his chest lightly, and turned his head to see Jian Zelin who had already changed into clothes.

It's black and white again.There seems to be no other color in this man's life, right?Nothing but black and white!Oh no, I was wearing gray casual clothes when I went to Longquanzhai last time.

Black, white and gray, this guy's life is really monotonous.But it's none of her business, Xue Zhiyan pouted at the thing in his hand, "Mother Yu is worried that you are not full, so let me bring you a glass of milk."

"Put it on the desk over there!" Like a little girl, Xue Zhiyan followed Jian Zelin's instructions and placed the things on that desk.

Xue Zhiyan, who put down his things, felt relieved, and pointed to the milk and biscuits, "If it's not enough, go downstairs and get it yourself!"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, without waiting for Jian Zelin to respond, he quickly walked to the cloakroom and left his room.

This black and white room is too depressing.Xue Zhiyan closed the door of the cloakroom, stood behind the door and sighed before returning to his room.

Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan's fleeing back, then looked at the milk on the table and the biscuits on the plate, and put a wry smile on his lips.

"Why does it take you so long to deliver milk?" Chi Qian yawned, turned over, glanced at Liang Huan who was already asleep, stretched out her hand to pinch Liang Huan's long hair, and gently kissed her Sweeping back and forth on the face.

"I don't know what Jian Zelin is doing, just ignore me for half a day!" Xue Zhiyan closed the door, and then got into the bed covered warmly by Chi Qian and Liang Huan.

"Well, it's warm. It would be great if someone would warm me up in winter!" Xue Zhiyan lay down against Chiqian, with a smirk like a little fox on his face again, looking at Chiqian.

Chi Qian gave Xue Zhiyan a blank look, really thinking about finding a "bed partner" to warm the bed. "What are you going to ask me?"

Xue Zhiyan blinked, looked at Chi Qian innocently, and then slowly said, "Why is Jian Zelin so resistant to birthdays?"

Chi Qian shook her head, "I don't know, I just know that when he was abroad, Jian Zelin would go crazy every time it was his birthday."

After hearing Chi Qian's words, Xue Zhiyan frowned worriedly. "Didn't you hear your brother say that?"

Chi Qian shook her head again, "No, Chi Yuan doesn't gossip that much. But..."

What else did Xue Zhiyan want to ask, but when he heard what Chi Qian said, he looked at her seriously and swallowed back the question he wanted to ask, "But what?"

(End of this chapter)

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