Chapter 202

When Jian Zelin returned to Jian's old house, it was already completely dark.He parked the car at the main entrance of the main house and looked at the bright lights on the first floor.Looking up at the dark third floor without a ray of light, Jian Zelin's brows were unconsciously knit together.

After deciding to go to Su's house for dinner in the afternoon, he and Su Lingxuan took turns calling Xue Zhiyan, no matter how hard they called, no one answered.Even Chi Qian and Liang Huan's phone calls were the same, no one answered.

Jian Zelin hurriedly walked inside. Yu Ma who heard the sound of the car ran out of the kitchen and saw Jian Zelin with a dark face. She didn't know why he came back suddenly.

"Master, didn't you say that you are going to Su's house for dinner tonight?" Yu Ma directly expressed the question in her heart, took Jian Zelin's coat, and stood aside.

"Mum Yu, where is Xue Zhiyan?" Jian Zelin didn't forget to look upstairs while changing his shoes.

"Miss? I haven't seen them go downstairs all afternoon!" Yu Ma looked at the stairs in confusion. Indeed, she hadn't heard anything from Xue Zhiyan, Chi Qian and Liang Huan this afternoon. She felt that the three girls should If there was something personal to say, I didn't go upstairs to disturb her.

It's just that Jian Zelin came back in a hurry, and his expression was so bad, could it be that something happened to Xue Zhiyan? "Master, do you want me to go up..."

"No need, go get busy, Mama Yu, I'll go up and take a look!" Jian Zelin took the coat from Mama's hand, turned around and ran upstairs quickly.

Jian Zelin had no manners at all, and vigorously pushed open the door of Xue Zhiyan's room.It was pitch black inside, so naturally it was impossible to see the frightened eyes cast on the sofa at this time.

Xue Zhiyan didn't know how long he had slept, but he only knew that when he was awakened by the rough sound of the door opening, his whole body was sore, his legs were numb, and he didn't listen to his commands at all.

Looking at the people standing at the door, Xue Zhiyan couldn't help becoming nervous.The room was too dark, and she couldn't turn on the light, so she could only look at the man standing at the door in horror.

With a snap, as Jian Zelin pressed the switch, the room lit up.Xue Zhiyan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the face standing at the door, it turned out to be him.

Jian Zelin frowned and looked at Xue Zhiyan who was sitting on the sofa, strode up to her, and scratched her coldly, "Why didn't you answer the phone?"

Xue Zhiyan blinked innocently, phone?what phone?Subconsciously, she reached out to touch her mobile phone, but couldn't find it.

"Sorry, I put it in the room, I didn't hear it!" Xue Zhiyan stuck out his tongue embarrassingly, clenched his hands into fists and tapped his numb leg, wanting to go back to the room and take out the phone.

But he didn't want his legs and feet to completely disobey his orders, so he rushed forward all at once. If Jian Zelin hadn't caught her quickly with his sharp eyes and hands, she might be face down now, kissing the earth passionately up.

"What's wrong, huh? Sleeping on the sofa?" Jian Zelin hugged Xue Zhiyan to the sofa, and pressed Xue Zhiyan's leg with his own hand to help her relieve the numbness.

"To be honest, I don't know. I sat on the sofa thinking about something, and fell asleep after thinking about it!" Seeing Jian Zelin rubbing her legs, Xue Zhiyan smiled embarrassedly, and beat his own legs with his little hands. Dare to let Jian Zelin do it all.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's dumbfounded look, Jian Zelin shook his head helplessly, but the movements of his hands didn't stop.

This was the first time he helped knock someone's leg, and he never thought of doing something he hadn't done before. He didn't expect to do it for Xue Zhiyan today, but it seems to be pretty good.

"By the way, did you come to see me for something?" Xue Zhiyan knocked for a while before thinking of asking Jian Zelin why he came to her room.

"I went to Su's house for dinner at night, and no one answered my calls. I'm afraid that something will happen to you, so I'll come back and have a look, and pick you up to Su's house by the way." Jian Zelin didn't look at Xue Zhiyan, and slapped Xue Zhiyan's leg seriously, "better No?"

"Ah? Hmm!" Xue Zhiyan felt that Jian Zelin's kicking her legs was so comfortable, Jing lost his mind for a moment, and wanted to let him kick her legs for a lifetime!
Realizing that he had lost his composure, Xue Zhiyan blushed, pulled out the leg that was on his lap, and put on his bear slippers, "Slow and Qianqian, I think they are still asleep, I'll wake them up!"

It was 10 minutes before the three of them came out again, and Xue Zhiyan changed into another set of clothes.Although he was no longer sleepy, he was not energetic either.

Not to mention Liang Huan and Chi Qian who were following her, they just looked like they hadn't had enough sleep yet.Jian Zelin gave them both a blank look, "Are you two still sleeping at night?"

Chi Qian replied unceremoniously with his pair of super invincible big white eyes dedicated to Chi Qian, "Sleep!"

Liang Huan squeezed his shoulders, and looked at Jian Zelin embarrassedly, "It's been a long time since I slept so comfortably, I don't know what happened, but I slept so hard this afternoon, I didn't even hear the phone ring! "

"Well, that's weird!" Chi Qian yawned as she said that, she took Liang Huan's hand and walked into Xue Zhiyan's bathroom.

"Wait a little longer, let's wash our face!" Xue Zhiyan stuck out his tongue again in embarrassment, and followed Chi Qian and Liang Huan into the bathroom.

Jian Zelin looked at the three sleepy-eyed people, and resolutely rejected Liang Huan and Chi Qian's proposal to drive by themselves. Instead, he drove Xue Zhiyan's car and drove the three of them to Chi's house.

While driving, Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan who was drowsy in the passenger seat. To be honest, this was the first time he saw her looking so listless.Even if she was injured and passed out, as soon as she woke up, she would be revived with full blood. She had never been like this before. She looked like someone had drugged her.

Jian Zelin felt that his thoughts were very naive, even if there was no one in the Jian family, no one would dare to enter casually.Not to mention that Yu Ma was at home, Xue Zhiyan was at home with Chi Qian and Liang Huan, so let's go in and take drugs?Wasn't killed by these people?
When the four of them arrived at Su's house, everyone had already sat around the table and waited.Feng Ziyao told a few jokes that he read on the Internet, which made Su Kai and Jian Guozheng laugh out loud, but Yan Shaochen and Su Lingxuan kept their faces the whole time.

Jian Qiyang drank red wine leisurely, glanced at Jian Zelin's figure, and the three small figures following him, and smiled, "The main character is here!"

When Jian Qiyang is silent, he has no sense of existence at all. Once he speaks, he always says something incomprehensible, especially Feng Ziyao. What protagonist.

"What's wrong with the three of you stealing food behind my back, and you can't get through to any of them?" Feng Ziyao rolled his eyes at Xue Zhiyan, only to find that the three of them were pale and not in a good spirits.

"Grandpa Su, these are small biscuits made by Qianqian and I. I hope you don't dislike them!" Liang Huan smiled standardly, and handed the bag in his hand to Su Lingxuan.

Su Lingxuan took the bag from Liang Huan and put it in front of Su Kai.Su Kai looked at the cute villain image on the bag, then glanced at the four girls sitting together, and smiled with satisfaction, "I like it! I just don't know when girl Yan will make some refreshments for grandpa. Make another pot of good tea!"

A perfect smile bloomed on Xue Zhiyan's slightly tired face, "Grandpa, Yan Yan is hungry, and he must be full to have the energy to make tea for you!"

Su Kai glanced at Jian Guozheng with a smile, then pointed to Xue Zhiyan, but didn't say anything, just turned his head and winked at Su Lingxuan, Su Ling immediately turned his head to look at the kitchen, "Aunt Wang, let's serve!"

(End of this chapter)

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