The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 203 Announcing the decision

Chapter 203 Announcing the decision
Because Xue Zhiyan didn't have much energy, he didn't talk much during this meal.Naturally, Feng Ziyao could also see that Chi Qian and Liang Huan were not in a good state, so he didn't pull a few people to tease the poor.

Jian Zelin didn't talk much, Yan Shaochen and Su Lingxuan were afraid that they would expose Su Kai's condition by talking too much, so they had to eat with their heads down.

On the other hand, Jian Qiyang, looking at Xue Zhiyan and her two little sisters who had no energy, asked with a puzzled look: "The three of you are not in good spirits, what happened?"

Xue Zhiyan put down his chopsticks, glanced at the dishes on the table, he had no appetite, "Maybe it's because I slept for too long in the afternoon, and I don't really want to eat!" After speaking, he glanced at Chi Qian and Liang Huan, and found that they were They also put down their chopsticks one after another.

"Well, I'll be full after two bites, I'm not hungry!" Chi Qian stuck out her tongue, she has always been a standard foodie, and this was the first time she felt like she didn't want to eat this table.

"You didn't hear the call because you were sleeping, right?" Yan Shaochen glanced at Liang Huan. Her complexion was indeed not very good. It didn't look like she didn't wake up, but she seemed to be drugged.

The three nodded at the same time, and then looked at each other again, even they themselves were very strange, in the past, they would wake up with a small sound, but today they didn't hear the sound of the phone, it's so strange!

Yan Shaochen glanced at Jian Zelin, then at Su Lingxuan, "Maybe you are too tired recently, girls, you have to pay attention to your body, don't work too hard, you all work so hard, what's the use of a man?"

Xue Zhiyan gave Yan Shaochen a blank look, what does it matter?After being refreshed for a while, he lowered his head listlessly and looked at the table, and stopped talking.

"Yan girl, grandpa has a decision to let you know." Su Kai who had been eating all of a sudden spoke.

Hearing his hoarse voice, Xue Zhiyan looked up at him in surprise, why did his voice become hoarse so quickly, did grandpa catch a cold?

"Grandpa, your voice..." Xue Zhiyan widened his eyes, looked at Su Kai, and wanted to express his doubts, but was interrupted by Su Kai's wave of his hand.

"Grandpa plans to return to country M next week!" Su Kai smiled, and glanced at Jian Guozheng, "Old man Jian was also kidnapped by me, you should do well in China!"

When Xue Zhiyan heard the news, he was surprised and didn't know what to say.All he knew was staring at Jian Guozheng and Su Kai, looking back and forth between their faces.

Isn't this too sudden?How many days have you been back?Xue Zhiyan blinked, expressing that he couldn't believe what he heard.

"Hehe, grandpa came back to see you, so he is satisfied when he sees that you have nothing to do!" Su Kai nodded in satisfaction, "It just so happens that Zelin's birthday will be celebrated next week, and we two old things will leave! "

As Su Kai said, he glanced at Jian Zelin meaningfully.He knew Jian Zelin's temper, if he didn't say it, he might have to go to the cemetery alone to accompany his deceased mother on this birthday, right?Or just hide in your own private villa and disappear for a day.

Xue Zhiyan opened his mouth wide after hearing Su Kai's words, but only moved, but made no sound.

What is the situation of these people? Have you discussed this day?Discuss with Jian Zelin the topic he doesn't want to mention according to the time of three meals?
If she had known that all these would be mentioned, she would not have reached out to touch the hot pot lid, what a pity!Thinking of this, Xue Zhiyan stretched his finger into his mouth again, and sucked it hard twice.

"Tsk tsk tsk, are you disgusting? How old are you still eating your fingers!" Feng Ziyao glanced at Xue Zhiyan with disgust.Turning his head and looking at Su Kai with a serious face, "Old man, can't you stay a few more days? Comrade Yao Xin said that he would treat you to dinner!"

Su Kai waved his hand, "On Linlin's birthday, let Yao Xin come too! Just eat, haha!" Su Kai glanced at the four girls sitting together, and said very seriously, "NO.11 You all have to dress beautifully that day!"

puff!Xue Zhiyan, Feng Ziyao, and Liang Huan couldn't help but laughed, November NO.11?Jian Zelin's birthday on Singles' Day?

"Then NO.11 is going to Jianglin Pavilion that day, or to Jian's house?" Jian Zelin's tone was cold, and it was hard to tell if he was angry.

Xue Zhiyan blinked, completely disbelieving what he heard.This matter that neither Jian Guozheng nor Jian Qiyang can handle, old man Su can handle it with a single sentence?

Except for Jian Zelin, Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao, who were laughing wildly, all looked at Su Kai in surprise. I really didn't expect this old man to convince Jian Zelin with a single sentence.

However, Yan Shaochen and Su Lingxuan knew very well in their hearts that what Jian Zelin did was nothing more than to satisfy Mr. Su's little wish.

"Jane's house!" Su Kai shook his head with a smile, "Oh, I am an old man, I won't sit with you anymore, and I won't keep you after dinner. Young people, just do whatever you want ! I'll go upstairs to rest for a while!" Su Kai left the restaurant after speaking, and went upstairs with his hands behind his back.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Su Kai's back, feeling a little sad in his heart, but he couldn't find the reason.After dinner, she followed Jian Zelin back to Jane's house, she changed her clothes and nestled on the bed, found the most comfortable position, and closed her eyes in satisfaction.

The night was very quiet, and the moonlight shone through the cracks in the curtains.Sprinkled on Xue Zhiyan's bed, according to Xue Zhiyan's sleeping face.Her sleeping face was very peaceful, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, as if she had dreamed of something good.


Allure, luxurious box.

Di Wei, Li Er and Tong Yuan lined up, sitting leisurely on the sofa.

Tong Yuan still held Li Er's waist as always, and swam around Li Er's body dishonestly with his hands.

Di Wei just drank the red wine in the glass quietly, while Li Er was holding Di Wei's phone, looking at the screen on the phone screen, smiling happily.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" Di Wei drank the last drop of wine in the glass, squinting at Li Er who was smiling happily.

She didn't want to do that, but because she saw Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin's intimacy at Jian's house at noon, she decided to follow what Li Er said and drug Xue Zhiyan.

It's just that Xue Zhiyan was not the only one who took the drug, Chi Qian and Liang Huan were also there.

And the picture that was playing on her mobile phone was that the three of them were sleeping peacefully. Even Di Wei quietly returned to Jian's house and entered Xue Zhiyan's room without the three of them noticing.

Want to ask how she got the drugs?It was really thanks to the biscuits baked by Liang Huan and Chi Qian. If Xue Zhiyan hadn't handed her the box containing the biscuits and asked her to eat the biscuits together, how could she have had the chance to prescribe the medicine?
Although the dose of medicine was not large, the three of them were only focused on chatting at that time, so they didn't notice the small movements of Di Wei's hands at all.

"Is it all down?" Tong Yuan raised the corner of his mouth, expressing that he was satisfied with what he saw, but he still did not forget to ask, after all, he gave her quite a lot of medicine.

With a sneer on the corner of Di Wei's mouth, she took out a small glass bottle from her bag and threw it on the low table in front of her, "Don't worry, I won't be so stupid as to lose everything!"

Tong Yuan looked at the medicine bottle on the table, turned his head and kissed Li Er's face, then looked at Di Wei and laughed, "It seems that we still need to find a smart person as a companion!"

However, Di Wei ignored him, added some red wine to her glass, squinted her eyes and sat on the sofa and drank it by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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