The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 229 Small gathering

Chapter 229 Small gathering
Xue Zhiyan patted his chubby stomach, looked at Jian Zelin who was sitting opposite, looked at the empty bowl in front of him, and squinted his eyes in satisfaction.

"You wash the dishes!" Xue Zhiyan looked at the astonished Jian Zelin with a smirk on his face, obviously he didn't expect Xue Zhiyan to let him finish washing.

"Don't look at me with those innocent little eyes! Since I cook, I can't wash the dishes!" Xue Zhiyan said clearly, "Next time you cook for me, I will consciously wash the dishes!"

At this moment, Jian Zelin felt that he and Xue Zhiyan were like a newlywed couple, arguing endlessly over who would wash the dishes and who would cook.

Xue Zhiyan didn't care whether Jian Zelin agreed or not, he just helped put the dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen sink, then turned and went upstairs.

Jian Zelin was forced to do nothing, and for the first time in his life, he dedicated the dishwashing to Xue Zhiyan.Walking out of the kitchen, he saw Xue Zhiyan, who had changed into a suit, was changing shoes at the door.

"Are you going out?" Jian Zelin frowned, but asked anyway.He still wants to tell her about Chi Yuan!
"Yeah!" Xue Zhiyan put the replaced bear slippers into the shoe cabinet, and tapped his toes, "I'll go there slowly, I won't come at night! You can do whatever you want!"

"That..." Jian Zelin realized for the first time that he was sometimes speechless.

Xue Zhiyan didn't notice that Jian Zelin still had something to say, took his own things and left Jian's house without looking back.

Jian Zelin shook his head helplessly, wanting to know what he looks like now, feeling lost, as if being left out by his wife...

When Xue Zhiyan waited, Chi Qian was also there.When she has nothing to do recently, she will come here to help Liang Huan, because she knows that Xue Zhiyan is now kept in Kaisheng by Su Lingxuan, and there is very little time to come to help.

Chi Qian and Liang Huan were not surprised when they saw Xue Zhiyan, because she said that she would come to help if there was nothing to do on the weekend.Now that Su Kai and Jian Guozheng have left again, she naturally has nothing to do.

"That's right!" Chi Qian ate a piece of chocolate biscuit she made herself, and then she remembered something, and turned her head to look at Xue Zhiyan seriously.

Xue Zhiyan was startled by Chi Qian's serious eyes, what's the matter, so serious?

Liang Huan also laughed. Looking at Xue Zhiyan's appearance, he could tell that neither Jian Zelin nor Su Lingxuan had told her yet!
"My brother is back!" Chi Qian swallowed and spoke calmly.

"Well, come back!" Xue Zhiyan didn't seem to realize it yet, isn't it her brother who is back, so there is no need to be so solemn?
"I said, my brother is back!" Chi Qian repeated, and she knew that Xue Zhiyan must not have listened.

"I'll come back when I come back! Is it possible that I still have to wear a fancy dress to meet him?" Xue Zhiyan gave Chi Qian an impatient look, saying it once is enough, why say it twice?

"She's talking about her brother——Chi Yuan!" Liang Xu really got over Xue Zhiyan's rough nerves, sometimes it can really piss people off!

"Huh?" Xue Zhiyan heard it clearly this time, and then jumped up from his seat as if he had touched a switch, "Who are you talking about?"

Liang Huan looked around, did not scare the customers in the shop, reached out to grab Xue Zhiyan, and asked her to sit back on the seat.

"Chi Yuan is back! Yesterday morning!" Liang Huan said lightly, she didn't know what kind of past Chi Yuan had with Xue Zhiyan.

But the fact that the four young masters of City S are all gathered together means that our socialite, Ms. Xue, is going to hit the headlines again.

The two old ones really left, and they thought they could calm down in a few days, but who knew that they sent a younger one back, and this younger one was obviously more difficult to deal with than the two old ones!
"My god! Don't make me gasp!" Xue Zhiyan let out a long breath, and lay down on the table weakly.

Although she didn't have much memory of Chi Yuan, she knew that as soon as Chi Yuan came back, she thought that the attention of the outside world would be on the four of them once again.

Of course, with the Yan family now, there are five families, and Xue Zhiyan, as the only heir of the Xue family, naturally has to be counted as one of them.

I'm afraid it will be lively for a while at that time, there will be more invitations to receptions and banquets, and then the reporters will look through their past news, who is right with whom, who has hope with whom, marriage contract, man Girlfriend, here comes the messy problem!
"Didn't Jian Zelin tell you?" Chi Qian looked at Xue Zhiyan in disbelief, there was no way he wouldn't say this!

Only then did Xue Zhiyan remember that when he came out of Jian's house just now, Jian Zelin was hesitant to speak, maybe he wanted to tell him about it?
"Before he had time to say it, I ran out!" Xue Zhiyan sighed, thinking of the missed call in his mobile phone, he continued to ask: "Did you call me yesterday to say that?"

Chi Qian and Liang Huan nodded, "Jian Zelin was arranging dinner at Linge at night, so she called Yaoyao, but Yaoyao was too busy and didn't have time, so I dragged her away slowly, and didn't go!"

"Isn't that going to be a supplementary meal later?" Xue Zhiyan knew that this meal must still be eaten.

After all, 13 years have passed, and she doesn't remember what Chi Yuan looks like at all, maybe even Chi Yuan doesn't know what she looks like anymore.

"But there is something I have to tell you!" Liang Huan suppressed a smile, thinking of Chi Yuan's expression yesterday morning, he wanted to laugh.

"What's the matter?" Xue Zhiyan rested his chin with one hand, looked at the two men who were laughing like thieves, and knew that they must have done nothing good.

"Xuan just saw my perverted brother yesterday morning, so I gave him a shadowless kick!" Chi Qian picked up the teacup and moistened her throat.

"I guess there should be a bruise on my stomach!" Liang Huan also picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea.

"What?" Xue Zhiyan's scream this time successfully attracted the attention of the guests.

Liang Huan gave Xue Zhiyan a blank look, and gave Chi Qian a wink, and Chi Qian covered Xue Zhiyan's mouth in understanding, "Listen to us explaining to you in detail!"

Then the three of them lowered their voices and brought their heads together.Chi Qian and Liang Huan described what happened yesterday morning to Xue Zhiyan with eloquence.

"Hahaha!" Xue Zhiyan covered his mouth and smiled, his eyes narrowed together after listening, "Are you his sister? My brother was beaten by his best friend and he still laughed. Why do I think you are?" I'm gloating!"

Chi Qian didn't mind, she just shrugged her shoulders, "That sex embryo always thought that all women would be fascinated by him, maybe it's the first time someone won't buy it?"

Xue Zhiyan laughed even more mysteriously, and glanced at Liang Huan, of course Liang Huan knew what she meant.

"Stop looking, you two, I don't understand!" Chi Qian reached out and shook her hand between the two, interrupting their eye contact.

"I just thought of someone suddenly. If I saw someone like your brother, I would probably turn around and leave!" Xue Zhiyan said mysteriously.

"Who?" Chi Qian was confused, seeing her brother turn around and leave like this, how is brother?

"Feng Ziyao!" Liang Huan didn't give a damn and said Feng Ziyao's name directly.

Seeing that Chi Qian still didn't understand, Xue Zhiyan continued: "You will know later!"

At this time, Feng Ziyao, who was sitting in front of the computer and editing the design draft, and Chi Yuan, who was sitting in the office reading documents, both sneezed loudly...

(End of this chapter)

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