The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 230 Who Plagiarized Who

Chapter 230 Who Plagiarized Who
Xue Zhiyan really didn't go back to Jane's house at night. He originally called Feng Ziyao, wanting her to come over and have a good time together, but he didn't expect her phone to be disconnected.

What the four little sisters originally wanted to discuss was over.

Xue Zhiyan was woken up by his own phone call. Seeing that it was Su Lingxuan, Xue Zhiyan couldn't control his anger when he woke up.

In fact, she was really like Chi Qian said, relying on Su Lingxuan to rely on her in everything, she acted like a baby and bullied her endlessly, so in the eyes of outsiders, the two of them were a couple.

But she just wanted outsiders to see them as a couple, so they wouldn't force her to make a pair with Jian Zelin, so that Jian Zelin wouldn't have to be embarrassed.

But this kind of thing was all her wishful thinking, she never thought about seriously asking how Jian Zelin felt about her, even she herself didn't know how her feelings for Jian Zelin were.

"Hello!" Because he hadn't woken up yet, Xue Zhiyan's voice was a little hoarse, with a hint of coquetry.

"Get up and change immediately and wait for me at the door! I'll be there in half an hour!" Su Lingxuan's tone sounded tough, and before Xue Zhiyan asked why, he hung up the phone.

Xue Zhiyan, who hadn't woken up in the first place, lay on the bed, held his phone and looked at it for more than ten minutes before realizing Su Lingxuan's words.

Immediately, she jumped off the bed suddenly, and with her characteristics, she stumbled to the bathroom, ignoring the leg of the table chair just now, and started to wash.

After tidying up as quickly as possible, I took a can of yogurt from the refrigerator, and as soon as I opened the door, I saw Su Lingxuan walking into the yard.

"Have you eaten yet?" Xue Zhiyan remembered that he only took a can of yogurt and forgot about Su Lingxuan's.

Xue Zhiyan stopped closing the door, turned around and went back to help Su Lingxuan get another can of yogurt.Before he could go back, Su Lingxuan pulled him over.

"I didn't eat! Don't take it, hurry up and follow me!" Su Lingxuan took the things in Xue Zhiyan's hand, fearing that she would not be able to keep up, so a princess hugged her into the car.

Xue Zhiyan was sitting in the car, looking at the flustered Su Lingxuan, today is Sunday, is there any emergency that requires us to work overtime?
"Drink the yogurt first!" Su Lingxuan frowned seeing Xue Zhiyan staring at him intently, refusing to eat.

Picking up the yogurt that Xue Zhiyan put aside, stuffed it into her hand, saved up and drove the car seriously.

"Is the matter urgent?" Xue Zhiyan bit his straw while turning his head to look at Su Lingxuan who was driving seriously.

Su Lingxuan did not speak, but nodded.His expression still looked serious, not softened a bit. "Aze is also on his way to the company."

"Is it the development project of Xinjingdi?" Xue Zhiyan also guessed randomly, because in her impression, the only case that can make him and Jian Zelin so nervous at the same time is Xinjingdi.

"You'll know when you arrive!" Su Lingxuan frowned even more, her heart was already in a mess, she had already passed the preliminary review, how could there be such a similar design draft, and it was her?
Originally it took four to ten minutes by car, but it took Su Lingxuan two to ten minutes to arrive.The car was parked outside Shengshi Building. When Xue Zhiyan and Su Lingxuan got out of the car, Jian Zelin also got out of the car.

Jian Zelin looked at the two people who got out of the car together, and frowned in displeasure.In Xue Zhiyan's eyes, he thought he was also anxious about the development of Xinjingdi.

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan walked in front side by side, without saying a word, with solemn expressions.Xue Zhiyan followed closely behind the two of them, and Xue Zhiyan was secretly thankful that he was wearing flat shoes today, if they were replaced with high heels, she would really suffer.

Lin Zhuo and another secretary were already in Jian Zelin's office, Xue Zhiyan looked at the piles of documents on Jian Zelin's desk, and couldn't help but sigh Lin Zhuo's ability to handle affairs.

Jian Zelin sat on the sofa and directed Lin Zhuo to move all the documents to the sofa.Su Lingxuan sat down next to Jian Zelin, picked up the documents on the table and began to read.

From the beginning to the end, the faces of the two of them were tense, and there was a tendency of getting tighter and tighter.Seeing Lin Zhuo and the other male secretary retreat, Xue Zhiyan stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

Jian Zelin noticed that Xue Zhiyan was at a loss, and when he looked up, he saw her standing there stiffly, not knowing what to do.

Xue Zhiyan raised his head and met Jian Zelin's gaze, "Well, you read the documents, let me go outside and prepare some food for you?"

Xue Zhiyan knew that companies like Kaisheng and Shengshi had rest rooms for their employees.The company will provide snacks for employees, so that everyone can have physical strength to work at any time, so that they will not lose concentration due to hunger.

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave, but Jian Zelin stopped her and patted the empty space beside him, "Come here, let me show you something!"

Xue Zhiyan was surprised by Jian Zelin's attitude towards her.But she walked over and sat beside him.

Maybe it's because of sitting too close, I can smell the faint smell of aftershave on Jian Zelin's body, it smells very good.

"Look at these two design drawings!" Before Xue Zhiyan could smell him enough, Jian Zelin stuffed the two documents into her arms.

"Look at the design drawings in the red folder first!" Jian Zelin didn't know why Xue Zhiyan was in a daze, but thought she was a little too slow, "Then look at the ones in the yellow folder!"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, as if he understood the reason for working overtime urgently today.If she guessed correctly, there should be similar designs in the design drafts collected by Xinjingdi.

Xue Zhiyan opened the red folder according to Jian Zelin's instructions, and the first thing he saw was the designer's information.

"Lin Mo, male, Chinese." Xue Zhiyan couldn't take it anymore after seeing the photo, and directly turned over the page of personal information.

This person she was familiar with couldn't be more familiar, Feng Ziyao's ex-boyfriend, a standard scumbag.While dating Feng Ziyao, he also dated many women, the most annoying thing was that he would steal Feng Ziyao's designs and sell them.

He was the one who beat up in Qingcheng last time, but I didn't expect that when he had that talent, he even voted for the design.

The moment Xue Zhiyan saw the design draft, Xue Zhiyan was dumbfounded. Why does this picture look so familiar?Seems like I've seen it somewhere.

Squeezing his chin, Xue Zhiyan threw the red folder in his hand to Jian Zelin.Then open the black folder Jian Zelin gave her.

Sure enough, the designer profile in the black folder was Feng Ziyao.Xue Zhiyan quickly turned to the back, and saw a more perfect design than the previous one.

But no matter how perfect it is, it cannot conceal the fact that the two designs were made by one person.It's just that Feng Ziyao actually took her joke seriously, and...

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan were very satisfied with Xue Zhiyan's attitude at this time, it seemed that she knew what was going on.But what happened to the tears in her eyes?
Xue Zhiyan sniffed, tears still rolling in his eyes.He raised his head and looked seriously at Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan, his red lips parted slightly, and his words were clear, "You can sue Lin Mo for plagiarism!"

(End of this chapter)

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