The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 235 Feng Ziyao's Fury

Chapter 235 Feng Ziyao's Fury ([-])
"Yaoyao!" Liang Huan wanted to pull Feng Ziyao, but was stopped by Yan Shaochen.

Liang Huan also glared fiercely at Yan Shaochen, but Yan Shaochen pulled her and shook his head.He bent down and whispered in her ear, "Quickly ask where Xue Zhiyan is?"

Yan Shaochen knew that as long as one of the three of them had something to do, the other two would definitely be there.As for today's matter, Liang Huan was the one who discovered it, and Xue Zhiyan will arrive soon, and maybe Chi Qian will also come back.Because when Liang Huan used the chat software to communicate with them, he watched them clearly.

Of course, he wasn't peeking, he just wanted to know who she was chatting with.Of course, after seeing that it was a small group with only the four of them, I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yaoyao, listen to me!" Shen Luyao protected her stomach with one hand, and pulled Feng Ziyao's arm with the other, "You can't blame your father for this!"

Feng Ziyao shook off her hand impatiently, "It's not my dad's fault, it's because you have someone outside?"

Seeing Shen Luyao's stunned expression and Feng Jing's angry face, Feng Ziyao actually burst out laughing, "Hahaha, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that your suave and suave Feng Jing, Mr. Feng, would also be cuckolded sometimes? "

"You!" Feng Jing raised his hand to hit Feng Ziyao, but was stopped by Shen Luyao.

Seeing the person next to the pillow shaking his head at him, Feng Jing's slap did not come off in the end.The angry Feng Jing no longer looked at Feng Ziyao, but turned his head to look to the side.

"Yaoyao, it's really not what you think!" Shen Luyao directly pulled Feng Ziyao's arm with both hands this time, with a pleading expression on her face, "I'm 39 years old, and the doctor said that if I had another pregnancy If you drop it, you will never have another chance!"

Feng Ziyao shook off Shen Luyao's holding her hand again, and sneered, even looking at her with cold eyes.

"You are almost forty, don't you know there is a thing called a condom?" Feng Ziyao's eyes were cold, and the rest was ridicule, "You don't pay attention to protective measures, and you keep using them again and again." Is San's abortion still my fault?"

"Did I tell you not to take protective measures?" Feng Ziyao laughed dryly as he spoke, completely ignoring the unfamiliar Yan Shaochen standing behind him.

"Why are you talking!" Feng Jing trembled angrily when he heard Feng Ziyao's words, "Luyao is your elder no matter what, you should call her auntie!"

"Auntie?" Feng Ziyao squinted at Feng Jing, pointed at the woman standing beside him with his pretty hand, "She is also worthy?"

"You!" Feng Jing was choked again by Feng Ziyao, not knowing what to say.

"What me!" Feng Ziyao withdrew his hand, put his hands on his chest, and sneered, "I haven't forgotten how you two promised my mother back then!"

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Feng Ziyao laughed again, "Do you want me to help you two remember?"

"Yaoyao, I beg you! I beg you to let me keep this child, and I promise that he will not fight with you when he grows up!" Shen Luyao shivered after hearing Feng Ziyao's words. I wish I could kneel down and beg her.

"Don't beg me!" Feng Ziyao still had a cold attitude, and he didn't take a look at the woman, "You shouldn't break your promises!"

Yan Shaochen's brows became tighter and tighter, this was the way he saw Feng Ziyao this time.Seeing the crowd gradually increasing, I became even more impatient.

On the other side, Xue Zhiyan had just parked the car and stepped on the rough ground when she realized that she had lost one of her shoes at some point.

While she was in a daze, another car stopped beside her, and Jian Zelin got off first, followed by Su Lingxuan and the man she had never seen in the meeting room.

Jian Zelin walked up to Xue Zhiyan with a dark face, grabbed the car key from her hand, and hugged her horizontally.

Before walking a few steps, Chi Qian also drove there.Before he could stop the car, he jumped out of the car.

"Brother?" Seeing her elder brother, Chi Qian frowned displeasedly, but she didn't have time to say anything more, but put a pair of flat shoes in front of Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin sensibly put Xue Zhiyan down, Xue Zhiyan didn't have time to say thank you, and also didn't have time to catch up with the man Chi Qian called brother.After putting on his shoes, he took Chi Qian's hand and ran towards the place Liang Huan said.

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan looked at each other tacitly, and the three men followed without saying a word, and strode over.

"Shen Luyao, don't talk nonsense!" Feng Ziyao shook off Shen Luyao's hand again, and Liang Huan and Yan Shaochen who were standing aside did not dare to stop her.

Just for a while, this woman named Shen Luyao has been thrown away five times, this time is the sixth time.No matter how she begged, Feng Ziyao had a cold attitude, and he must let her go in and get rid of this child.

"Yaoyao, even if Dad begs you!" Feng Jing finally couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but begged her, "Just let Aunt Shen keep the child, okay?"

"Don't beg me!" Feng Ziyao still had that sneer on his face, "When I begged you not to divorce my mother, you were even worse than me now!"

"Yaoyao, I'm sorry! But this child is innocent! He is your younger brother and sister!" Shen Luyao walked over again, also reaching out to grab Feng Ziyao's hand.

"Brother? Sister? Hahaha!" Feng Ziyao laughed, and two crystal tears fell from the corners of his eyes when he laughed, "It's ridiculous! My mother only has one daughter! Where did I get my brother or sister?"

Feng Ziyao wiped the corners of his eyes, put away the smile on his face, and turned his cold eyes to Shen Luyao again, "Would you like to go in and register by yourself, or do you want me to drag you in!"

"Yaoyao, I beg you!" Shen Luyao still begged, but Feng Ziyao remained unmoved.

Even Feng Jing came over to pull Feng Ziyao's arm, because Shen Luyao had already killed more than a dozen children in the past ten years because she promised Feng Ziyao and Yao Xin.

This is her last chance, she didn't want it, but Shen Luyao really wanted a child belonging to two people.Even Feng Jing was a little tempted, fearing that Yao Xin and Feng Ziyao would find out, so he came to the most famous Chenguang Hospital in S City for an examination.He just wanted to hide the child from Yao Xin's mother and daughter, but Feng Ziyao found out about it.

"Yaoyao, don't do this!" Liang Huan couldn't stand it anymore, that Shen Luyao was also a poor woman.

For the position of the main room, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his children.How else can we say that poor people must have something to hate?

"Slow down, stand far away, I don't want to hurt you!" Feng Ziyao wanted to watch Shen Luyao walk into the disposal room from the bottom of his heart today.

She knew that she would not recognize anyone when she went crazy, so in order not to hurt her sister, she had no choice but to keep Liang Huan away.

Only then did Liang Huan realize how much trouble he had caused because of his momentary mistake.But why hasn't Xue Zhiyan come yet?
Liang Huan looked at Yan Shaochen as if asking for help, as if asking him if he saw Xue Zhiyan.Yan Shaochen shook his head in reply, he didn't dare to go forward to persuade her, after all, this was a family matter, and what Feng Ziyao said at the beginning meant to let him leave it alone.

"Shen Luyao, you go by yourself, or I'll drag you!" Feng Ziyao rolled up his sleeves, and took a step towards Shen Luyao.

(End of this chapter)

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