The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 236 Feng Ziyao's Fury

Chapter 236 Feng Ziyao's Fury ([-])
Seeing Feng Ziyao taking a step towards her, Shen Luyao took a step back in fear.The hand holding Feng Jing couldn't help tightening, and the trembling body was even more obvious.

She couldn't be more aware of the feeling when the cold thing entered her body.In order to be Feng Jing's wife, the promise she made in the past ten years finally let her know how stupid she was back then.

In the past ten years, more than a dozen children have been killed.Every time she saw someone else's child called mother, she wanted to go to Feng Ziyao, take back the letter of guarantee, tear it up, and have a child of her own with Feng Jing.

"Since you don't make the choice yourself, I will choose for you!" Feng Ziyao took advantage of Shen Luyao's blankness and walked to her side.

Feng Ziyao's cold hands tightly grasped Shen Luyao's arm, and pulled her towards her.While pulling, Feng Ziyao also walked in.

Yan Shaochen didn't expect that Feng Ziyao, who looked thin, had such great strength that he actually dragged Shen Luyao for a distance.

"Let go of her!" Feng Jing was also furious, ignoring his President Feng's face, strode forward and grabbed Shen Luyao's other hand, and at the same time slapped Feng Ziyao's hand holding Shen Luyao hard. superior.

Of course Feng Ziyao was not a fool, he let go of his hand the moment his hand fell.Feng Jing slapped Shen Luyao's arm accurately with a powerful slap.

Shen Luyao withdrew her hand in pain, and didn't have time to complain about Feng Jing.

"Feng Jing, if I tell Yao Xin that you beat me, do you think she will call the police and arrest you!" Feng Ziyao looked at the couple with a smile on his face, and kept fantasizing about Feng Jing being killed by the police. The look of taking away.

"I am your father!"

"My father died a long time ago!" Feng Ziyao was already crazy at this time, and he said such words in front of Feng Jing.

Feng Jing didn't expect Feng Ziyao to think of him like this, and the trace of guilt towards her was replaced by anger at this moment.

Raising his hand, he slapped Feng Ziyao's cold face fiercely.Seeing this, Shen Luyao hurriedly threw herself on Feng Ziyao. If Feng Jing slapped her, there would be no room for discussion about the child in her stomach.

Feng Ziyao didn't appreciate Shen Luyao's actions at all, he didn't even bother to push her.As soon as Shen Luyao raised her slender buttocks, before Shen Luyao could reach her, she kicked her out.

"Yaoyao!" Xue Zhiyan ran to him, and saw Feng Ziyao kicking away Shen Luyao who was rushing towards her, and Feng Jing's hand was about to greet Feng Ziyao's face.

"Luyao!" Feng Jing's slap missed again, not because he didn't see it right.

But just when his slap was about to greet Feng Ziyao's face, Liang Huan hugged Feng Ziyao tightly from behind.Because of the inertia of the movement, Feng Ziyao hadn't retracted his raised foot, Liang Huan hugged Feng Ziyao and fell to the ground.

"Luyao, are you okay!" Feng Jinglai saw Shen Luyao lying on the ground in pain, and the bright red liquid oozing from her lower body, so she knew that Shen Luyao's last chance was gone.

Feng Ziyao helped Liang Huan sit up, rubbed his palms, and looked at Liang Huan worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Liang Huan shook his head, and supported Feng Ziyao to stand up.Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian froze in place, looking at the big pool of blood on the ground in horror.

Feng Ziyao glanced at Shen Luyao, his originally nervous expression instantly became indifferent, "It saves me trouble!"

Yan Shaochen frowned and glanced at Shen Luyao who was lying on the ground, then at Feng Ziyao, and shook his head helplessly.As a doctor, he has the duty to save lives and heal the wounded.

Glancing at Jian Zelin and the other three who were also stunned in place, he sighed, stepped forward and hugged Shen Luyao who was lying on the ground.

Judging by the amount of bleeding, you can tell that this child must be lost!I had to send it to the emergency room first, and then let the obstetrics prepare for the operating room!

"Yaoyao, are you okay!?" Xue Zhiyan didn't realize until Yan Shaochen disappeared holding Shen Luyao, and ran to Feng Ziyao's side, pulling her arm nervously, looking up and down.

Feng Ziyao shook his head, "It's okay, I just wiped my palms when I fell, and I'll be fine when I go back to disinfect it!" There was a comforting smile on the corner of his mouth, he was completely different from the cold woman just now.

The three of Jian Zelin, who had been standing on one side without moving, didn't believe what they saw at all, let alone Feng Ziyao would force his father's wife to kill his brother or sister!
Especially Chi Yuan, who couldn't believe what he saw with his own eyes.He has seen domineering and pungent, but never seen Feng Ziyao so domineering and pungent!
"Let's go!" Feng Ziyao took Liang Huan's hand and was about to leave. Her goal had been achieved, so why stay here?Hold a mourning party for the child in that woman's womb?

"Come in with me!" Feng Jing was furious, and immediately grabbed Feng Ziyao's shoulders with such force that Feng Ziyao's face turned pale instantly.

"Feng Jing, let go! I'll just pretend that what happened today never happened, and I won't tell my mother!" Feng Ziyao tried to struggle a few times, but he couldn't break away from Feng Jing's arms around her shoulders.

With that strength, I wish I could crush her shoulders!

Except for Xue Zhiyan and the others who were standing in front of her, Jian Zelin's jaws dropped in shock. What does it mean to pretend that today's event never happened?

A fresh life in the future will be ruined in her hands like this, how can she act as if nothing happened?
Feng Jing was already dazzled by anger, he didn't care what Feng Ziyao said, he just put his arms around her shoulders and half dragged her into the hospital.

"Uncle, let go! You're hurting Yaoyao!" Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan followed Feng Jing closely and walked inside.

Feng Jing acted as if he didn't hear what the two of them said, dragging Feng Ziyao inside with no expression on his face.

Liang Huan looked at Feng Ziyao's increasingly pale face, afraid that Feng Jing would crush her shoulder.Chasing from the other side, trying to grab Feng Jing's hand, but Feng Jing didn't even look at anyone, and directly pushed Chi Qian aside.

Chi Qian staggered a few steps, if it wasn't for Chi Yuan who followed behind to support her, she might have fallen to the ground.

"Hurry up! Let the old man let go!" Chi Qian looked at Feng Jing and Feng Ziyao nervously before she could stand still, "Feng Ziyao's shoulders are about to be crushed by him!"

When Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan caught up with Feng Jing, he had already let go of Feng Ziyao.It's just that Feng Ziyao slumped on the ground in a bit of embarrassment, obviously being thrown aside by Feng Jing.

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan are no strangers to Feng Jing, and most of the logistics companies are owned by him.It's just that he didn't expect that the flamboyant Mr. Feng was Feng Ziyao's father.

"Feng Jing, do you keep me here to hold a mourning party for your dead children?" Feng Ziyao rubbed his sore shoulders, he didn't expect this old thing to use such a big one today. strength.

"You have to apologize to her!" Feng Jing looked at the lights in the operating room nervously, without looking back, and said coldly.

"Apologize?" Feng Ziyao stood up with the help of Liang Huan and Xue Zhiyan, and sneered at Feng Jing whose back was facing her, "I apologize to her, who apologizes to me! Huh?"

When Feng Jing heard Feng Ziyao's questioning, his body visibly shook, but Mr. Feng is Mr. Feng, why haven't you seen such a big storm?She still straightened her back, facing Feng Ziyao.

(End of this chapter)

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