Chapter 242
Xue Zhiyan was awakened by the pain.Lying on the bed curled up, trying to relieve the pain from the stomach by squeezing.

Holding the phone with difficulty, he checked the time. It was almost ten o'clock, and Jian Zelin was almost gone.After struggling for a while, Xue Zhiyan clutched his stomach and went downstairs after washing.

When I walked into the kitchen, the little maid happened to be cleaning.Seeing Xue Zhiyan walk in, he brought Xue Zhiyan the porridge that was still warm in the pot.

"Miss, the young master said that you didn't eat anything last night, so..." The little maid held the bowl respectfully, glanced at Xue Zhiyan, hesitated to speak.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at the black rice porridge in the bowl, and instantly felt his stomach twitch again.Then he took the bowl and drank it as he walked out.

Xue Zhiyan was never someone who would wrong her stomach, even if she was still brooding over what happened to Di Wei yesterday, she would not refuse Jian Zelin's porridge.

After all, she can have trouble with others, but there is no need to have trouble with herself.It's even less necessary when she's not feeling well.Why bother to wrong yourself for others.

Seeing another maid who came in carrying a bunch of snacks, Xue Zhiyan frowned and stopped her, "Don't buy the chocolate bars in that cabinet in the future, I don't like sweets!"

The maid was obviously taken aback, and then looked at the chocolates in her hand, her face was a little unhappy.

Xue Zhiyan gave her a smile, "Take these and eat them, don't be nervous, I just feel a little uncomfortable, so I look a little..."

The maid also knew that after this Miss Xue came to Jian's house, the atmosphere in Jian's house had changed a lot.So he nodded, turned around holding the things in his hand and went out again.

"By the way, miss, when the young master left in the morning, he said that he would not come back for lunch at noon, so you can handle it yourself!" The little maid who tidied up the kitchen should have finished tidying up, so she ran out and stood respectfully beside Xue Zhiyan, talking to her.

Xue Zhiyan nodded, it happened that she was not feeling well today and was too lazy to do it. "Let him go, you can go back when you're done, I can do it myself!"

The little maid smiled embarrassedly. Although this Miss Xue was easy to get along with, it still put some pressure on her today.

Because Xue Zhiyan's complexion didn't look very good, and even his tone of speech was not as kind as usual.

Xue Zhiyan heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the cleaning servants leaving the main house one after another, and curled up on the sofa in the living room.

She hadn't had a stomachache for a long time, and finally experienced it again today.It was so ecstasy!

Xue Zhiyan wanted to use the temperature of his palms to warm his stomach, but he didn't expect that his hands were also cold, and he could still feel cool when covering his stomach with his clothes.

Xue Zhiyan opened the drawer where his usual medicines were kept. Except for painkillers, there were no other stomach medicines in it.

God is going to kill me!Xue Zhiyan sighed helplessly, so he took another painkiller and threw it into his mouth.

She hugged her tablet and mobile phone and shrank back into the quilt, and then put her bed partner on her stomach, which would make her more comfortable.

I thought that when I opened the refrigerator just now, the yogurt in it had been drunk.I was so busy drinking porridge that I forgot to ask them to make up some yogurt tomorrow.

It's really been a long time at home, and my memory will decline.After resting at home for four or five days, the marks on my face have faded a lot, but there are still some blue spots.

But Yan Shaochen had seen it, and said that it was going to be cured soon after it turned blue and yellow.Thinking of this, Xue Zhiyan thought to himself, if he put on light makeup to cover up and go out, it shouldn't be a problem.

Action is worse than heartbeat, pick up the phone and ask Chi Qian if this method is feasible.But her stomach twitched at this moment, reminding her that she should not even think about going out today.

Xue Zhiyan had no choice but to put down the phone, and I continued to read the novel I accidentally turned to that day on the bed.She rarely reads online novels, but let alone, it's really interesting!

Xue Zhiyan was so engrossed in watching it that he didn't even feel the vibration of his phone.

After Jian Zelin made the fifth call to Xue Zhiyan, but still no one answered, he angrily left the phone on his desk.

This woman is really stingy!It's been a day and I still haven't answered his call.

It's just that he didn't know that Xue Zhiyan was just fascinated by reading the novel at this moment, and didn't feel it.

Xue Zhiyan's main activity today is to fight against her stomach, and of course the battlefield is her comfortable bed.

Xue Zhiyan threw the tablet aside when he was tired of watching, covered him with the quilt and went to sleep.That's why she went to bed after taking painkillers, and she knew it herself.

No matter what the medicine was, even ordinary vitamins, Xue Zhiyan would feel sleepy after taking it.I don't know if it's the sequelae of that incident when I was a child, anyway, as long as it's in the form of a pill, she will be like this after eating it.

Xue Zhiyan perfectly explained what it means, you give me a bed, and I can sleep until the world perishes.

Xue Zhiyan woke up once in the afternoon. For some reason, the dark world that hadn't appeared in her dream for a long time appeared again.

Xue Zhiyan, who was sweating profusely, sat on the bed panting heavily. The pain in her stomach reminded her that the painkillers had worn off.

Xue Zhiyan struggled to go to the bathroom, came back and threw the last painkiller into his mouth, and then took out her life-saving straw from under the pillow.

Plug your earbuds and press play.The music that could calm her down was passed into her brain.

Xue Zhiyan pursed his lips tightly, lay back down again, covered the quilt, and waited for the medicine to come up.

It seemed that it was because of the music hypnosis, Xue Zhiyan felt that the strength of the medicine came up very quickly this time, and soon she fell asleep again.

Of course, after she threw the phone on the bed in the morning, she never looked at it again.Naturally, he didn't know that his mobile phone was about to be blown up by Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan.

Xue Zhiyan slept soundly, but the four men in Jian Zelin's office couldn't.You know, even Su Lingxuan has never seen Xue Zhiyan's real anger.

Jian Zelin only saw her go crazy, that was when she was kidnapped by that Chen Hang, so she knew that Xue Zhiyan's temper was not that good either.

"Then shall we go at night?" Chi Yuan hesitated a little, after all, this Xue Zhiyan now is very different from the gentle Xue Zhiyan he knew when he was a child.

Jian Zelin nodded, "Go, why not! Don't forget that it is my site!"

Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen frowned. "Are you sure you want to go? Yuan has recruited a group of beauties!" Yan Shaochen frowned, "And Di Wei will go too!"

Jian Zelin nodded again, looked at the time, "Let's go to eat later, and then go to my place!"

Su Ling couldn't resist a few people, so he nodded obediently.He took out his phone and looked again, but there was still no response from Xue Zhiyan.I just hope that Xue Zhiyan went out to find Chi Qian and Liang Huan today, not at Jian's house...

(End of this chapter)

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