Chapter 243 Party?
When Xue Zhiyan woke up again, the room was dark.The music in the earphones was still playing, and the pajamas on her body were sticky to her body due to sweating.

He touched his cell phone in the dark, and when it turned on, Xue Zhiyan was startled.

Aside from the 140 and six missed calls displayed on the phone screen, I was taken aback by the time alone. It's already [-]:[-]?

Xue Zhiyan reached out and turned on the lamp beside the bed, and the dim light instantly illuminated the dark room.I don't know if it's because of the hunger or because the stomachache is not good, but Xue Zhiyan still feels uncomfortable in his stomach.

He took off his headphones, put on a blanket, and wanted to go downstairs to get something to eat.Looking down at his sweat-drenched hair and the sticky feeling on his body, Xue Zhiyan still frowned in displeasure.

Xue Zhiyan wrapped himself in a bath towel and went to the clothes room to change after taking a shower, only to hear the intermittent sound of singing from downstairs. He didn't want to know what was going on downstairs, so he frowned and picked out another white nightdress.

Xue Zhiyan has a habit, that is, she will wear pajamas and pajamas in summer, but when it is cold in winter, she is more willing to wear a nightdress.

Especially like the pure white cotton nightdress she was wearing at this time, of course it was long-sleeved.His half-dry hair was scattered on his shoulders, his face was a little pale, and his lips were bloodless.

When Xue Zhiyan changed into his pajamas and took the towel back to the bathroom, he didn't forget to apply some lotion on his face. Looking at his face in the mirror that had gradually improved, Xue Zhiyan smiled with satisfaction. Put on some light makeup by yourself, so you can go out for a stroll!

Suppressing her hunger, Xue Zhiyan went down to the second floor and found that the music downstairs was really loud, making her dizzy and flustered.Halfway through, she returned to her room, plugged the earphones into her mobile phone, turned on her favorite music, and went downstairs to look for food with a faint smile on her lips.

To be honest, the music played on her mobile phone is no better than the music played by the stereo surround sound downstairs. It's just because it's a popular tune that she likes to listen to, so it doesn't have that deafening feeling.

Xue Zhiyan went down to the first floor, and saw the smoky first floor, and the loud shouts of men and women. This is what really screwed her eyebrows together, not only her eyebrows, but also her nose, eyes and mouth. If so, they would have already hugged each other.

That's how much you smoked!Xue Zhiyan looked at the green smoke in the air, and thought of the eyes that Di Wei made when she was in the kitchen that day, is it all right?
But she didn't care how much they smoked, she came for food.She urgently needs food to warm her stomach, and her complexion will only soften when her stomach warms up.

Glancing at the men and women sitting in the living room, Xue Zhiyan really just glanced at them, then walked into the kitchen.

However, she was dressed in white pajamas and her long black hair was too conspicuous at night, which still caught Jian Zelin's attention.

Jian Zelin watched as Xue Zhiyan ran into the kitchen in a hurry, his face, which was originally the same as the Q of diamonds in playing cards, looked more like the Q of diamonds.

He will never be absent from such gatherings of men and women organized by Chi Yuan, but he has never changed his attitude of rejecting others thousands of miles away.

It is precisely because of his temper that few women will take the initiative to catch up with him, so Di Wei has the status of "outstanding". Every time there is such a big sexual occasion, she is the only one who will entangle him like a vine. On Jian Zelin.

Xue Zhiyan opened the refrigerator and saw that the place where the yogurt was placed was empty, so he pouted in displeasure.But remembering that she drank the last can in the morning, she shook her head and closed the door.

Xue Zhiyan touched his stomach that was starting to die again, and quickly closed the refrigerator door. Now the only thing that can save her is the almighty yogurt!
But just to be on the safe side, she still washed the rice and sat in the pot. It was still necessary to cook some porridge. She didn't think that the elder brother guarding the house and patrolling the house could buy exactly what she wanted.

Xue Zhiyan took his mobile phone and continued to listen to the song, not intending to disturb them at all.However, she put all her change in the small drawer under the nanmu tea table, because she often sat on the sofa, so she put it in there.

Even Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan didn't expect Xue Zhiyan to run over suddenly, especially Yan Shaochen who was sitting on her exclusive sofa, even sat up straight when he saw her coming, as if she was afraid that she would whip him.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at Yan Shaochen, not knowing why he was so nervous, he just bent down and opened the change drawer, randomly grabbed a handful of change from it, and took out the car keys, clutching them in his palm, with a flustered look on his face. go outside.

Since the music they were listening to was very loud and she had earphones plugged into her ears, she didn't hear the question Jian Zelin asked her at all.

"Where are you going?" Jian Zelin frowned, even Su Lingxuan was a little puzzled when he saw Xue Zhiyan's actions.

In his opinion, Xue Zhiyan was really angry this time, but he really didn't know, how could he make her angry that day when he clearly cared about her?
Xue Zhiyan didn't even look at Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan who were sitting together, and pulled a coat from the hanger indiscriminately. She still knew she had to keep warm, but she didn't want to catch a cold if her stomach ache hadn't healed. It happened to be raining all night.

"Where are you going?" Jian Zelin raised his voice, and asked again coldly, but he, Young Master Jian, didn't have the ability to see through, and he didn't see the two earplugs in Xue Zhiyan's ears.

In his opinion, Xue Zhiyan was just making a fuss, because of Diwei burning the kitchen that day, he questioned her about it.Especially when he saw Xue Zhiyan's slight smile on the corner of his mouth, a burst of anger rushed to his forehead in an instant.

Xue Zhiyan, who was changing her shoes, felt a source of air-conditioning standing behind her, but she didn't remember that she had turned on the air-conditioning in this day, and she almost bumped into Jian Zelin again when she turned around, and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Only then did Jian Zelin see the earphone cable extending from Xue Zhiyan's ear, and the other end of the earphone cable was plugged into her mobile phone.

"What's the matter?" Xue Zhiyan just took down an earphone, turned his head over his body, looked at the chaotic scene in the living room, and the resentful Di Wei, and then met his cold face.

"It's okay, I'll go out for a while!" Xue Zhiyan put on his earphones again before Jian Zelin could speak again, because the music was too disturbing.

Xue Zhiyan had already changed her shoes. If she hadn't felt a gust of cold air behind her, she would have tiptoed and ran out long ago, and it would be time to come back by now.

It's just that before she took the first step, Jian Zelin flashed in front of her again, standing in front of her as if deliberately trying to stop her...

(End of this chapter)

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