Chapter 245

In the end, Su Lingxuan didn't notice that something was wrong with Xue Zhiyan, because he offended Xue Zhiyan at some point, and he was also very irritable, so he drank too much.

This kind of gathering is also often seen by Chi Yuan, of course the organizer is Chi Yuan, a beautiful woman.But he is not interested in these women, anyway, he just provides a place for Chi Yuan every time.

Every year, the four-person villa of the Su family, the Jian family and Yan Shaochen will be used by Chi Yuan as a party venue.It's just because Chi Yuan said that going to the bar is too boring, so it's better to be at home.

Naturally, it wasn't a party that went too far, it was everyone gathering together to drink, sing and have fun. After everyone dispersed, the four good brothers talked about some things, and then they just did what they should do.

Even today's gathering was the same. When they came back, they saw the pitch-dark Jian's house and thought she had gone to meet Chi Qian and the others, but they didn't expect Xue Zhiyan to be sleeping upstairs.

The reason why Chi Yuan didn't go back to his place to hold this party was because he was jealous of his precious sister, for fear that she would come over suddenly and lose control again after hearing what they said.

Yan Shaochen looked at the sad faces of these three brothers, and he was somewhat depressed. After all, Liang Huan was pushed by Feng Jing last time, and wanted to take revenge on Feng Jing, but considering Feng Ziyao's side, he didn't know for a long time. How to do it.

After all, Feng Jing is different from Shen Linli and his wife, Feng Jing is her friend's father no matter what, and Feng Jing's company will end up in Feng Ziyao's hands, really...

"Alas..." The four men sighed in unison.

The four looked up at each other, but laughed again.Don't look at their glamorous appearance as the favorite of the day before yesterday, the troubles of the queen are no less than those of ordinary people.

The sensitive Yan Shaochen finally noticed something was wrong with Xue Zhiyan.Even Su Lingxuan found out, Xue Zhiyan seemed to be a little bit wrong.

Sitting quietly in the kitchen alone, not coming out for a long time, is not her style at all.

Su Lingxuan put down the wine glass in his hand, and walked towards Xue Zhiyan suspiciously. He could clearly see Xue Zhiyan's trembling shoulders.

I took a look at what she was wearing. She was wearing a white nightdress and a navy blue coat. It didn't look very good. Her long hair was scattered on her shoulders, and her face was buried in her knees. I couldn't see his expression at all.

"Zhiyan..." Su Lingxuan walked to Xue Zhiyan's side, before putting his hand on her shoulder, Xue Zhiyan suddenly raised his head.

Of course, he didn't look at Su Lingxuan, but turned his head slightly, as if he was listening to something seriously.After making sure that he heard correctly, he didn't have time to talk to Su Lingxuan, and ran out without even putting on his slippers.

Of course, Xue Zhiyan in this dress also attracted the attention of Jian Zelin who was sitting on the sofa, and even Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan looked back to see what was going on.

But when they saw Xue Zhiyan, they were all startled.Because Xue Zhiyan ran to the door with bare feet like that, his expression was not very good, he stepped on the debris on the ground, as if he couldn't feel any pain, he opened the door suddenly.

What surprised them even more was that Xue Zhiyan had a heartfelt smile on his face when he saw the people outside the door.

After receiving the things from the person outside the door, Xue Zhiyan stood on the debris and bowed deeply to the person who came, completely unaware that his feet were bleeding now.

After Xue Zhiyan closed the door, he really couldn't wait to find her "life-saving straw".So I don't care about the fragments on the floor, just bleed if it bleeds, it's nothing more than some small wounds, it's not a problem.

After dumping the bag of dairy products on the ground, Xue Zhiyan realized that the bodyguard brother was really careful. He basically took two cans of all the brands on the supermarket shelves.

But Xue Zhiyan saw the brand he used to drink at a glance among dozens of cans of dairy products. He grabbed it no matter whether it was cold or hot, stretched out his hand to scratch it on the ground, and then sat cross-legged on the ground and drank the yogurt Come.

Of course, drinking one can is not enough, but fortunately, the bodyguard brother of this brand buys a lot. Xue Zhiyan drank three cans in a row before he patted his stomach with satisfaction.

He conveniently picked up the milk and yogurt she didn't drink back into the bag, then stood up, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger at the door.

His face was finally not so pale, and even the pain in his stomach gradually subsided.Xue Zhiyan had already hummed the little tune in her heart.

Throwing the bag on the dining table casually, walked up to Su Lingxuan, pulled him with his hand, and put on his little bear slippers along the little gap he made.

Su Lingxuan still doesn't know what happened to Xue Zhiyan today, she always feels weird.

Xue Zhiyan ignored Su Lingxuan, but turned around and went back to the kitchen, rummaged through something, and came out soon.

Looking at Su Lingxuan who was motionless in place, Xue Zhiyan finally said, "Why are you sticking the wooden stake there?"

Then she pointed to the men and women who were looking at her in the living room, "I'm not a monkey in the zoo, do I need to look at it that way?"

Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes at Su Lingxuan, and walked over with the thermos in his arms.She didn't want to have a drink with these people, not because Di Wei wanted to tear her eyes off, but because she didn't want to wake herself up in the middle of the night because she had run out of painkillers.

"Ahem, there will be a charge if you look at it again!" Xue Zhiyan cleared his throat on purpose, but he didn't look at the men and women, with a smirk on his lips, "100 million per person, check, cash, online banking transfer, I don't mind!"

Yan Shaochen especially likes Xue Zhiyan's character, when he gets angry and awkward, he will make a joke to give everyone a step down. "Then Miss Xue must give me a bank account too?"

Hearing Yan Shaochen's words, Xue Zhiyan looked at him with a smile and raised his eyebrows, "Your 100 million can be waived, but I will go to your place tomorrow... I want something from you, just remember to give it to me!"

Yan Shaochen was somewhat flattered, when did Xue Zhiyan learn to let him go?Fearing that she would change her mind again, she hurriedly nodded her head like a dog, "I'll give you whatever you want tomorrow! But if you want someone from me, I won't follow, you know!"

Xue Zhiyan was completely defeated by him, and rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, I don't even want you to give me away!"

Yan Shaochen finally nodded reassuringly, picked up the wine glass and drank again.Although Dr. Yan has a cleanliness habit, he still smokes.

"Dog legs!" Chi Yuan pursed his lips, and seeing Yan Shaochen's appearance, he couldn't help but say such a sentence. You must know that they all talk like this in private.

Xue Zhiyan was different. Although Chi Yuan's voice was very low, she heard it accurately.Turning her head and raising her eyebrows at Chi Yuan, she pointed at Chi Yuan with her slender fingers, "You, 200 million!"

Pooh!Yan Shaochen couldn't hold back, and the wine he had just imported spewed out.Although he lowered his head and coughed violently, he still stretched out his big hand in front of Xue Zhiyan, and Xue Zhiyan gave him a high five cooperatively.

(End of this chapter)

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