The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 246 Take Care of Your Buddy

Chapter 246 Take Care of Your Buddy

Xue Zhiyan quarreled with Yan Shaochen for a while, but did not stay in the smoky living room, because she really couldn't stand the choking smell of smoke.

In Yan Shaochen's words, she is, don't be poisoned by this second-hand smoke anymore, go upstairs quickly, little sister!

As for Jian Zelin, she never looked up from the beginning to the end, let alone glanced at the 100 million memes.

Su Lingxuan sat on the sofa and watched Xue Zhiyan's figure disappear around the corner of the stairs, then picked up a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

He just held it in his mouth but didn't light it up, and he looked up at Yan Shaochen after a long time, "Chen, get a spare medicine box first when you go to work tomorrow, and prepare some painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines in it. When Zhiyan goes to you for something Can you give it to her by the way?"

Yan Shaochen didn't know what was going on with Su Lingxuan, why he suddenly mentioned this spare medicine box, but thinking that Xue Zhiyan was stepping on jade like that just now, he also wanted to get a first aid kit for Xue Zhiyan.

After all, if he wanted to catch up with Liang Huan, he had to rely on Xue Zhiyan for help!
Jian Zelin was completely depressed. After Xue Zhiyan went upstairs, the smoking and drinking became more violent, and then he simply changed his position, far away from Di Wei.

After Xue Zhiyan went upstairs, she put the cup on her bedside table. She was worried that she would want to drink water at night, but she couldn't drink cold water, so she poured a cup full of hot water and brought it up.

After taking a shower again, Xue Zhiyan looked at his ears in the mirror, there was nothing wrong, it was just scratched and scabs had formed.I took a cotton swab, cleaned up the dried blood, changed into pajamas and got ready to sleep.

The previous pajamas were soaked again because of her cold sweat.So Xue Zhiyan was sitting on the bed thinking, why did he sleep at home and change two sets of pajamas a day?

Just as I was about to take out my phone, scroll through Weibo, hypnotized, and looked at the empty bed, I remembered that my phone was broken by Jian Zelin.

Thinking of Su Lingxuan who was drinking downstairs, Xue Zhiyan smiled confidently again, put on his slippers and ran out.

The jade fragments on the feet have been cleaned off by her, but there are a few small holes, no big problem, just wrap it in gauze and it will be fine, but the bear slippers are still somewhat stained with blood.

So at this time, Xue Zhiyan was wearing gauze on his feet, wearing a pair of well-behaved white fur slippers, and changed into a cartoon nightdress, with his hair coiled high above his head, and he appeared in front of these people again with a bright smile.

"Damn it, miss, you won't be so skillful to collect the bill!" Chi Yuan choked obviously when he saw Xue Zhiyan, and looked at the smiling Xue Zhiyan with a look of panic, who was completely different from Xue Zhiyan just now.

Xue Zhiyan gave him a blank look, and directly pulled a few wine bottles on the nanmu tea table to the ground, and sat directly on the tea table.

"What's the matter?" Xue Zhiyan looked at Su Lingxuan a little nervously, this girl's temper has become more and more weird recently, more changeable than the weather.

Xue Zhiyan directly stretched out his hand in front of him, spreading his palm upwards, "Mobile phone!"


"Mobile phone! Hurry up!" Xue Zhiyan saw Su Lingxuan's slowness, and started to do it himself.

Su Lingxuan saw Xue Zhiyan stretching out his hand, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and handed it to her, "What's wrong?"

Xue Zhiyan lowered his head and said nothing, unlocked and turned off the phone skillfully.Pull out Su Lingxuan's phone card, insert your own phone card, turn on the phone, and unlock it.The action is done in one go!

"I requisitioned your phone tonight, and you don't need it anyway!" Xue Zhiyan logged into the chat software while talking, without asking Su Lingxuan's opinion at all, just telling him her decision.

"You can accompany me to buy a mobile phone tomorrow morning!" After Xue Zhiyan said this, he lowered his head and fiddled with the mobile phone in his hand, and didn't stay for a while.

Jian Zelin was completely ignored by Xue Zhiyan, Xue Zhiyan didn't even raise his eyelids, let alone talk to him.

After Xue Zhiyan went upstairs, the distraught Jian Zelin simply drove away those noisy women, even Di Wei.

In an instant, the living room became quiet, Jian Zelin also put down the wine glass in his hand, rubbed his swollen temples, as if he was waiting for something, and refused to speak for a long time.

Vic didn't know when he went up to the third floor, and he ran down softly.Standing in front of Jian Zelin, he bowed respectfully, "Boss, Miss Xue is asleep!"

Jian Zelin nodded, then looked up at Chi Yuan, "Say it!"


Xue Zhiyan felt that he had slept so comfortably this time, his muscles and bones felt comfortable, but his neck was sore for some reason.

Lying on the bed and stretching a lot, I felt like I wanted to press something on my stomach.

Xue Zhiyan subconsciously stretched out his hand to push, and then touched a fluffy leg.At the same time, a male voice babbled.

Xue Zhiyan lost his sleepiness in an instant, opened his eyes wide, turned his head slowly, and saw Chi Yuan's peacefully sleeping, flat face!

"Ah!" Accompanied by Xue Zhiyan's scream, she unceremoniously kicked Chi Yuan who was lying beside her to the ground.

Of course Xue Zhiyan's scream was also mixed with Chi Yuan's scream.Why did he scream, you ask?Of course I was scared!
After sleeping so soundly, there was a sudden scream in my ear, accompanied by a heavy kick, and then I rolled to the ground.Don't you scream instead?

Xue Zhiyan looked at Chi Yuan who was naked and wearing only a pair of boxers. No matter how perfect his figure was, he didn't have time to appreciate it.

"Why are you here!" The two said these words almost at the same time, Chi Yuan was still pulling the blanket hanging beside the bed, trying to cover his body.

"This is my room, you ask me why I'm here!" Xue Zhiyan saw that he hadn't pulled off the blanket after pulling it for a long time, so he helped him and threw the rest of the blanket that was still on the bed on him.

"I used to live in this room!" Chi Yuan looked aggrieved, this was the room he used to live in, but he, Yan Shaochen and Su Lingxuan stayed because of drinking last night!

"Jian Zelin!" Xue Zhiyan didn't bother to say anything more to him.

Not caring about his image or not, he got up early instead of early, jumped directly from the bed to the ground, and ran out like the wind.

And Jian Zelin, who was sleeping soundly in his own room, never expected that Xue Zhiyan would come to wake him up again.

Xue Zhiyan almost didn't even think about it, he jumped onto Jian Zelin's big bed, then rode on him, grabbed Jian Zelin's pajamas collar and grabbed him from the bed.

"Jian Zelin! Take care of your buddy! Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will kill him next time!" Jian Zelin, who was sleepy, was pushed onto the bed by Xue Zhiyan before he could see Xue Zhiyan's face clearly.

But Xue Zhiyan got out of bed angrily, and when he passed by Chi Yuan who was standing at the door, he didn't forget to step on him.

Immediately afterwards, Xue Zhiyan slammed the door shut.Jian Zelin propped himself up and glanced at Chi Yuan who was standing at the door without any clothes on, and then he seemed to think of something, he held his forehead weakly, and lay back on the bed again...

(End of this chapter)

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