The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 247: Entering the Wrong Room

Chapter 247: Entering the Wrong Room
At the dining table, Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen suppressed their smiles, drinking milk and eating bread.Chi Yuan kept his head down and ate quietly, not daring to lift his head.Jane Zelin?Not to mention, with a black face, he ate bread like wax.

Xue Zhiyan ate the apple, and while eating, he didn't forget to glance at Chi Yuan and Jian Zelin who were sitting opposite.Listening to the crisp sound of her biting the apple, it was as if she took the apple as the heads of Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan, chewing it didn't relieve her hatred at all!
Yan Shaochen glanced at Su Lingxuan, and Su Lingxuan was also looking at Yan Shaochen. The two smiled tacitly, and naturally looked at the brother sitting next to him without saying a word, and the angry queen sitting opposite!

When Xue Zhiyan thought of the morning, he felt extremely depressed, and when he thought of what happened nine or ten minutes ago, he couldn't help but get angry, and put the half-eaten apple in his hand heavily on the table.

The cup and saucer jumped on the table, and after making a noise, they stayed quietly on the table, as if nothing had happened.

Hearing the sound of pounding on the table, Chi Yuan finally raised his head and took a peek at Xue Zhiyan. It wasn't that he didn't dare to look at Xue Zhiyan, but that she looked so terrifying in the morning!

Oh yes, morning, what the hell happened in the morning?Then go back and watch it again...

Jian Zelin lay heavily back on his bed, stroking his aching head with his right hand feebly, last night's smoking and drinking was a bit intense, really...

It's just that when he thought of Xue Zhiyan's angry look just now, he really couldn't remember what offended him. He just dropped her mobile phone, that's all.

He looked up at his already obvious desire.Looking around, she became very helpless again, this woman seemed to never know what is the difference between a man and a woman, what is not to mess with a man in the morning!

But just looking at it like this, I saw what happened to the bright red footprints on my pure white quilt?And what happened to Chi Yuan who was wrapped in Xue Zhiyan's blanket and stood by his door?

Wait, Chi Yuan? !

Jian Zelin finally woke up, sat up abruptly from the bed, pointed at Chi Yuan with trembling fingers, "You... you, last night, wouldn't..."

Chi Yuan nodded aggrievedly. You must know that although he likes to play 419 with others, he is not playing with his sister's best friend, let alone a little sister of his family friend, even though he hasn't seen him for more than ten years.

Chi Yuan seemed to have been greatly wronged, climbed onto Jian Zelin's big bed, pulled off the corner of the quilt to cover himself tightly, and then threw Xue Zhiyan's blanket out from the corner of the quilt.

"Why did you go to that room?" Jian Zelin sat on the bed like that, staring at Chi Yuan who was curled up on his bed.

To be honest, besides Xue Zhiyan, Chi Yuan was the second person who went to bed with him and covered him with a quilt.He was a little disgusted at first, but when he thought that Xue Zhiyan was the first person to sleep on the other side of his bed, he didn't care so much.

"I used to live in that room all the time!" Chi Yuan almost shed tears, or else he looks so pitiful to me, anyone who sees him will want to feel sorry for him.

Jian Zelin scratched at his hair indiscriminately. The hair was already messed up like a bird's nest, but after he grabbed it, it became even more messy, "You can also talk about the past!"

When Jian Zelin said this, he suddenly thought of Xue Zhiyan, as if Xue Zhiyan had said the same thing to him before.

"Then you didn't tell me that grandpa opened up the guest room next to your room for Xue Zhiyan! We used to sleep like this when we stayed here, so of course I'll go to the room I'm used to!" Chi Yuan hardly hiccupped. Just finished such a long series of words.

"We all drank too much yesterday, brother! In addition, it was so late after we finished talking about it, do you think I will remember to tell you not to go to that room!" Jian Zelin looked at Chi Yuan who also sat up, and looked Look at his red.With his bare upper body, he suddenly felt that the sky was about to collapse.

Originally, my grandfather wanted Xue Zhiyan to choose one of the four of them, but I didn't want to, so I let them do it according to their own hearts. If it really doesn't work then, I'll think of a way.

It's just that Chi Yuan got into Xue Zhiyan's bed by mistake today, if those old men abroad know about it, alas...

"Why don't you turn on the lights when you enter the house?" Jian Zelin couldn't think of any good way. His brain had already been swallowed by zombies in the past, so he could only scratch his hair madly, wishing to pull out all his hair Light!
"You fucking turn on the lights when you sleep at night!" Chi Yuan was also speechless, if his younger sister Chi Qian knew about this, he would have to kick him back to country M!
Jian Zelin suddenly remembered something, stared at Chi Yuan with wide eyes, and pointed at Chi Yuan.Topless, "Where are your clothes?!"

Chi Yuan was completely defeated this time, and lay back on the bed with a wail, pointing to the door tremblingly, and it took a long time for a muffled voice to come from the cup, "Still in the Missy's room!"

As for Yan Shaochen and Su Lingxuan, they were completely awakened by Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan's slamming on the door. If you want to talk about this wine, you can't drink it, otherwise your head won't hurt so much.

The two of them put on a random piece of clothing, and when they walked to the corridor to check the situation, the two brothers almost broke down the door.

Why did you smash the door?Xue Zhiyan went back to his room from the cloakroom, and when he left, he walked along and locked the door of Jian Zelin's cloakroom inside!

"What's wrong?" Su Lingxuan only felt a splitting headache, but seeing Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan's nervous expressions, he knew something must be wrong.

Yan Shaochen was more sober, and pulled Xue Zhiyan's blanket on Chi Yuan's shoulder, "Isn't this Xiao Zhiyan's... blanket?"

Then I saw Yan Shaochen staring wide-eyed as if swallowing a fly, pointing at Chi Yuan, then pointing at Xue Zhiyan's door, " won't..."

Then, under the disbelieving eyes of Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen, Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan nodded and shook their heads again.In an instant, there was another heavy knock on the door in the corridor.

Several people didn't know how long they knocked before Xue Zhiyan slowly walked over to open the door. His long hair was wrapped in a pink towel, there were still wet drops on his face, and he was wrapped in a bath towel.

However, after Jian Zelin's incident, Xue Zhiyan learned a lot, and went to a home textile store to buy a lot of bath towels with two straps that can be hung on the shoulders to prevent them from slipping.It was obvious that the bath towel on Xue Zhiyan's body was bought by herself.

"Knock knock, I'll listen to you knocking after taking a shower!" Xue Zhiyan looked impatient, especially when he saw the blanket on Chi Yuan's body, he frowned in disgust, "What's the matter?"

"My clothes!" Chi Yuan said and was about to squeeze inside.

"Stop!" Xue Zhiyan had already collected his clothes and threw them on the sofa, "Wait!"

With a bang, the door was closed again.The four stood outside the door and looked at each other. Just as Chi Yuan was about to speak, the door was opened again, but before they could react, clothes, pants, ties and socks came to them...

When they finished packing and went downstairs, Xue Zhiyan had already prepared breakfast, and was sitting alone at the dining table, as if waiting for them to have breakfast...

(End of this chapter)

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