The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 251 I'm Not Hospitalized

Chapter 251 I'm Not Hospitalized
The only sound in the ward was Xue Zhiyan's even breathing. Maybe he was really tired. Not long after eating, he lay down on the hospital bed and fell into a deep sleep.

At first, she thought that she was going to make another fuss over eating porridge and side dishes, but she fell asleep chatting with Feng Ziyao and the others.

Not long after she fell asleep, Chi Qian pulled Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan out of the hospital.At this time, apart from Xue Zhiyan who was sleeping soundly, there were only Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan standing by the window, Chi Yuan sitting on a chair, and Yan Shaochen who was standing by the bed watching the dripping speed of the medicine all the time in the ward.

Su Lingxuan looked at the serious Yan Shaochen, frowned slightly, and said slowly, "You won't be the one who took the medicine again this time, right?"

Of course Yan Shaochen knew that Su Lingxuan was talking to him, so he turned his head angrily, and gave him a blank look, "She already has a fever, and from her point of view, she started to have a fever yesterday!"

But Chi Yuan heard something else, with a meaningful smirk on the corner of his mouth, "I can't see that our serious and talented Doctor Yan will also prescribe medicine?"

Yan Shaochen was also good-tempered, with the corners of his mouth raised, revealing his white teeth, "Would you like to order some for Chi Shaoye?"

"Okay, stop making trouble!" Jian Zelin, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

He raised his head to look at Xue Zhiyan who was sleeping peacefully, then glanced at Chi Yuan who was still in the mood, then turned his head to look at Su Lingxuan who was standing beside him.

"What is the situation that Liang Huan said?"

When Su Lingxuan heard Jian Zelin's question, he sighed heavily, and then said slowly:
"Since that incident, every year from Christmas until mid-February, Zhiyan has been suffering from uninterrupted fever. I have seen doctors many times in the past ten years, but they can't be cured. Later, a psychiatrist said, It could be her experience, subconsciously reminding her of something she doesn't want to remember."

"Otherwise, she herself didn't want to spend those days awake!" Yan Shaochen quickly took over the conversation, looked at the bag that didn't have much liquid, and adjusted the dripping speed a little faster.

Chi Yuan and Jian Zelin looked at Su Lingxuan, only to see Su Lingxuan nodded, "Those days, she probably couldn't forget them even if she wanted to, but she didn't want to. After all, she already remembered things at that age."

Now, the ward fell into silence again.I don't know what Xue Zhiyan dreamed about, and occasionally he would let out a whimper.

"Chen, do you think her body temperature is..." Su Lingxuan heard Xue Zhiyan's voice, and concluded that she must be unwell.

Yan Shaochen put his hand on her forehead and nodded, "I'll ask the nurse to come over and apply the anti-fever patch on her. I can't take medicine yet."

Chi Yuan waited for the nurse to remove the needle for Xue Zhiyan, put on the anti-fever patch, and asked after leaving the ward: "Then what's the matter with her gastrointestinal function?"

Hearing Chi Yuan's words, his expression was not very good at first, and he seemed even more entangled, "It should be caused by drug stimulation. If we analyze according to Ling's words, it should be that he accidentally hurt his stomach when he took medicine when he was very young... ..."

"During this period, will she be able to leave the hospital and go home?" Jian Zelin thought of Xue Zhiyan's nightmares before, and thought about leaving her alone in the hospital. If she had nightmares about everyone around her, she might collapse.

"It's best not to leave the hospital. After all, there are people in the hospital at any time. If she goes back to Jian's house or goes to Chiqian..." Yan Shaochen looked at the other three people standing in the room with a worried expression, with a look of displeasure. Don't worry, "If she suddenly develops a fever, none of you can..."

"I'm not in the hospital!" Xue Zhiyan sat up from the bed at some point, obviously listening to what Yan Shaochen just said, and looked at the surprised four men indifferently.

The four men were also extremely annoyed, why didn't any of the four realize that Xue Zhiyan had woken up?

"Are you really not going to be hospitalized?" Yan Shaochen frowned and stepped forward, putting the index and middle fingers of his right hand on Xue Zhiyan's neck.

At this moment, Xue Zhiyan's cheeks were flushed due to the fever, but she couldn't hide her pale complexion.Also due to the fever, the heartbeat and pulse were faster than usual, and even the breathing became rapid.

"I'm not made of paper!" Xue Zhiyan said as he glanced at Yan Shaochen's direction, and found that the bag that was still hanging the salt water had been removed at some point, so he went to lift the quilt.

"Zhiyan!" Su Lingxuan's tone was obviously different, he strode up, grabbed her hand that was lifting the quilt, and stopped her next move.

"I, no, live in the hospital!" Xue Zhiyan didn't know if it was because of discomfort, although his voice was weak, but it was firm.

Jian Zelin frowned slightly, pursed her lips, walked to Xue Zhiyan's bed, lifted her quilt, and hugged her from the bed, "Since she can't live, don't stop, otherwise it will reach Grandpa's ears, and it will be heard." Let them worry!"

After saying this, he walked out a few steps with Xue Zhiyan in his arms, but stopped again, turned his head to look at Yan Shaochen, "Let cat go to Jian's house and be on standby at any time!"

Xue Zhiyan was hugged by Jian Zelin, and fell asleep leaning on his chest.I don't know if she really didn't want to be hospitalized, but when Yan Shaochen said that she should be hospitalized, she woke up.

Chi Yuan looked at the direction where Jian Zelin left, and that meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again, then looked at Yan Shaochen and Su Lingxuan who were still standing beside the hospital bed, and raised his eyebrows, "Have you two not noticed that A Ze has changed recently? "

Chi Yuan's words made Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen stunned for a moment, and they didn't change?There seems to be a little change; if there is no change, why do you feel that he is different from before?

Seeing that Xue Zhiyan had left, the three simply went to the sofa in the reception room outside and sat down.

At some point, Chi Yuan took a bottle cap in his hand and picked it up, "Otherwise, I'll let Qianqian go to Jian's house and take care of Xue Zhiyan, right?"

Su Lingxuan shook his head, "Your sister is going, it's better not to go!"

Yan Shaochen nodded, Chi Qian still understood that he was a first-class expert who could not take care of others, but harmed others.Don't look back and don't raise Xue Zhiyan well, and let her cause some other problems, it will be even more troublesome.

"Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao are fine!" Su Lingxuan also had nothing to do with Xue Zhiyan, unless he was angry with her.But he tried it just now, but she was stubborn and wouldn't listen at all.

Chi Yuan quickly waved his hand, "Chen's daughter-in-law is not bad, but just forget about Feng Ziyao!"

Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen looked at Chi Yuan in confusion, not understanding why he said this, how many times had he seen her?
"It's not bad, it's that temper, too..." Chi Yuan stopped, pouted, "That character is really inappropriate!"

When Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen thought about the previous incident, they nodded in agreement.But when he thought about the first half of Chi Yuan's sentence, it didn't seem right.

"You!" Yan Shaochen smirked and patted Chi Yuan's shoulder, then shook his head helplessly.

"Her? You really can't handle it!" Su Lingxuan also smiled, glanced at Yan Shaochen, and the two walked out.

"Hey! There really isn't a woman that I, Chi Yuan, can't control!" Chi Yuan was obviously very unconvinced, and quickly followed.

"Then you go!"

"Is she a woman like that?"

"It doesn't count, you didn't see it, she also has what she wants!" After Su Lingxuan said this, a burst of laughter came from the corridor...

(End of this chapter)

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