The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 252 What happened to the blueprint?

Chapter 252 What happened to the blueprint?
As soon as Jian Zelin went downstairs, he saw Xue Zhiyan was covered with a blanket, curled up on the sofa, with hot steam coming out of the cup he was holding in his hand.As for her face, I don't know if it's because the fever hasn't subsided, or because the water vapor in the cup has evaporated, and it's a little red.

As if sensing that someone was coming, Xue Zhiyan raised his eyelids, pointed to the sofa opposite, and said in a hoarse voice, "Would you like to drink tea first or have breakfast first? If you eat breakfast first, go ahead and eat it, I'll fix it Already!"

Jian Zelin frowned inaudibly, walked to Xue Zhiyan, took the cup in her hand, and put it on the nanmu tea table in front of Xue Zhiyan, "You have a fever, and your stomach is not good, why did you drink it so early in the morning? tea?"

Xue Zhiyan felt flattered by Jian Zelin's concern for her, looked up at him in surprise, and saw that the look in his eyes was indeed concerned about her, smiled slightly, arched his body slightly, and took the cup in his hand again, "This It's not tea, it's just the ginger syrup I made just now."

While talking about Xue Zhiyan, she took a sip, and then Jian Zelin saw her beautiful eyebrows knit together, and then heard Xue Zhiyan's hoarse voice, "My God, this swallowed ginger powder with ginger water, it's really... "

Jian Zelin really saw finely minced ginger in her cup, so she sat down on the sofa opposite her in peace, picked up the teacup, and drank slowly.

"Why did you get up so early?" Jian Zelin put down the teacup, added some tea that Xue Zhiyan had already brewed for himself, frowned and looked at Xue Zhiyan, "If you feel uncomfortable, rest upstairs, and let him be on duty after breakfast Your servants can do it."

"Well, I feel sick with a fever and can't sleep!" Xue Zhiyan gave Jian Zelin an unattractive smile after speaking, "You can go and have breakfast, milk and sandwiches, I don't know if it suits your taste, I just said have eaten."

Jian Zelin wanted to say something more, but seeing Xue Zhiyan was a little lost in thought, he put down his teacup and walked towards the restaurant.Sitting at the dining table, there were already sandwiches and milk on the table.

Glancing at the half-eaten sandwich on Xue Zhiyan's dinner plate, the look of worry in his eyes became even more serious.While eating, he took out his phone and sent a message.

Xue Zhiyan didn't know when she fell asleep, but Jian Zelin took the quilt from her hand again and placed it on the nanmu tea table with the sound of bumping, which woke her up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Chi Yuan and Su Lingxuan sitting in the living room, and Yan Shaochen was walking towards her.He was stunned for a moment, Xue Zhiyan couldn't react, what time is it now.

"Today... don't you all have to go to work?" Xue Zhiyan felt as if something was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't swallow it or spit it out, even his voice became hoarse a lot.

Yan Shaochen just wanted to know what she was thinking, so he handed her a glass of warm water, "Your throat should have been hurt when you vomited yesterday, and you have a fever, so it's a bit hoarse, drink more water!"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, and as soon as he raised his head, he met Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan's eyes looking at her, a little flustered, did he just talk in his sleep?

Xue Zhiyan's fingers unconsciously picked at the cup, his eyes were a little uneasy, "Why are you two looking at me like that?"

Chi Yuan will not be like Jian Zelin, who is always cold, especially when facing his friends.Seeing Xue Zhiyan's uneasy look, he actually laughed, "Seeing how you fell asleep, I realized that no matter how people grow up, they will never lose their original nature."

Xue Zhiyan was even more confused by Chi Yuan's words, so he pouted and frowned, expressing his protest.

Chi Yuan leaned forward directly, and rubbed Xue Zhiyan's hair across the nanmu tea table, "It's still the same as when I was a child, when I fell asleep, I looked like a kitten!"

Only then did Xue Zhiyan secretly heave a sigh of relief, it turned out that he was talking about her sleeping face. "Then you guys talk here, I'm going back to my room!"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, she straightened her legs, put on her bear slippers indiscriminately, tore off the blanket on her body, and prepared to go upstairs.

"Don't!" Yan Shaochen said, pressing Xue Zhiyan's shoulders with a pair of big hands, pushing her back on the sofa, pointing to the things in his hands, "I want to give you a drip! You can't let the four of us Men go to your girl's boudoir?"

It was only then that Xue Zhiyan realized that Yan Shaochen, who had been sitting on the armrest of the sofa the whole time, was holding two bags of medicine in his hand, and an infusion stand with wheels that he found somewhere beside him.

Knowing that it was useless to protest, I had no choice but to nod, but I still stood up, and saw the expressions of the four people turned cold in an instant, so I pointed in the direction of the bathroom, "You guys have to let me solve your physical problems, otherwise Are you going to accompany me later?"

When the four of them heard Xue Zhiyan's words, their expressions froze, and they knew what she meant, so they quickly waved their hands, meaning you go, go, don't bother us later!

Xue Zhiyan wanted to sleep while hanging the water, but he couldn't.Why can't I sleep?If there are four big men sitting across from you, staring at your face like that without blinking eyelids, can you fall asleep?
The answer is definitely not being able to sleep!If he hadn't considered that there was still a needle in his hand, Xue Zhiyan would have run away long ago.

"Don't look!" Xue Zhiyan finally couldn't help it, and frowned, "I'm not a mummy, do I need to look at it like this?" After Xue Zhiyan said this, he blushed and turned away, and stopped looking at them. indivual.

Pooh!No one lived in the four of them, and they laughed, especially Chi Yuan, "If you are a mummy, I can put you in the safe in my bank. How much is the rent for that year?"

Xue Zhiyan turned his head and rolled his eyes, "Money fan!"

After saying this, he simply started to fiddle with his mobile phone, and stopped looking at them, so as to save himself from being squeezed out by their partnership.

Seeing the message from Feng Ziyao on the screen of the phone, Xue Zhiyan remembered it, because he hadn't gone to work for a week, and he didn't know how the design of the single-family villa in Xinjingdi was resolved.

When he turned his head to look at Jian Zelin and the others, he found that they were whispering something.But Xue Zhiyan, who was sitting across from them, couldn't hear what they were saying at all.

"Ling?" Xue Zhiyan called him tentatively, because she knew that it was very impolite to interrupt others when they were chatting.

"What's wrong?" Su Lingxuan didn't mind, when she heard Xue Zhiyan calling him, she immediately looked up at her, "Do you want something to eat?"

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, glanced at Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan, bit his lower lip tightly, not knowing how to speak.And Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan, who hadn't noticed what Xue Zhiyan said, also felt Xue Zhiyan's gaze, looked up and saw her somewhat disturbed face.

"I want to ask, what happened to the blueprint..."

(End of this chapter)

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