Chapter 253
Yan Shaochen looked at Xue Zhiyan and raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect Xue Zhiyan to know about it.But after thinking about it carefully, this Xue Zhiyan is Su Lingxuan's current secretary, so there is nothing wrong with knowing this.

It's just that she asked, what do you mean by what happened to the blueprint? Does it have something to do with her?
Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the three old friends beside him, and found that the expressions of the three of them hadn't changed much, they were still as calm as ever.

Or in the words of Xue Zhiyan and her little friend, the same iceberg face as before.

Xue Zhiyan pursed his lips again, "Forget it, there is no other meaning, just to ask, you continue!" Xue Zhiyan lowered his head and continued to look at the phone after finishing speaking.

She more or less knew that this matter should be out of her hands as a secretary, but she only cared about Feng Ziyao. After all, it was definitely a big blow to a person who studied design when the news got out.

Especially for a new designer with great potential like Feng Ziyao.

"There's nothing bad to say, but you'll know about it when you go to work tomorrow!" Seeing Xue Zhiyan's expression, Su Lingxuan knew that she just cared about Feng Ziyao.

Yan Shaochen frowned, looked at Su Lingxuan's calm face in disbelief, and pointed to the medicine bag, "She is like this, you still let her go to work?"

After speaking, he looked at Xue Zhiyan with sympathy in his eyes.I looked at the drip again, and it was over with one more point.Shaking his head helplessly, "Capitalist, capitalist!"

"You are fifty steps short and laughing at a hundred steps. Who doesn't know that you, Dr. Yan, are actually a rich second generation!" Su Ling rolled his eyes at him, then looked at Xue Zhiyan, "Only she has a good face, so she couldn't wait to pull us away. After shopping, do you think she will obediently go to the hospital to hang water after we all go to work tomorrow?"

Xue Zhiyan was playing with his mobile phone with his head down, but when he heard what Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen said, he felt that he was shot while lying down.Looking up at Yan Shaochen's contemptuous look, he laughed and pointed to his mobile phone, "Speak slowly..."

Xue Zhiyan definitely did it on purpose, he only said a name, and didn't continue.It's not that she wants to help Su Lingxuan, it's just that what Su Lingxuan said is not wrong at all, she will definitely not be the one who obediently goes to the hospital to hang water.

As soon as he heard Xue Zhiyan's three words, Yan Shaochen's movements froze, and he looked at Xue Zhiyan expectantly, waiting for her to continue to say the following content, "What do you say?"

Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan sighed heavily, and shook their heads helplessly.

"She said, if I can subside my fever today, I'll go on a date with you!" Of course Xue Zhiyan was bluffing him, Liang Huan and Chi Qian were so busy waiting, how could they have time to chat with her.

Then Xue Zhiyan saw Yan Shaochen slumped on the sofa, with a face of helplessness and unwillingness, even his eyes lost the radiance before, and he almost lowered his head, put his hands in his hair, and yanked a few more times.

"This..." Yan Shaochen couldn't help it. After all, the fever reduction depends on the patient's own physique. How could he control other people's body temperature?This is not a water heater. You say how many degrees you want to burn, and you can just adjust it to that number.

Seeing Yan Shaochen's deflated look, Xue Zhiyan laughed.Even Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan didn't know what she was laughing at.

All I saw was Xue Zhiyan stretching out his hand holding the phone, shaking it in front of Yan Shaochen, his smile was very dazzling, coupled with her now somewhat pink face, it was even more dazzling. "Doctor Yan, pull out the needle! After pulling out the needle, I'll tell you something that cheers you up!"

Yan Shaochen didn't even think about what exciting things Xue Zhiyan could tell him, so he looked up at the empty medicine bag, got up and went to Xue Zhiyan's side, and pulled out the needle for her.

Under the watchful eyes of the other three people, Xue Zhiyan leaned into Yan Shaochen's ear, and said to Yan Shaochen in a voice that everyone could hear: "What you just said was a lie to you, but I really hope that Huanxuan can promise you as soon as possible." What! If you need help, you can find me and Feng Ziyao, it will definitely be helpful!"

Finally, under Yan Shaochen's excited eyes, Chi Yuan was the first to hold back and burst into laughter...


Xue Zhiyan's recovery ability was pretty good, after Yan Shaochen put water on her, her fever subsided at night.

Early on Monday morning, she drove the car Jian Zelin gave her to Kaisheng full of energy.

It's just that she didn't take Su Lingxuan's exclusive VIP elevator today, but went to wait first, and ate the breakfast that Liang Huan personally prepared for her, and then walked into the elevator room at a leisurely pace.

She stood at the front, looking at the biscuit in her hand, staring down at her toes, not paying attention to the situation of the elevator, because she knew that the elevator would stop once every floor, especially those who went to work this morning. time.

As soon as the elevator arrived, before he could react, he was pushed into the elevator by the people behind him.Standing in the corner, she had no choice but to report the number on the top floor, and continued to huddle quietly in the corner, listening to the gossip of her colleagues in the company.

"Hey, have you heard that Young Master Su's special assistant hasn't come to work for a week, and I don't know if he was abandoned by Young Master Su!" A woman deliberately lowered her voice, but Xue Zhiyan still heard it.

Only then did Xue Zhiyan raise his head and look at the woman who was speaking. He couldn't see her face, only her capable short hair and the rhinestone earrings on her ears that were enough to blind people's eyes.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, this Kaisheng's salary is not low, naturally don't talk about the size of a pigeon egg, so you have to buy it right?
It's just that Xue Zhiyan was not allowed to think about it, another female voice rang out again, "Hmph, how capable a woman can be if she tries her best to climb into a man's bed, but she's just an embroidered pillow!"

As soon as the woman said this, the other women in the elevator who hadn't noticed Xue Zhiyan also started to speak.For a moment, the small elevator looked like a vegetable market.

"Ah? Did she really climb into Young Master Su's bed?"

"No way, is Young Master Su's vision that bad? I don't think she's very good-looking!"

"Yes, yes, the last time I saw her in the parking lot, she wasn't such an alluring face!"

"How else should I put it, no matter how capable you are, it's better to climb into the bed of a more capable man!"

Standing in the corner, the corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth twitched a few times, and now she really understood what it means that a place with a lot of chickens and ducks has a lot of manure, and a place with a lot of women has a lot of right and wrong.

When did she climb into Su Lingxuan's bed? Why did everyone speak as if she saw it with her own eyes?It's just been a week of recuperating at home, so what's wrong with Kaisheng?Obviously, this topic has been turned over before!
"A woman who needs to be able to tie a man on the bed is so stupid!" The woman who spoke was obviously the second woman who spoke just now, and she still had a sour taste in her mouth, "You know, which woman can't use kung fu in bed these days?"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, the elevator stopped on the 27th floor with a ding.The two women who spoke just now were about to get out of the elevator, and it was obvious that they were on the floor where their offices were located.

"and many more……"

(End of this chapter)

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