The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 254 Solving the Gossip

Chapter 254 Solving the Gossip
"Wait!" Xue Zhiyan, who had been listening to their gossip in the corner, finally spoke, and stopped the two women who were about to go out.

And the people standing in front of Xue Zhiyan in the elevator also turned their heads after hearing the voice, looking at the woman who made the voice in the corner.

It's just that the moment he saw Xue Zhiyan's face, as if time stood still, as if he had stopped breathing, he looked at Xue Zhiyan who was standing in the corner.

With a faint smile on Xue Zhiyan's face, he just walked out of the not-so-wide gap that everyone unconsciously gave up, stood by the elevator door, and blocked the elevator door's sensor with his bag. device.

And the VIP elevator on the other side stopped at this moment because Su Lingxuan went downstairs for a meeting. As soon as Su Lingxuan got out of the elevator, he saw Xue Zhiyan standing at the door of the elevator like a little ruffian, staring at him with a smirk on his face. Two Kaisheng female employees standing in front of her.

"When did I climb onto Su Lingxuan's bed and let you see me?" Xue Zhiyan said calmly, as if he had no emotion at all.

But Su Lingxuan understood her. If she really said that, it meant that there was going to be a violent storm.

"It's so true, did you two watch me when I climbed Su Ling's lathe?" Xue Zhiyan was still smiling, showing no sign of anger at all.

"Why didn't you say it? Didn't you say it just now with great interest? Even my client felt that I really climbed into his bed!" Xue Zhiyan still didn't forget to laugh twice after finishing speaking.

That smile was clearly crisp, but it was so cold when it fell on the ears of the women in the elevator.For the first time, I felt the chill emanating from this woman.

"I don't know if I'm an embroidered pillow, but I know, you!" Xue Zhiyan pointed to the woman standing in front of him, "You don't even have the chance to gossip with Su Ling, Why stand behind someone's back and say right and wrong!"

"Everyone doesn't work hard, and they know about the boss's gossip all day long. Which woman climbed into his boss's bed, what are you doing? The boss pays to support you idlers?" Xue Zhiyan's posture at this time seemed to be a The attitude of the proprietress, "I can't see any good results at work, but I see you gossiping all day long! You just talk about things that don't exist, and the company opened the door to let you talk about them?"

After saying this, Xue Zhiyan brushed the broken hair in front of his forehead, turned his head and saw Su Lingxuan who was standing aside smiling and looking at her, and immediately pointed his finger at him.

"Have I climbed Su Lingxuan's bed or not? You can ask the other party if you are good at bedtime. I think he will be happy to tell you!" After Xue Zhiyan said this, the other colleagues in the elevator also looked at him. Su Lingxuan's figure arrived.

Seeing the two women in front of him who stopped talking, Xue Zhiyan snorted coldly, took his bag and stepped out of the elevator, the elevator door closed instantly, and the people in the elevator couldn't see the second half of the scene.

Xue Zhiyan turned around to leave, but just turned around, then turned his head again, looked at the two women whose faces were already pale, and sneered, "Whether or not you can climb Su Lingxuan's bed depends on whether this lady is willing or not." , and you guys don't even have this chance!"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he threw Su Lingxuan a pair of big eyes, angrily walked past him, and walked towards the VIP elevator.

With a smile on his mouth, he watched Xue Zhiyan walk into the elevator. Su Lingxuan, who was not angry at all, put away the smile on his face the moment the elevator door closed, with a cold face, without even looking at the two people in front of him, he turned towards Walked inside.

It has to be said that Xue Zhiyan is very good at dealing with gossip.

Just this little farce on Monday morning had already spread throughout the entire Kaisheng building during lunch time.Even those who waited outside, Sheng Shi who was across the street across the street, knew about it.

The corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth twitched as he read the gossip posts on the company's forum, thinking that these people were really hopeless.Shaking his head in disappointment, he picked up the document spit out by the small printer on his desk.

After confirming again and again that there was no problem, it was bound and put away.

Turning around again, I saw Su Lingxuan's smiling sunny face, and the white front teeth were shining brightly. If I didn't know, I would have thought that Su Lingxuan had a diamond inlaid on the front teeth!

"What are you laughing at?" Xue Zhiyan said angrily, "If it wasn't for you, would I need to listen to these gossips every day?"

Su Lingxuan kept smiling all the time, as if he didn't hear Xue Zhiyan's accusation at all, "Miss Xue, when are you going to climb out of this Young Master's bed?"

"Get out!" Xue Zhiyan walked over with the document in his hand, and mercilessly threw the folder on Su Lingxuan's smiling face.

"Roll back and forth?" Su Lingxuan dodged for a while, so he was not hit by the document, and continued to tease her while looking at the document Xue Zhiyan brought over.

"Roll in a straight line! Roll non-stop!" Xue Zhiyan simply sat across from Su Lingxuan, knowing that he was teasing her, so he didn't get angry at all.

What's the use of being angry?It's not that Su Ling spins out to say these things.If she were to know who made it up, Xue Zhiyan would definitely tear her mouth apart!
"How is it? Do you still have a fever?" Su Lingxuan didn't even look up, just talking to Xue Zhiyan casually while looking at the document.

"Well, I don't have a fever anymore, I don't know what will happen at night!" Xue Zhiyan took out the mobile phone in his pocket and began to fiddle with it, "Chen's medicine really works! I plan to go to him and ask him to prescribe me some oral medicine. It’s not a problem to get needles all the time!”

As Xue Zhiyan spoke, he glanced at the back of his somewhat blue hands. Except for the needle holes, these patches of bruises were really ugly.

Su Lingxuan looked up and saw the bruise on the back of Xue Zhiyan's hand. It's not that Yan Shaochen's technique is not good, but Xue Zhiyan's blood vessels are really thin. Every time after the piercing is done, the needle will run away if you move a little. Yan Shaochen wasted a shot.

So Yan Shaochen nicknamed Xue Zhiyan in private, calling her Xue Sanzhen.Of course, only Jian Zelin and the others knew about this nickname, and Xue Zhiyan and her friends would definitely not know about this nickname.Otherwise, with their temperament, they don't know what to blackmail him again.

Su Lingxuan nodded, and took another look at Xue Zhiyan's black and blue hands. Against the backdrop of her snow-white skin, it was really eye-catching.

Lowering his head, he continued to look at the document that Xue Zhiyan handed him, and after a long time he said: "Then you can go in the afternoon, there is nothing to do today!"

Xue Zhiyan looked up at the top of Su Lingxuan's head, but didn't say anything.Anyway, if she didn't go by herself, he would drag him along. It would be better if she went by herself to save him from worrying.

"It's no wonder you and I have been having scandals. How can you do it if you're so used to me?" Xue Zhiyan sighed and shook his head helplessly, "I haven't seen any other female employees who are treated like me. what!"

Su Lingxuan finally finished reading the document, signed his name at the end, closed the folder, squinted his eyes and looked at Xue Zhiyan, "I just like spoiling you!"

Xue Zhiyan didn't refute, took the document he had signed, and returned to his seat with a smile on his face.

Su Lingxuan's side is full of love, but the top floor of the opposite building is full of chill.Even Lin Zhuo didn't know why the boss, who was obviously very happy, suddenly turned black.

Of course, Jian Zelin will not tell anyone that he has seen the post on the top of Kaisheng forum.

(End of this chapter)

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