The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 255 Password Your Birthday

Chapter 255 Password Your Birthday

When Xue Zhiyan was about to go to the hospital to look for Yan Shaochen, a man in a suit and leather shoes, whom she had never seen before, suddenly opened the door.

Looking at the man who walked in, with an indifferent expression on his face, he went straight to Su Lingxuan's desk.Seeing this slightly impolite man, Xue Zhiyan frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Excuse me, sir, do you have an appointment?" Xue Zhiyan's tone was not very friendly. Of course, the question was very official. She knew that the front desk and the outside secretary should have already asked these questions.

But her job is Su Lingxuan's secretary, so no matter what kind of job this person comes in, whether it's from this company or from another company, she has to ask.

The man didn't even look at Xue Zhiyan, he went straight to Su Ling's desk, bowed slightly, "Su, the boss asked me to come over."

Su Lingxuan raised his eyes and glanced at the man standing in front of the table. When he saw the man's face, he frowned dissatisfiedly, "Your boss taught you to ignore people?"

After Su Lingxuan said this, she glanced at Xue Zhiyan who was standing behind the man, and her face became dissatisfied.

Hearing this, the man turned around and glanced at Xue Zhiyan, and also bowed slightly, "Miss Xue!"

When he called Miss Xue, Xue Zhiyan was really startled. She didn't remember that she knew this man.Moreover, this man has a cold temperament, which makes her feel very awkward.

But then what the man gave to Xue Zhiyan let her know who was here and what they were doing.

The man presented a bank card respectfully, and looked at Xue Zhiyan's face without turning his eyes, "Mr. Chi asked me to give this savings card of Hengyuan Bank to Ms. Xue, saying that you understand!"

Xue Zhiyan looked at the bank card and raised his eyebrows, thinking Chi Yuan, you scoundrel, you are quite reserved in your speech, let me understand, understand your sister!

Xue Zhiyan took the hidden card unceremoniously, and looked at it as a limited edition cartoon commemorative card.Nodding in satisfaction, focusing on the card, "Password."

The man froze for a moment, and then realized that he was asking for the password of this card. "The password is your birthday."

Xue Zhiyan frowned inaudibly, birthday?I almost don't remember my own birthday, does anyone still remember?

"Thank you!" Xue Zhiyan showed no emotion on his face, he took the card and left Su Lingxuan's office with his bag.

The man looked at the closed office door, frowned, and then turned to look at Su Lingxuan, "Su, the boss said that doing this will make her sad, but it can..."

Su Ling waved his hands, and naturally knew what the man in front of him meant, "Leng Yun, go back and tell Yuan that you should try not to mention this birthday as much as possible in the future. Although he is doing it for her own good, he can't be in a hurry!"

This man, who was called Leng Yun by Su Lingxuan, nodded after hearing Su Lingxuan's words, and didn't say anything more.Then he took out a USB flash drive from his suit pocket and put it on Su Lingxuan's desk. "This is something Yan Shao asked the boss to find, and said it was for you."

Su Lingxuan looked at the USB flash drive and nodded. He naturally knew what was in it, but he didn't expect Yan Shaochen to really do this.

Seeing that Su Lingxuan had no other orders, the man quickly left Kaisheng.

Su Lingxuan was the only one left sitting in the office, staring blankly at the USB flash drive, then picked up his mobile phone, and played a familiar number. After a moment of busy tone, the call was connected.

Su Lingxuan lowered his head slightly, unable to see the expression on his face clearly, his thin lips parted slightly, and a slightly hoarse voice came out of his throat, "It's me, that matter, I can do it now!"


After Jian Zelin received Vic's call, he put away all his anger and mania, coldly looked at the information sent by Vic on the computer, frowned from time to time, and his expression didn't look very good.

There is nothing else in the computer, but the same design drawing of Feng Ziyao and Lin Mo.

In fact, long before he discovered these two chapters, he had already decided to use Feng Ziyao's twenty unique designs, each of which could perfectly reflect the ideas that Xue Zhiyan had said before - unique.

If you want to ask him whether he has mixed some personal factors into it, the answer is yes.It's not that he has a deep friendship with Feng Ziyao, it's just that he believes in Xue Zhiyan. A friend who simply believes in Xue Zhiyan will definitely not come up with anything with mediocre grades.

It's just that when he was reviewing the design drawings later, something like this happened, which naturally made him nervous.You must know that this proposal was made by Xue Zhiyan. If something really happened, Xue Zhiyan would also become the person who leaked the news to his friends. He didn't want Xue Zhiyan to be the object of everyone's criticism.

Just looking at Feng Ziyao's more perfect design, even the colors are done, but the design of this house always feels weird, and he has seen it a dozen times, but he can't see why. .

If it weren't for the partially enlarged detail picture sent by Vic, he really wouldn't be able to see where the awkward place is.

Jian Zelin's gaze was fixed on the swing under the vines, the detailed picture of the swing that had been enlarged, and on the chain of the swing, a very small row of English words: always on my mind.

The tattoo on Xue Zhiyan's ankle is also in English.

Jian Zelin pinched the bridge of her nose, sighed, and finally leaned back on the comfortable chair.Leaning on the back of the chair like this, with his eyes closed, it took an unknown amount of time before he opened them again.

At this time, his eyes were more determined than before, and he picked up the internal phone, "Call Mr. Su of Kaisheng and Mr. Chi of Hengyuan Bank, and call Lin Mo and Feng Ziyao by the way. We will have a meeting on the top floor of Shengshi tomorrow morning." .”

Lin Zhuo on the other side of the phone heard Jian Zelin's instructions, and remembered every word in his mind. After Jian Zelin hung up, he made arrangements according to Jian Zelin's instructions.

At this time, Xue Zhiyan, who had just finished the injection, was still lying on the hospital bed humming, and was still cursing Yan Shaochen in his heart, whether he should be so ruthless, with two needles, he might fall asleep on his stomach at night.

But Yan Shaochen was really merciless. After knowing that Xue Zhiyan didn't want to hang up, but only wanted to take oral medicine, he had no choice but to ask for an injection for her.

It's just that he didn't expect Xue Zhiyan to nod his head in agreement so readily, so he didn't show courtesy to Xue Zhiyan, and the two needles stuck in Xue Zhiyan's tender... uh, fart.shares.

Yan Shaochen had already brought back the medicine prescribed for Xue Zhiyan from the pharmacy downstairs. Seeing that Xue Zhiyan was lying on the hospital bed as if dying, he walked up without thinking, and slapped Xue Zhiyan's buttocks directly. superior. "What are you still doing? I'm off work, why don't you leave?"

Xue Zhiyan covered his butt, and looked at Yan Shaochen sadly, knowing that he regarded him as his younger sister, so he didn't blow his hair, reached out to take the medicine from Yan Shaochen's hand, and stuffed it into his bag.

"How many days does this injection take?"

"Three days!" Yan Shaochen laughed after finishing speaking. When he saw Xue Zhiyan's eyes, he remembered the nickname he gave her - Xue Sanzhen!

(End of this chapter)

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