Chapter 265
When Xue Zhiyan returned to Jian's house with his belongings, Jian Zelin came downstairs with his belongings.

Looking at Xue Zhiyan's back, he didn't make a sound after all.Standing on the stairs and staring at her for a while, she saw that she had closed the door of the shoe cabinet, and the moment she turned around, she stepped forward and continued to go downstairs.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin's calm face, then glanced at the things in his hands, frowned slightly, and stepped forward to block him, "You want to move out?"

"Yeah." Jian Zelin's attitude was really the same as what she said that night, she would not be too enthusiastic or nice to her.

You obviously did what she said, why do you feel heartache?Seeing his cold expression, Xue Zhiyan staggered his body and went upstairs.

Jian Zelin quietly clenched the hand holding the travel bag, and after hearing Xue Zhiyan's footsteps, he quietly turned around and looked towards the stairs.

There was no emotion on his expression, just the sadness that flashed in his eyes, betraying him.

Jian Zelin didn't know how to face Xue Zhiyan, especially after that day.He couldn't make him ignore her.Let him completely neglect her, he can't do it.Let him express his feelings, he can't do it.

It's nothing more than what Su Lingxuan said, he has a knot in his heart that he can't untie, nor does he want to untie.

Waking up from another nightmare, Jian Zelin looked at the environment he was in, and it turned out that he was in Guanhai Villa.

In order to avoid Xue Zhiyan, he came to Guanhai Villa.Just like when Jian Guozheng first returned to China, he lived alone in Guanhai Villa.

It's just that he wanted to go back to the previous state of mind, but there was no other way.Because he didn't know that some people had already walked in, and he could no longer be completely excluded.

Xue Zhiyan was the one who, once he entered his life, could never be excluded by him.No matter how entangled he is, there is no way.

He got out of bed and went to the balcony outside, smoked a cigarette, looked at the dark night sky, and the cold sea breeze woke him up.

At the same time as the little flames falling between his fingers, like a leopard, he randomly grabbed the keys on the shoe cabinet at the door, and left Guanhai Villa before he could change his clothes.

Jane's main house.

Xue Zhiyan walked around all the rooms barefoot, turned on the lights, and then curled up on the single sofa in the living room like an abandoned kitten.

The night was cold, Xue Zhiyan hugged his legs tightly, trying to stop the trembling.But when she thought that she was the only one in this big house, she couldn't help being afraid.

Even if she had turned on all the lights in the room at this time, it could not illuminate the trace of fear in her heart.

She used to live alone in a one-person apartment, and only on rainy nights would she turn on the lights in the room.

She was afraid of the night, especially the night when she couldn't sleep.Xue Zhiyan, who was in the darkness with her eyes open, was pushed into a dark abyss where she was alone, as if in a dream.

Inside the brightly lit Jian family's main house, there was silence, as if the sound of her breathing alone echoed in the empty living room, which made Xue Zhiyan fall into fear again.

When Jian Zelin drove into the courtyard, he saw the brightly lit main house, which was so dazzling in the dark.

Hearing the sound of the car engine, the drowsy Xue Zhiyan jumped off the sofa and stumbled to the outside. She thought she was hallucinating.

As soon as she ran to the door, she bumped into a hug that was a bit cold but made her feel warm.Familiar taste, familiar feeling.

Xue Zhiyan didn't dare to open his eyes, stretched out his trembling hands, wrapped around the waist of the visitor, and buried his face in his chest.It seemed that only such an embrace could make her feel stable in this quiet night, in the empty house.

Jian Zelin hugged her with one hand, touched her head with the other, stroked her long hair lightly, and smelled the familiar smell on her body, no one said a word.

Just when Xue Zhiyan felt that he was about to fall asleep, his deep voice came from his chest and clearly entered her ears.

"You're not in good health, and you still wear so little?" Jian Zelin patted her on the back lightly. From the moment she ran over to hug him, he could feel her trembling body.

"Scared." Xue Zhiyan still buried his face in his chest, even his voice was trembling.

I don't know whether she is shaking because of the cold or because of fear, Jian Zelin seems to be able to hear the sound of her teeth chattering.

He hugged her involuntarily, Xue Zhiyan didn't exclaim, nor opened his eyes, he put his arms around his neck gently, and leaned on his shoulder.

Jian Zelin did not carry her back to her room, but directly hugged her and lay on his big bed.Pulled the quilt, turned off the light in the room, turned around only to find that Xue Zhiyan's hand was tightly clutching the corner of his clothes.

"Hey, sleep well, I'm here." Jian Zelin patted her on the back lightly like coaxing a child, trying to calm her nervousness and stop her trembling.

"Jian Zelin." After a long silence, even Jian Zelin thought that Xue Zhiyan had fallen asleep, so her voice came out.

The warm breath was sprayed on his neck, and his heart was itchy.

"Hmm." A monosyllable came out of his throat, and Jian Zelin responded softly, without stopping the movement of his hands, continuing to pat her on the back.

"Don't leave me in this big house again."


"It's space, I'm afraid."

"it is good."

There was another silence in the room, and finally Xue Zhiyan's hand holding the hem of his clothes gradually loosened. Listening to her even breathing, Jian Zelin knew that she had fallen asleep.

Stretching out his hand to embrace her in his arms, smelling the faint fragrance from her hair, his flustered heartbeat gradually calmed down.

It was nice to sleep with her in my arms.Jian Zelin in the darkness, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, his eyes closed tightly, seemed to have fallen asleep, but only he knew how awake he was.

He went to Guanhai Villa just to avoid her.But when facing the dark and boundless night sky and sea, what she thought of was Xue Zhiyan, her mind was full of what she had said, she was still afraid of such a late night, especially a sleepless night.

He just came back to take a look with the mentality of giving it a try. Sure enough, the brightly lit main house of Jian's family told Jian Zelin that he really guessed right.

She didn't sleep, she was alone in this empty mansion, unable to sleep.

Especially when she threw herself into her arms, her unsuspecting embrace, her trembling body told him that she was really scared.

At this time, Jian Zelin didn't have any other thoughts in his mind, he just wanted to hug her and fall asleep like now, quietly, without anyone disturbing him.

In his heart, the feeling of wanting to hug her tightly has never been so strong.

The entanglements in her heart all became so insignificant at the moment she threw herself into his arms.

The following content is free of charge: today's five changes are all provided, today is the first day of the new year, so everyone should be happy!Weiliang is also very happy!In addition, those who like Weiliang can give Weiliang a free ticket or something, Weiliang will be happy to spread flowers~
(End of this chapter)

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