The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 266 Five People Are Embarrassed

Chapter 266 The Two Are Embarrassed
When Xue Zhiyan woke up, he found himself lying on Jian Zelin's big bed, and there was no one around him.Originally, she thought she had a dream all night, and even sleepwalked, but the wrinkled sheets and messy quilt around her always reminded her that she was not dreaming.

Going down to the ground in a daze, only to find that the slippers were not by the bed.Stepping on the soft carpet with bare feet, she walked outside step by step, and as soon as she opened the door of the cloakroom, she saw Chi.Jian Zelin was topless, with a bath towel around her waist.

"You..." Xue Zhiyan looked at him in a daze for a moment, pointed at him, opened his mouth, but only said one word.

Jian Zelin stopped to choose a shirt, looked sideways at her, and looked like he was still asleep. "If you're sleepy, sleep a little longer. Today is the weekend. I'll go out for a while and I'll be back soon."

Xue Zhiyan's lips moved, but he didn't make a sound, he shook his head, "I won't sleep anymore, I promised Ling, we will go to You'an Hospital to see the children together today."

Jian Zelin paused when he heard her words, then turned to look at her, "Xue Zhiyan."

"En." Xue Zhiyan felt a little guilty when he heard him call her name, and directly lowered his head, not daring to meet his gaze.

I was afraid that the moment they looked at each other, she would throw herself into his arms like the night before, and tell him what was in her heart.

"Be careful." Jian Zelin looked at the top of Xue Zhiyan's head, not knowing what to say, and only said these four words.

"Okay." Xue Zhiyan now hoped that Jian Zelin would say some sharp words like he did at the beginning, and he didn't want to be as embarrassed as he is now, not knowing what to say.

Jian Zelin quickly took the clothes to wear from the open wardrobe, and quickly returned to his room.When passing by her, he didn't say another word.

Jian Zelin stood in his room, clutching the clothes he took out tightly in his hands, his knuckles were already turning white.When I heard her say that she was going to You'an Courtyard with Ling today, my heart trembled.

He was not invited.No.

If Xue Zhiyan twisted his fingers in the pajamas, he finally let go of the wrinkled skirt.When she heard that he was going out just now, she wanted to invite him to You'an Courtyard together, but she hesitated.

She didn't know if she would be tempted to invite him to You'an Courtyard, see his bright smile when he was with the children again.

So she hesitated, she didn't invite him.No.

When Xue Zhiyan washed, changed and went downstairs, Su Lingxuan was already sitting in the living room waiting for her.As for Jian Zelin, when Su Lingxuan arrived, he went out.

Su Lingxuan knew Jian Zelin's feelings, so he didn't keep him.He didn't know if inviting Jian Zelin to You'an Courtyard together would cause Xue Zhiyan's dissatisfaction. He didn't want to see him sad, nor did he want to see Xue Zhiyan sad.

"Go and eat your breakfast, then take the medicine Chen prescribed for you, and then we'll set off." Hearing Xue Zhiyan's voice going downstairs, he walked to the stairs and looked at the little woman coming down the stairs.

This little woman, he swore to protect her and love her since she was born, and now she has grown into a graceful figure.

Xue Zhiyan nodded, but did not speak.She really wanted to tell him what she thought, but she didn't know how to speak.So she just kept silent and didn't speak, she was afraid that she would reveal her emotions and make him worry.

Quietly finished breakfast, obediently took the medicine prescribed by Yan Shaochen, threw the portable medicine box into her bag, smiled at the empty restaurant, tugged at her hair, and turned her head Look towards the living room.

"I'm fine! Let's go?" The tone was pretending to be calm. I don't know if he would find out that since he was a child, as long as she had something to do, he would immediately hear it from her tone of voice.

But today, it seemed that Su Lingxuan put away his sensitivity and didn't know anything. He stood up and walked towards her, "Let's go and see Mother Shen, and let her rest assured. You know, when you come to this time of year, It’s all pretty scary.”

"Where is it?" Xue Zhiyan dodged him and stretched out to trample on him.The big hand that rumpled his own hair smiled and walked towards the door.

"Well, no!" Su Ling withdrew his hand, put it in his trouser pocket, and followed behind Xue Zhiyan, looking at her awkward figure.

He knew she had something to say, but she couldn't ask.After all, both Jian Zelin and her are important people in his life.

"Not at all!" Xue Zhiyan turned his head and made a face at Su Lingxuan while changing his shoes, and did not forget to tell him when he turned around, "Don't tell Mother Shen about the fever a few days ago. sad."

"Who said you didn't come?" Su Lingxuan had already followed, took Xue Zhiyan's bag, and put it on his shoulder.

Xue Zhiyan watched him put his bag on his shoulders as he was used to, and walked over to hold his hand in satisfaction. "I said so!"

"Let's go!" Su Lingxuan no longer entangled with her about whether she has it or not, and a warm smile appeared on her face.

Jian Zelin drove to Chenguang Hospital, saw Yan Shaochen's flamboyant sports car in the parking lot, and Feng Ziyao's eye-catching red Audi, frowned calmly, turned around and strode towards Yan Shaochen's office go.

In the office, Yan Shaochen couldn't see a trace of strange emotion on his face, but Feng Ziyao's expression was not very good, so Jian Zelin pushed the door open and came in, thinking that something was wrong with these two people.

"What?" Jian Zelin came in and walked to the sink first, and washed his hands with medical disinfectant. You must know that the first condition for entering Yan Shaochen's office is that you have to wash your hands when you enter the door.

Feng Ziyao, who was always calm, was a little restless this time, and his tone of voice trembled a little, "I hope you will stop with Feng Jing last time."

Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen were stunned at the same time, and looked at each other, neither of them said anything, waiting for Feng Ziyao to continue.

Feng Ziyao took a long breath, "I don't feel sorry for that old man, but my mother."

"What do you mean?" Jian Zelin didn't hide his emotions this time, and directly frowned, staring at Feng Ziyao intently.

This woman is as smart as Xue Zhiyan, even though he, Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen never showed that they wanted Feng Jing to pay for his actions, she still knew about it.

"Actually, you don't need to act slowly for the sake of words." Feng Ziyao regained his composure when he said this, "I originally planned to remove Feng Jing at the shareholders' meeting at the end of this year. "

Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen put away their surprised expressions, glanced at Feng Ziyao, and signaled her to continue.

"It's just that your recent actions are too obvious. He may have noticed something. He went to look for Yao Xin a few days ago, and Yao Xin was very troubled." Feng Ziyao spoke briefly, paused, and continued, " I will seek justice for Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan, and I will not let them suffer that blow for nothing."

Jian Zelin half-closed his eyes and looked at Feng Ziyao, "Then you will take over Feng's in the future?"

Feng Ziyao shook his head, "No, I just don't want Feng Jing to go on like this."

Jian Zelin glanced at Yan Shaochen, and the two nodded at the same time, agreeing to Feng Ziyao's proposal...

(End of this chapter)

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