The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 283 Jian Zelin's True Thoughts

Chapter 283 Jian Zelin's True Thoughts

"Feng Ziyao is fine, I just met her at the feast that day, and I almost didn't recognize her!" Chi Yuan rubbed his nose embarrassedly, "The temperament that day was completely different from usual!"

Hearing what he said, Xue Zhiyan couldn't help laughing, and his hands trembled, "She's very ladylike, isn't she?"

Chi Yuan nodded, "Is that really her?"

Xue Zhiyan handed the teacup back to him, "Of course, but you are quite lucky to meet Feng Ziyao like that. You must know that the ones I often see are very..."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Jian Zelin's mouth, and every time he drank tea, he would even bend his eyes. Although Xue Zhiyan didn't see it, Di Wei who was sitting on the side could see it clearly.

"What?" Chi Yuan asked knowingly.

Seeing Chi Yuan's full of interest, Xue Zhiyan suddenly stopped talking, but looked at Chi Yuan with scrutiny, and then nodded as before.

"You want to pursue Feng Ziyao!" As soon as Xue Zhiyan said this, Chi Yuan took a sip of tea and went to the wrong place, choking him so much that even Jian Zelin choked.

Xue Zhiyan, Xue Zhiyan, even if you see it, don't say it!Jian Zelin shook his head helplessly, put down the teacup in his hand, took out a tissue and handed it to Chi Yuan, and at the same time took two to wipe his chin.

"You're out of the game! Your young master Chi's reputation is outside, Feng Ziyao will not agree!" Xue Zhiyan drank up the boiled water in the cup, and did not forget to look at Chi Yuan comfortingly, his eyes were full of sympathy and sympathy. Pitiful.

"Why?" Chi Yuan finally stopped coughing, and looked at Xue Zhiyan in disbelief, "You have to know, I, Chi Yuan, don't have any woman I can't deal with!"

Xue Zhiyan stretched out his fingers and shook in front of him, "Except for Feng Ziyao. Because of her father, she didn't even find a boyfriend. Yao Xin's mother has arranged blind dates for her, starting from her sophomore year. , Later, she got so annoyed that she found that scumbag Lin Mo as her temporary boyfriend!"

What Xue Zhiyan said was concise and to the point, Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan heard it simple and clear, only Di Wei frowned when she heard this, as if she was thinking about something else.

"Okay, you're not in good health, why are you running around in this bathrobe, go up and take a hot bath and change!" Jian Zelin glanced at Xue Zhiyan's wet hair and the bathrobe on her body, and frowned in displeasure .

"Then you can do whatever you want, I'll go up!" Xue Zhiyan didn't look at Di Wei from the beginning to the end, and didn't say a word to her. He just poured her a cup during the tea distribution, and she felt that she had done enough.

"Well, then Aze and I will go to the swimming pool, do you want to come together!" Chi Yuan raised his eyebrows, looking at Xue Zhiyan's back, but Xue Zhiyan waved his hands directly to show his rejection without looking back.

Chi Yuan had a straight face, leaning against the pool with his upper body on his back, showing no intention of going up.Jian Zelin, on the other hand, was floating on his back on the water, with his feet swinging gently, swimming around in the water, feeling very comfortable.

Seeing Jian Zelin's leisurely look, Chi Yuan became angry, scooped up a handful of water viciously, and threw it like Jian Zelin.

Before Chi Yuan could roar, Jian Zelin spoke first, "You are already an adult, stop playing games that only children would play!"

"Get out of here!" Chi Yuan growled angrily, Jian Zelin was happy, and didn't care about anything with him, turned over and swam over, and then imitated Chi Yuan, leaning leisurely by the pool.

"Did you eat explosives?" Jian Zelin followed Chi Yuan's example, picked up a handful of water, and threw it on his face.

"You know why I am like this!" Chi Yuan gritted his teeth and squeezed out such a sentence, and his eyes wandered to Di Wei who had been sitting on the top making tea for the two of them, "Even if I don't eat explosives, wait It will blow up and kill you when it arrives!"

Jian Zelin shrugged helplessly, "It's not that you haven't seen her, she insists on coming with me, I can't drive her away, can I?"

"Why not?" Chi Yuan raised his eyebrows, he didn't realize that when Jian Zelin was still so gentle, he couldn't bear to hurt others, "You don't want to have anything to do with her, do you?"

"No, I'm more dedicated, and I like to stick to one thing." Jian Zelin closed her eyes and leaned aside, "Besides, if it was her, I agreed two years ago, why wait until today."

"Then you reject her quickly!" Chi Yuan lowered his voice, afraid of being heard by Di Wei, "You will harm her and you as well, since you don't have that idea, you still let her stay by your side for two weeks year!"

"Well, I just feel that it's not good to keep anyone, otherwise if she leaves, there will be thousands of successors rushing up. It's not bad to use her to block it." Jian Zelin could only be in front of these old friends. The face is so dark.

It's not that he has a dark belly, it's really that what he said is such a situation, even Chi Yuan has to admire him, but when he thinks about Di Wei again, he feels a little sympathetic to this poor woman.

Followed a man with all his heart and got nothing, but in the end this man just wanted to use her to block other mad bees and butterflies that rushed up, so sad!
"You are so ruthless!" Chi Yuan didn't know whether he was praising him or scolding him, but Jian Zelin found it very useful and nodded in satisfaction.

When Di Wei was making tea, she accidentally picked up the chain that fell on the bench. It seemed that Xue Zhiyan should have dropped it, because she also used the swimming pool just now.

Opening the heart-shaped pendant, Di Wei was even more sure that it belonged to Xue Zhiyan, because in the two photos in the pendant, the woman's eyebrows and eyes were very similar to Xue Zhiyan.

Before Di Wei could think any more, Xue Zhiyan, who was wearing house clothes and her long hair messily draped over her shoulders, pushed the door open and entered, to be precise, she should have slammed into it.

Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan, who were still joking, looked towards the door when they heard the sound, and saw Xue Zhiyan with a flustered face, they came in without saying a word, and searched everywhere, as if they had lost something important.

"What's wrong?" Jian Zelin seemed to be able to feel the tension and uneasiness in Xue Zhiyan's heart, turned around and supported the shore with both hands, and jumped up.

"Did you see Yan Zhi'ai, it should have fallen here?" Xue Zhiyan didn't even turn his head, and continued to search, tears were about to flow out of his eyes.

Jian Zelin walked up to Di Wei, picked up a bathrobe from her side and put it on her body, and when she lowered her head, she saw the chain in Di Wei's hand.

Jian Zelin recognized it, squinted at Di Wei, and found that Di Wei was also surprised, and pointed to Di Wei's hand, "Is this the one?"

Jian Zelin had seen the necklace on Xue Zhiyan's neck, so he dared to be sure that the necklace in Di Wei's hand was what Xue Zhiyan was looking for, especially the heart-shaped pendant, which he had seen before.

Hearing Xue Zhiyan, he turned his head and looked straight at Diwei's hand. When he saw the shiny silver-white pendant, he finally had a look of relief in his eyes, and nodded suddenly, "Well, this is it!"

At first, Di Wei just confirmed that this thing belonged to Xue Zhiyan, but she didn't expect this thing to be so important to Xue Zhiyan. Since it is very important to you, why don't you return it to her?
"I'll take it to her." Di Wei put away the sinister eyes, blinked at Jian Zelin, and when she saw Jian Zelin nodded, she stood up and walked towards Xue Zhiyan, "Miss Xue, wait a moment, I'll take it to you You, you left on the chair..."


Xue Zhiyan had only taken two steps when she saw Di Wei's body tilted and she fell to one side, while the chain and pendant in her hand flew out at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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