The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 284 The Despair in Her Eyes

Chapter 284 The Despair in Her Eyes
"Ah!" Di Wei screamed in shock, Xue Zhiyan looked at her again, lying on the ground in pain, his little face was full of panicked expressions, and even painful expressions.

But Xue Zhiyan didn't have time to look at her painful expression. Instead, the necklace that was supposed to be in her hand had already flown out and fell to the ground. Stepped into the swimming pool with a little splash.

Xue Zhiyan's body froze in place, looking at the necklace gradually sinking to the bottom, unable to move for a long time.

"Ah, it hurts!" Di Wei clutched her palm, tears rolled in her eyes, looked at her palm pitifully, but a smug sneer curled up at the corner of her mouth.

When she looked up at Jian Zelin, she found that Jian Zelin stopped what she was doing and stared at the water in a daze.

Even Chi Yuan realized that the atmosphere was not right in an instant, and when he looked at Xue Zhiyan, he found that there was a kind of despair in her eyes.

"Plop!" Xue Zhiyan jumped into the water with his clothes on, and swam to the bottom of the pool as fast as he could.

The moment Xue Zhiyan saw the necklace falling into the water, it was as if an invisible big hand grabbed her heart fiercely, it hurt!
Xue Zhiyan didn't care about his own pain, and swam to the bottom of the swimming pool with all his strength, a little more effort, a little more persistence, and he will reach the bottom of the pool.

there!Xue Zhiyan sharp-eyed saw a black spot under the blue water, where his only thought was lying quietly on the bottom of the water.

Xue Zhiyan reached out to pick up her most cherished necklace at the bottom of the pool, held the necklace tightly in her palm, turned around, lightly tapped her toes on the bottom of the pool, and swam upwards.

"Huh!" Xue Zhiyan gasped heavily, brushed his wet hair back from his forehead, took a breath of fresh air, and then swam to the shore.

"Ah Ze, it hurts so much!" Di Wei cried out for the pain all the time, but Jian Zelin just looked at the water and ignored her.

Even Chi Yuan was annoyed by her shouting, and glared at her several times impatiently.However, these did not affect Di Wei's continued acting. She continued to sit on the cold floor, looking coldly at the water surface of the swimming pool, with a sneer on her lips.

She still remembered that when she returned from the feast that night, her father slapped her severely, and pointed at her nose and said that she was a loser, not even a woman could win.

It was because of Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao that she was scolded by her father for no reason.She couldn't think of any way to get it back, but today she came across a broken necklace that Xue Zhiyan had left behind.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's mouth full of clothes, but his empty eyes without any look, she felt secretly refreshed.

Xue Zhiyan, are you sad?It will make you even more sad later!If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't lose my reputation to Tong Yuan, and I wouldn't lose Jian Zelin's favor either!Diwei's eyes became more fierce, and the sneer at the corner of her mouth became more obvious.

But she never forgot, she kept shouting pain in her mouth, it was worth it to see Xue Zhiyan in pain from this fall!
"Xue Zhiyan, you..." Jian Zelin saw Xue Zhiyan quietly landed on the shore, walking towards the door like a wandering soul, as if something had been overturned in his heart, and he felt unspeakable and uncomfortable.

Hearing Jian Zelin's words, Xue Zhiyan stopped, turned around and looked not at him, but at Di Wei who was sitting on the ground crying out for pain, his eyes instantly became sharper.

"Di Wei, the play is over, it's time to end." Xue Zhiyan trembled, cold, even her voice was cold.

Looking at Jian Zelin with cold eyes without a trace of emotion, "Because of your connivance, what I will do is not too much, right? Don't forget, I am like this now because of you!"

Xue Zhiyan turned and opened the door, Su Lingxuan walked in, seeing Xue Zhiyan who was drenched all over with a bad face, with despair in his eyes, he reached out to hold her, "Zhiyan, what's wrong with you?"

However, Xue Zhiyan didn't look sideways, he sideways avoided Su Lingxuan's hand reaching out to grab her, and left this place of right and wrong with a cold face.

"What's wrong with her?" Su Lingxuan didn't hide her emotions at all, frowning, looked at Chi Yuan who was still submerged in the water, then glanced at Jian Zelin, and then——

"Why is she here!" Su Lingxuan pointed angrily at Di Wei who was sitting on the ground, Su Lingxuan walked to Di Wei's side involuntarily, and pulled her up from the ground without hesitation.

"Tell me, what did you do again!" Su Lingxuan was sure and sure, what did this woman do, Xue Zhiyan had such a ghostly look.

He had never seen Xue Zhiyan look so desperate, even when he went abroad and didn't tell her, she was never desperate.

"I, I just accidentally fell and threw her chain into the water because I couldn't hold it steady for a while..." Di Wei, who was still proud of herself, didn't expect Su Lingxuan to pull her up. She used 100% of her strength, and her arm was almost broken when pinched.

"Accidentally?" Su Ling twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and his signature sneer appeared on his handsome face, "Then I should be careful too!"

Before Di Wei could react, Su Lingxuan threw Di Wei into the swimming pool with a big wave of his hand.

"Ah!" Screaming, Di Wei's screaming, she never expected that Su Lingxuan would be so ignorant of pity and pity, and she completely forgot that Su Lingxuan's pity and pity would only be for one person.

Su Lingxuan narrowed her eyes dangerously, looking at Di Wei who was struggling in the water, "Is Yan Zhiyan in love? Jian Zelin, you ruined Xue Zhiyan."

After speaking, he strode away, leaving behind Chi Yuan who was bewildered, and Jian Zelin who was frowning.

Su Lingxuan stood at the door of the bathroom in Xue Zhiyan's room for half an hour. No matter how he knocked on the door or called Xue Zhiyan, she didn't respond. Only the sound of gurgling water was his response.

"Zhiyan, you open the door, you talk!" Su Lingxuan knocked on the door again, but there was still only the sound of water in the bathroom.

Jian Zelin and Chi Yuan changed their clothes as quickly as possible, and when they arrived at Xue Zhiyan's room, water was already flowing from the bathroom.

"Why, don't you open the door?" Jian Zelin suddenly panicked as he looked at the wet carpet.

"Knock, knock until she opens the door." It should be the first time for Su Lingxuan to be so impolite and keep knocking on the door.

Even Chi Yuan, with a serious face, joined the battle of knocking on the door, completely ignoring the continuous flow of water under his feet.

As for Xue Zhiyan, he threw himself into the bathtub. The water in it was not hot water, but cold water enough to cool her from head to toe. Necklace around the neck - Words of Love.

Mom, I'm sorry, I can't even keep the last thing you gave me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

Xue Zhiyan closed her eyes tightly, automatically blocked the knock on the door, closed her eyes tightly, and apologized countless times in her heart. After finally making her feel a little better, she began to doubt whether her previous decision was correct.

Mom, am I wrong? I think I was wrong. I thought I could live in peace, but I found that I still rely on him like I did when I was a child. But every time I get hurt, it hurts very much. Heavy, so uncomfortable, what should I do, mom...

(End of this chapter)

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