Chapter 298

Only Xue Zhiyan took two steps before he was grabbed by warm and generous hands. Xue Zhiyan turned his head impatiently, and saw Jian Zelin reaching out to grab her wrist.

Before she could ask the reason, Jian Zelin exerted a little force, Xue Zhiyan lost his balance and fell on Jian Zelin's lap.

"You forgot to put on your shoes." Regardless of Xue Zhiyan's struggle, Jian Zelin pressed her firmly on her lap, picked up her bear slippers from the ground, and put them on her feet one by one.

Xue Zhiyan's eyes were full of surprise, and when he put on the slippers for her, he forgot to sit on his lap for a moment, and stared blankly at Jian Zelin's face with big eyes.

His tone was so gentle, and there was a faint smile on his lips when he looked at her.Illusion, Xue Zhiyan thought, this must be an illusion.

Jian Zelin tucked her messy hair behind her ears, and patted her head lightly, "You go back to your room first, wash up, and I'll go up and call you later, and go out to eat tonight. Huh?"

"Ah?" Xue Zhiyan didn't react, looked into Jian Zelin's eyes, and found that there was an emotion in his eyes that could calm her down, and then nodded, "Well, do you want to help you choose clothes?"

Jian Zelin froze for a moment, choosing clothes for him?Isn't this something only young couples do?This girl...

But Jian Zelin didn't refuse, nodded, and then let go of Xue Zhiyan's hand.Seeing Xue Zhiyan stand up and go upstairs, when Xue Zhiyan left his lap, a trace of disappointment even flashed in his eyes.

After hearing the click of the door closing and locking, Jian Zelin put away the smile on his face and turned to look at Di Wei.But Di Wei never expected that Jian Zelin would look at her suddenly, and before the look of hatred in his eyes could be retracted, Jian Zelin could see it all.

"Don't come to me again, we won't have anything. We won't have it before, and we won't have it in the future." Jian Zelin's tone was very cold.

"Why?" Di Wei was not a fool, and could hear the meaning between the lines.

"I didn't like you before, and I won't in the future." Jian Zelin's words were simple but hurtful.

"Because of Xue Zhiyan?" Di Wei controlled her body, making her trembling less obvious.

"Yes." This affirmative answer directly blocked all of Di Wei's next words.

Diwei put away all her emotions and sat on the sofa with a blank face, her hands hanging by her sides, tightly clenched into fists.

"Did you have no feelings for me for more than two years?" Di Wei still refused to admit the speculation in her heart.

"No, you are just a shield I use to stop those desperate women who want to pounce on me." Jian Zelin is an honest person.

"You're going too far!" Di Wei's voice was a little trembling. Although she had thought of this for a long time, she was still a little unwilling when she heard Jian Zelin say it herself.

Jian Zelin sneered, with a sneer of disdain on his lips, "We are mutually beneficial, don't say it as if I took advantage of you."

What Jian Zelin said is correct, Di Wei has been with her for the past two years, although Jian Zelin has not given her any title, but she still got a lot of benefits.

Jian Zelin is a businessman, a young businessman, he has his own news network, and he can clearly know the news from various sources.

It is also because of his self-built news network that Jane's Prosperity can stand at the top of S City.

Di Wei's small face paled instantly, she stood up stiffly, her eyes were empty, as if something had been taken away.

Her love for Jian Zelin is the most genuine.Even if Jian Zelin doesn't accept her, she is still willing, because no man's smile can break through layers of haze and shine into her heart like Jian Zelin's smile, like the sunshine in winter.

When she thought that Jian Zelin would not accept her, in front of Xue Zhiyan, Jian Zelin asked her to change the name she called him. At that moment, Di Wei wanted to rush forward, put her arms around Jian Zelin's neck and kissed fiercely.

But she knew that she had to control it, and gradually Jian Zelin would treat her better and better, and eventually she would completely accept her.

But she forgot that Jian Zelin has never really been attracted to any woman, and in all the rumors related to him, there has always been a little girl, a girl who was hidden in the most secret place of Jian Zelin's heart.

Only at this moment did she really believe that the girl in Jian Zelin's story, the one he hid in his heart and didn't want anyone to mention it, was Xue Zhiyan.

In fact, she had already noticed the strangeness in Jian Zelin's eyes when she first met Xue Zhiyan, but she didn't think about it.

But Di Wei was unwilling!The feelings that I gave for two years were stifled before I got a response, and they were stifled so decisively.

She is unwilling!Obviously Xue Zhiyan has been away for so many years, but when she appeared, she still caught his sight tightly, attracted his attention, and captured his heart in just a few months, she was really unwilling!
Diwei, who was blinded by jealousy, forgot that there is no such thing as a latecomer in a relationship. It is always a matter of meeting the right person, and two people can join hands for a lifetime.

She even forgot that she was actually the latecomer.Because Xue Zhiyan was only born, she was firmly remembered by Jian Zelin, and she has never accepted any other women since then.

"Also, don't investigate Xue Zhiyan again. I didn't say anything before, but it doesn't mean I don't know." Jian Zelin coldly glanced at Di Wei's stiff figure, and continued, "If I find out that you investigate Xue Zhiyan again..."

Needless to say, Di Wei understood what he meant.Jian Zelin has always had his own way of doing things, which is also an important reason why he can control the prosperity at a young age.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Jian Zelin stood up and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling windows, opened the wide windows, and the sea breeze poured in, blowing away the aura on Di Wei's body.At this moment, Jian Zelin's brows eased a little.

Jian Zelin walked back to the sofa, picked up his mobile phone, dialed a familiar number, and the call was connected quickly.

"In the evening, call everyone and come to the pavilion."

As soon as Jian Zelin hung up the phone, Xue Zhiyan kicked his feet and walked down from upstairs.Jian Zelin sat on the sofa, looking at Xue Zhiyan against the light.

Black skinny jeans, with the trousers rolled up to reveal slender ankles, a white shirt as the bottom layer, the little bunny ornament at the neckline sparkles, a water blue sweater blouse, and a black coat on the wrist, Her long hair was pulled up high, her face was lightly made up, and she didn't look sick at all.

"Well, it's so cold!" Feeling the cold wind blowing in front of him, Xue Zhiyan shrank his neck subconsciously, threw the coat in his hand on the sofa, shrunk his neck, walked to the French window, and closed the open French window with his hand.

"Di Wei is gone?" Xue Zhiyan turned around and saw Jian Zelin who was staring at her closely, pouted.

Jian Zelin looked at her and smiled, then nodded, "Well, I won't come here again."

(End of this chapter)

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