The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 299 Two Couples in Couple Costumes

Chapter 299 Two people's couple outfit
"Let's go, I won't come here again." Jian Zelin pointed to the sofa beside him, motioning for Xue Zhiyan to sit down.

Xue Zhiyan obediently walked to the sofa, sat down, and looked at Jian Zelin seriously.After a long time, the red lips parted slightly, "I'm not afraid of her, I just feel embarrassed."

Xue Zhiyan thought of his attitude just now, he didn't even pour a glass of water for him, which was rude.She panickedly explained that she was really not afraid of her, but just felt embarrassed.

Because just a second before opening the door for Di Wei, she was still dreaming about the happy days with Jian Zelin.Seeing her face in the next second, I felt a little uncomfortable.

In addition, some things I said to her before, and some things she did to herself, made her feel extremely embarrassed.

She once swore to Di Wei that she would never have anything to do with Jian Zelin, but seeing her coming to Jian Zelin at this moment, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

It seems that no matter what she says, what she thinks in her heart is her truest thought.No matter how much she emphasized, her heart would still betray her.

She has always known that Diwei treats her like a rival in love, so she doesn't care so much about her little tricks, after all, she said something against her will, and she lied to her.

It's just that she went too far later, making Xue Zhiyan want to fight back.She is not the kind of person who must revenge, she will give the heaviest counterattack when she touches the bottom line. It is obvious that some things Di Wei has done have completely touched her bottom line, such as deliberately cherishing her Throwing the necklace into the pool.

And Xue Zhiyan felt that her best weapon was Jian Zelin.Obviously, Jian Zelin has helped her solve Di Wei today, and even in the future.

This means, have Jian Zelin and Di Wei separated themselves?Xue Zhiyan was so happy that she couldn't express it, if she could, she would definitely jump and cheer.

Jian Zelin's eyes were fixed on Xue Zhiyan, and he could see her subtle facial expressions. He only thought that Xue Zhiyan was sad, but he didn't know that she was thinking so much in his heart.

Feeling his burning gaze, Xue Zhiyan cleared his throat unnaturally, and turned his head to the side, "Aren't you going up to change?"

Jian Zelin was stunned for a moment, looked at Xue Zhiyan and pointed upstairs, "Didn't you say, go out to eat at night? I'm hungry."

Jian Zelin laughed lowly, shook his head and got up to go upstairs.Just as he was about to disappear at the top of the stairs, Xue Zhiyan's slightly hoarse voice came from behind.

"I forgot to take my medicine, please help me!"

Jian Zelin stopped, turned around, looked at Xue Zhiyan who was sitting on the sofa downstairs, and nodded.

As soon as he entered the room, Jian Zelin looked at the bed with anticipation. When he saw the clothes on the bed, his heartbeat really stopped.He didn't expect that Xue Zhiyan really helped him choose clothes.

Xue Zhiyan saw Jian Zelin going downstairs wearing the clothes she had chosen, a strange light flashed in his eyes.A light blue shirt with the top two buttons unbuttoned, just enough to see his collarbone.

The black trousers perfectly wrapped his long straight legs, and the corner of the shirt was well hidden in his trousers. The sharp color contrast showed his good figure at a glance.

Looking at the coat hanging in his arms, Xue Zhiyan frowned. It was a coat she picked out at random. She always felt that the color didn't match, but he unexpectedly took it down.

"Here, your medicine." Jian Zelin walked to her side and handed her the medicine box in his hand, not forgetting to take a look at the little bear sticker on the medicine box.

Xue Zhiyan seemed to have a special emphasis on that naive little bear.

Xue Zhiyan put the medicine box in her bag, touched the keys, and then remembered that she had parked the car in the cemetery that day.

Looking at Xue Zhiyan with a panicked expression, Jian Zelin sat beside her in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"My car!" Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin in panic, with an annoyed expression, "It's still in the cemetery!"

Jian Zelin laughed again, his hands clenched into fists lightly covered the corners of his mouth, but the corners of his crooked eyes betrayed him, he smiled happily.

"What are you laughing at?" Xue Zhiyan gave him an angry look, "I don't have a car, so you have to be my driver!"

"Yeah." Jian Zelin heard the impatience in her words, tried hard to hold back a smile, and nodded.

After sitting for a while, Jian Zelin checked the time, picked up the remote control to turn off the TV, and carried Xue Zhiyan's bag on the sofa, together with her and his coats, hanging on his arm.

"Come on, let's eat."

Xue Zhiyan laughed and jumped up from the sofa, bouncing towards the door, Jian Zelin could see how happy he was from her movements.

It's just that after seeing the shoes Xue Zhiyan was wearing, even he couldn't help but feel happy.

The shoes they both wore were the same baroque calfskin shoes. Xue Zhiyan's dress was a little more refreshing, showing a slender ankle.

This is like a couple outfit.

Xue Zhiyan was about to reach out to open the door, but Jian Zelin held her back. Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin in surprise, not understanding why he held her back.

"What's wrong?" Xue Zhiyan couldn't help but ask.

Jian Zelin unfolded her coat and waited for her to put on the coat, "Put on the coat."

Xue Zhiyan froze for a moment, stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, "I forgot, hehe!"

Xue Zhiyan put on the coat along his hands, took his coat from his arm, and helped him put on the coat.

Well, not bad!Xue Zhiyan watched Jian Zelin put on the coat, which was not the one she had chosen earlier, and nodded in satisfaction.

The difference from the Jian Zelin I saw in the past is that it is no longer a stiff black and white, and he is not wearing a tie, and the collar is not buttoned, and he does not look so serious.

"Let's go?" Xue Zhiyan reached out and took his bag, put it on his shoulder, reached out to hold him affectionately, and walked out of Guanhai Villa with a smile on his face.

The happy Xue Zhiyan did not notice that when her hand was in Jian Zelin's arms, his movements froze for a moment, even if it was only for a second.

Jian Zelin didn't take out a car key from the glove box on the side until the car drove out of the gate of the community, and handed it to Xue Zhiyan.

"What?" Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin suspiciously, and found that he was staring intently at the road ahead, only freeing up one hand.

"Look for yourself." Without waiting for her to reach out, Jian Zelin put the thing in her hand on her lap.

Withdrawing his hand and holding the steering wheel tightly, he drove the car seriously, and the car drove smoothly on the wide road.Soon there was a scream, causing the stable car to shake.

"Ah! My car keys!" Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin incredulously, "Why are you here?"

Jian Zelin rolled his eyes sideways, "Well, I picked up a car in the cemetery, and I will give it to you if you like it."

It was only then that Xue Zhiyan realized that Jian Zelin had been laughing at something when he was at home just now, and it turned out that he was laughing at her bewilderment.

But she didn't care, she was so excited that she didn't even think about it, she turned sideways and gave Jian Zelin who was driving seriously, a firm hug, and she didn't forget to kiss his side face.

At this point, the car, which had been moving forward steadily, shook again.

(End of this chapter)

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