Chapter 320
Xue Zhiyan's guess was not wrong at all, Feng Ziyao was already furious, if she could, she would have rushed to the villa, grabbed Xue Zhiyan's arm, rushed to the newspaper office, and beat up the reporter who broke the news.

Lying on the bed, Xue Zhiyan, who was holding his mobile phone and looking at the chat records, was not infected by Feng Ziyao, but was amused by the picture he imagined himself, making him giggle.

After dinner, Jian Zelin dealt with some business matters. She thought that Xue Zhiyan had already fallen asleep, but when she returned to the room, she opened the door and heard Xue Zhiyan's happy laughter.

Looking at the person lying on the bed, he had already kicked the quilt to the ground, his long hair was scattered on his shoulders, his legs were resting weakly on the bed, and he kicked him twice from time to time.

Looking at her trembling shoulders and her giggling, Jian Zelin sat down on the side of the bed with a puzzled expression, picked up the quilt, and put it on her back again.

Going to the phone she was holding, he looked at Xue Zhiyan's red face seriously, "What are you looking at, so happy, and still not sleeping?"

Xue Zhiyan smiled too seriously, he didn't hear Jian Zelin's sound of opening the door, he just felt the warmth on his back, and then heard Jian Zelin leaning into his ear to ask, the low and hoarse voice made Xue Zhiyan's movements froze, even his smile froze on the face.

"Ah, you, you, are you done?" He stuttered suddenly.

When she looked at Jian Zelin's handsome face, she blushed a lot.It's nothing else, but when her eyes swept over Jian Zelin's thin lips, she thought of the kiss between the two before.

Jian Zelin lifted the quilt, sat up, put his arm around Xue Zhiyan's armpit, and hugged her up.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Serious eyes, looking at the blush on her face, can somewhat guess why she is shy. "Laughing before bed can put you in a state of euphoria that makes it hard to fall asleep."

"Ah? Will you?" Xue Zhiyan directly avoided his question and asked instead.

"En." Jian Zelin nodded, looking at her embarrassed look, provocative eyes flashed quickly in his eyes.

Xue Zhiyan sat with her head down, not looking at him. Although she closed her eyes when kissing, she could always think of the handsome him kissing her affectionately.

"Xue Zhiyan?" Seeing that she was silent, Jian Zelin tentatively called out her name.

Xue Zhiyan was only thinking about the things in his mind, and didn't notice that when Jian Zelin called her, his voice was close to his ears.

She raised her head quickly, but before she could react, her pink lips pressed against his thin lips.

Staring wide-eyed at his handsome face, the corners of the eyes were bent, and there was an obvious smile.

Xue Zhiyan knew that he had been fooled, and Jian Zelin was a genius, so how could he not see what he was thinking?
Xue Zhiyan narrowed his eyes dangerously, playing tricks on her, good!

"Hmm!" Jian Zelin let out a low cry, and moved his face away, a salty smell stimulated his taste buds.

Xue Zhiyan licked the blood on his lips in satisfaction, and looked at him with a smirk, "Go take a bath! I'm going to bed!"

Jian Zelin frowned, but she wasn't angry, she reached out to ruffle her long hair, and went to the bathroom with a smile.

Looking at herself in the mirror, there was still a dark red spot on her thin lips. The little girl actually bit him in order to get revenge on him.

Jian Zelin looked at her naked upper body, there were still wet drops of water, only a bath towel was wrapped around her waist, and she wanted to tease her instantly.

But when he walked out of the bathroom, he realized that his plan had to be terminated. Xue Zhiyan had already fallen asleep while he was taking a shower.

Looking at her reddish cheeks and the slight smile on the corner of her mouth, I couldn't bear to wake her up again.He knew that when Xue Zhiyan was sleeping, the last thing he liked was being disturbed.

If it disturbed her sleep, it would be the number one crime. She couldn't wake up very angry when she woke up.

Jian Zelin smiled helplessly, walked back to the bathroom, put on her clothes, and then walked back to the bed.Looking down at her sleeping face, Jian Zelin felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

He liked to watch Xue Zhiyan sleep since he was a child, and he still likes it now. He was a little puzzled. When he was in Jian Zhai, Xue Zhiyan lived next door to him. How could he suppress the impulse in his heart and not go to the **** to watch Xue Zhiyan sleeping.

He breathed warmly on Xue Zhiyan's face, felt the itching of Xue Zhiyan, opened his misty eyes, saw Jian Zelin's handsome face, froze for a moment, and muttered softly, "Did I take your place?"

Before Jian Zelin could answer, Xue Zhiyan turned over, moved aside, and then there was no movement.

Listening to her even breathing, Jian Zelin lifted the quilt and lay beside her. Before he could reach out to pull her into his arms, Xue Zhiyan, who felt his breath, turned over again and slipped into his arms.

Jian Zelin sniffed the fragrance on her body and smiled with satisfaction.

Another good night's sleep.

As for whether Xue Zhiyan was a bad girl with a tattoo on her back, or whether she had already been secretly discussing the news with Su Ling, the quarrel stopped being so lively in just two days.

I don't know if it's because the heroine has never appeared in the public eye, or because Jane's Shengshi and Su's Kaisheng have done a good job in public relations. On the penultimate day of this year, hot topics about Xue Zhiyan on the Internet gradually became popular. Cooled down.

Xue Zhiyan was bored and changed the TV channel, pouted a little unhappy, from time to time glanced at Jian Zelin who was sitting aside without raising his eyelids, looking at the computer seriously.

He didn't go to the company for another two days, and after he got the invitation letter back that day, he never went there again. If there was anything to do, he either remotely controlled it through the phone, or the computer processed it and sent it.

Although Jian Zelin sat beside him with an incomparable sense of stability, Xue Zhiyan always felt that it was because of him that he dragged Jian Zelin together to become a nerd.

Compared to being an otaku with Jian Zelin, she wants to hold Chi Qian's hand and prepare a dress for the New Year's party.

She didn't want Jian Zelin to follow her and Chi Qian all the time, it would seriously affect her and Chi Qian's mood of trying on dresses.

Although Jian Zelin did not confirm the relationship between the two of them with her, Xue Zhiyan discovered that Jian Zelin was actually very masculine during daily contact. Don't touch it.

Recall that when Jian Guozheng asked him to give Xue Zhiyan his car, he could tell.

Although she was not sure whether Jian Zelin regarded her as his personal property.But she still didn't dare to wear that sexy dress rashly and attend the party holding Jian Zelin's hand.

That dress was, well, just sexy.In the sapphire blue evening dress and her naked back, not only can you clearly see the tattoos on her shoulders, but you can also see clearly how many pinholes there are on her lower back.

"Why, I can't see my photo, lost?" Jian Zelin's eyes still stayed on the computer screen.

Xue Zhiyan was taken aback by his words, thinking that he had discovered what he was thinking, panic flashed in his eyes.

"Well, it's a little bit, such a sexy back!" Xue Zhiyan's tone was full of disappointment, but his probing eyes kept sweeping over Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin had long noticed Xue Zhiyan's nervousness and panic, and knew what she was thinking. When he thought of her reaction when teasing her, he couldn't help teasing her.

"Well, it's quite sexy." Jian Zelin's tone could not hear any emotion, "Then save it until tomorrow night, and watch it all at once."

(End of this chapter)

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