Chapter 321
It wasn't until Xue Zhiyan saw Chi Qian's work partners appearing in front of her with that sapphire blue dress that she truly understood what Jian Zelin said that day.

Then save it until tomorrow night, and watch it all at once.

The dress sent by Jian Zelin was the one she and Chi Qian chose. The long silk dress can not only show off her delicate figure perfectly, but the dress with the back design can also Show her perfect back curve in front of everyone.

Of course, including the tattoo on her back, it will not be covered at all.

It turned out that Jian Zelin had always known what she was thinking, Xue Zhiyan was inevitably a little downcast, and she wanted to give him some small surprises.

Xue Zhiyan only knew that Jian Zelin had understood her thoughts a long time ago, but he didn't know how determined Jian Zelin was to have someone send this skirt.

You must know how difficult it is for him to make less decisions and show his naked back to everyone.In Jian Zelin's heart, Xue Zhiyan was his private treasure, and if he were to share his private treasure with others, it would be his death.

Xue Zhiyan and Chi Qian were well dressed. When they came down from the stairs, Jian Zelin was sitting on the sofa with a dark face. Up to now, he was still thinking about whether to change Xue Zhiyan's dress.

After all, Xue Zhiyan was his heart and soul. Although he had seen her body, he was still very upset that he had to show this to everyone before he had time to look at it more carefully.

Seeing his stinky face, Xue Zhiyan thought that he was angry and angry at him for choosing clothes without telling him, but he didn't think deeper.

If Xue Zhiyan knew Jian Zelin's thoughts, he would dig out all his brains in a moment of happiness, and throw them to the zombies without hesitation.Then he listened to Jian Zelin's words without thinking, and wrapped himself up tightly.

"Let's go?" Xue Zhiyan didn't know Jian Zelin's entanglement in his heart, but he smiled and walked forward to hold his arm. The smile was very sweet, reaching to the bottom of Jian Zelin's heart.

Jian Zelin nodded hesitantly, picked up the black wool coat on the sofa, put it on Xue Zhiyan's shoulders, and then pulled Xue Zhiyan out together.

As for Chi Qian, she was forgotten by Jian Zelin, so Chi Qian had no choice but to follow behind them.

When the car arrived at the hotel entrance, before the doorman opened the door, Jian Zelin patted Xue Zhiyan's hand and looked at her firmly, "Wait a minute and you will always be by my side. If I am too busy to leave, just Stay with Feng Ziyao and the others all the time, don't leave alone."

Xue Zhiyan was a little nervous at first, but after listening to Jian Zelin's words, he calmed down, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Xue Zhiyan knew what Jian Zelin was worried about. He was worried that Di Wei and Li Er would come to trouble her, that she would not be able to handle it alone, and that she would be hurt by those two people.

"I will protect you." Seeing that the car door was opened, Jian Zelin got out of the car first, then stretched out a hand towards Xue Zhiyan inside the car, waiting for her.

Xue Zhiyan sat on the leather seat, smiled slightly at Jian Zelin, and put his hand in his palm. The moment his hands touched, Jian Zelin held her hand tightly.

Xue Zhiyan got out of the car gracefully, stood beside Jian Zelin, looked at the car Chi Qian was riding in, and Chi Qian just walked down with Chi Yuan's hand on his arm.

The four looked at each other, and the smiles on their faces were self-evident. The four walked side by side on the red carpet, being baptized by the flashing lights of the reporters around the door.

Xue Zhiyan found that the coat was still draped over his shoulders, he tilted his head slightly, and looked at Jian Zelin with a smile, "You said let them see enough at once, but..."

"I'll let them see enough." Jian Zelin lowered his head to Xue Zhiyan's ear, with a smile on his lips.

Looking at it from the reporter, it seemed that the two were talking about something that no one could hear, and the smile on Xue Zhiyan's face seemed extremely shy in their eyes.

"Hold my arm tightly, or you will be cold." Jian Zelin glanced at the reporters with wide eyes with a smirk.

With a big wave of his hand, Xue Zhiyan felt a chill on his back, and subconsciously put his hands around Jian Zelin's waist, the posture was more ambiguous than hugging his arms tightly.

The smile on the corner of Jian Zelin's mouth became more obvious, and he clasped warm palms on her waist that was exposed in the air, and lowered his head to continue whispering to her.

"You are much smarter than I imagined." Xue Zhiyan's actions made him very satisfied and enjoyed it a lot.

"Holding one arm is not enough to keep warm!" Xue Zhiyan lowered his head with a smile, and his voice sounded a little coquettish.

"You two are good at singing this play!" Chi's brother and sister walked up to them and whispered.

The smiles on their faces told the two people who were hugging each other that they had a great time watching the show, and it seems that there should be more interesting things next year.

"Watching the show, remember to buy tickets." Jian Zelin's big hands lingered back and forth on Xue Zhiyan's bare back, and he turned his head to look at Chi Yuan, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's really not a family, don't enter the family." Chi Qian smiled and gave Jian Zelin a blank look, but secretly gave Xue Zhiyan a thumbs up.

The flash beside him kept flashing, and Xue Zhiyan didn't even have the thought of raising his head. He gently put his head on Jian Zelin's shoulder, and his smiling side face was also within the range of the camera.

"I also hope that friends from the media can take a more perfect picture of Zhiyan's figure." Jian Zelin's big hand stroking her back finally stopped at her waist.

Because his warm palms were constantly rubbing against her back, Xue Zhiyan didn't feel very cold, and he even felt a little hot when he was leaning against his arms all the time.

"Jian Shao, Chi Shao, please." A waiter stepped forward, took Xue Zhiyan's coat from Jian Zelin's arms, bowed politely, and began to lead the way for the two of them.

"Shall we go?" Jian Zelin lowered his head and asked softly. He knew that Xue Zhiyan was uncomfortable wearing high heels, so he couldn't just drag her away, he had to get her ready.

"En." Xue Zhiyan nodded, stood up straight, put his hand into Jian Zelin's generous big hand again, lifted the hem of the skirt slightly with the other hand, turned his back to the reporter, and followed Jian Zelin's steps into the hotel.

When they entered the hall, Yan Shaochen and Su Lingxuan took Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao respectively, occupied a round table, and were already sitting there waiting.

It's just that the combination of sitting separately this time is a bit strange, Liang Huan and Yan Shaochen are sitting together, Feng Ziyao and Su Lingxuan are sitting together, what kind of combination is this?Xue Zhiyan was a little confused.

"The performance was good." Seeing the four people come and sit down, Su Lingxuan raised his wine glass with a smile on his lips.

"Before watching the good show, can I ask you to pay the ticket price first?" Xue Zhiyan sat beside Su Lingxuan with his skirt up, stretching out his tender little hand.

Jian Zelin sat beside Xue Zhiyan, pulled her hand back, and held it tightly, "Money fan."

Xue Zhiyan smiled, and wanted to withdraw his hand, but found that he couldn't withdraw it at all, so he just gave up, but just changed his hand, holding Jian Zelin's hand tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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