The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 335 Flirting?

Chapter 335 Flirting?

After Xue Zhiyan's small head rested for a period of time, it was inevitable that he was a little powerless in the face of such a huge amount of work.It was hard to keep up with the rhythm, picking out important information from those complicated documents, and when she was busy typing into the computer, she was interrupted by a touch, breaking up the words she had managed so hard to organize .

Xue Zhiyan frowned impatiently and looked towards the source of the voice.The frowning little face, when looking towards the door, met Jian Zelin's furious and cold face.

Ice face?Hey!long time no see!Although Xue Zhiyan frowned, he was a little excited. Recently, Jian Zelin had been looking at her with a gentle expression, and she began to miss his ice face.

Am I supposed to be a masochist?Xue Zhiyan's frowning brows were relaxed, and he raised his brows slightly at the angry Jian Zelin.

"What is Mrs. Jane doing?" Xue Zhiyan wanted to ask him what he was doing here, but after thinking about it, he was at work, so he temporarily changed his way of speaking.

After Xue Zhiyan said this, he remembered that he had to go to the door to meet him.It's just that his sudden arrival caught Xue Zhiyan by surprise, and he couldn't find the pair of slippers under the table in a panic.

The more she couldn't find it, the more anxious she became, so she jumped up and went under the table to find the slippers that she kicked somewhere.

Jian Zelin was originally angry that she didn't answer the phone, and came to Kaisheng to find her after finishing the important documents at hand, and politely called him "Jian Shao" as soon as they met, Jian Zelin, who was overwhelmed by the sense of alienation, even forgot that this was an act The courtesy a secretary should have.

Seeing that she didn't come up to meet him, but hurriedly got under the table, not knowing what she was doing.Furious, he strode forward, pulled Xue Zhiyan's chair away, stretched out his big hand to hook Xue Zhiyan's collar, and lifted her out from under the table.

Xue Zhiyan was wearing a slipper on one foot, stepped on the floor with the other foot, and was holding the other slipper in his hand. Not knowing what happened, he stared blankly at the furious Jian Zelin.

"What's wrong?" Xue Zhiyan blinked innocently, not knowing why Jian Zelin was angry.

"What are you doing!" Jian Zelin tried his best to restrain the anger in his heart, and squeezed out such a sentence through his teeth.

"Looking for shoes!" Xue Zhiyan shook the slippers in his hand.

It was only then that Jian Zelin saw that she was tightly clutching the light purple slippers in her hand. Looking down along her hand, she found that she was standing on the ground with one foot, and the other bare foot was stepping on her own instep. On the ground, if he hadn't stretched out his hand to hold her, she would have been unsteady and fell to the side.

"Put it on!" Jian Zelin's tone was much softer than before.

"Oh." Xue Zhiyan obediently put on his slippers, stood still and looked straight at his ice face.

"Haha, it's strange, sometimes Xue Zhiyan obeys what he says?" Su Lingxuan's chuckling voice came from the side.

Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan turned their heads to look at him at the same time, only to realize that Su Lingxuan had walked to the sofa and sat down at some point, holding a kettle in his hand, making tea skillfully.

The lively smile on the corner of his mouth flashed brightly into Jian Zelin's eyes.

"Remember to buy tickets to watch the excitement." Before Jian Zelin could speak, Xue Zhiyan said this first.

The corner of Jian Zelin's mouth twitched, he glanced at Xue Zhiyan, walked towards the sofa, and unceremoniously sat beside Su Lingxuan.

"Do you want tea?" Su Lingxuan handed a cup of tea to Jian Zelin without fear of death, but found that he didn't move, so he could only hold the teacup and drink it by himself.

Jian Zelin stared at him for a long while before slowly opening his mouth, "Is Kaisheng going to treat the employees so harshly that they even cut off their lunch time?"

Su Lingxuan shrugged, expressing his disapproval, "I didn't deduct any employee's meal time."

"Then why didn't you answer the phone!"

Xue Zhiyan, who had just sat down on the chair, felt Jian Zelin's angry eyes, raised his head in confusion, and met his gaze, "What phone call?"

"I called you to ask you to have lunch, why didn't you answer the phone?" Jian Zelin was about to die of anger from Xue Zhiyan, and she didn't know why she was angry.

"Telephone? Is it lunch time?" Xue Zhiyan looked confused, and found his phone number in the file.

When I saw the missed calls on the screen, I gasped. There were 55 missed calls and [-] short messages, all from one person.

Looking at the time again, Xue Zhiyan's eyeballs almost fell out of shock, it was already one o'clock!

It's one o'clock! !She just sorted out a few documents, just a little bit? !
But it's not right, Su Lingxuan didn't call her either!Why is it one o'clock?
"What?" Jian Zelin raised his eyebrows, his eyes fixed on Xue Zhiyan's every move.

Xue Zhiyan touched his neck embarrassingly, and grinned awkwardly, "Sorry, I was too serious, I didn't hear the phone ring."

"Is there no sound, or is it just a vibration or silence?" Jian Zelin refused to let go.

"Uh..." Seeing that he was being exposed, Xue Zhiyan hurriedly grabbed a document on the table and covered his face, "It's because there is too much information in this document, and I have to simplify it, so I didn't notice the phone vibrating of……"

Xue Zhiyan's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end, it was barely audible.

Su Lingxuan looked at the two people who were arguing, and shook his head helplessly. He didn't know how many times he would have to watch this scene. Maybe his office would become a place for the two of them to flirt.

"Okay, let's eat quickly!" Su Lingxuan waved his hand, it was obvious that he had no intention of being the biggest light bulb, but Jian Zelin didn't move.

Xue Zhiyan hurriedly dropped the documents in his hands, and quickly took off his slippers, casually put his little leather boots on his feet, casually stuffed his mobile phone into his bag, and stood respectfully in front of the table after tidying up, waiting for Jian Zelin Actions.

Jian Zelin looked at her for a while, his tense face finally eased a lot, he waved to her, and patted the sofa beside him.

Xue Zhiyan didn't understand the meaning of his waving at first, but when she saw her pat the sofa next to him again, he walked over and sat beside him.

"Wait here, someone will deliver food later." Jian Zelin turned his head to glance at Su Lingxuan, and said with great reluctance, "The three of us will eat together."

"What to eat?" Xue Zhiyan saw that he was no longer sullen, but relaxed a little, and rubbed against him.

Seeing her rubbing against her, Jian Zelin stretched out his arms to wrap around her waist, with a mysterious smile on his face, "Secret."

"Hey, stingy!" Xue Zhiyan pouted dissatisfiedly, and picked up the teacup in front of him to drink tea.

Jian Zelin snatched the teacup before it reached his mouth.Xue Zhiyan stared at him dissatisfied, but Jian Zelin didn't care.

"If you want to see Yan Shaochen, you can go directly without torturing your own stomach."

Jian Zelin's voice was cold, but it fell on Xue Zhiyan's heart, but it was warm. It turned out that he was worried about himself. Drinking tea on an empty stomach would irritate her fragile stomach.

"Hey, you two pay attention, there's still a breather here!"

(End of this chapter)

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