The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 336 Brother Chapter 344 I won't let her be wronged

Chapter 336 Younger Brother Chapter 340 Four Will Not Let Her Be Wronged

"Hey, you two, pay attention, there's still someone out of breath!" Su Ling sipped his tea with lowered eyes, not looking at the two of them.

Although these two people have not announced their affairs to the public, acquaintances can tell at a glance that the two people who were previously incompatible are now so intimate that they can stick together every minute.

In front of Xue Zhiyan, Jian Zelin put away the aura of not being close to strangers, and even got rid of the habit of not being close to any woman, holding Xue Zhiyan in his arms all the time.

And Xue Zhiyan also changed his hedgehog temper, put away all the hard thorns on his body, and was as docile as a good cat, sticking to Jian Zelin's side.

The two directly declared their mutual sovereignty to outsiders with the smiles on their faces and the intimacy that they always stick together.

Even Su Lingxuan couldn't stand it anymore.

After having Jian Zelin, this little sister whom he pampered and loved, even disregarded his feelings as a bachelor, and showed her affection in front of him.

"Drink your tea!" Xue Zhiyan gave him a displeased look.

"Oh! It's such a downturn in the world. If you have a man, you forget about your brother!" Su Lingxuan raised his head to the sky and sighed, and then looked at Xue Zhiyan sadly, "You two are not married yet, you just follow him with all your heart, if he Abandoned you, don't run back and hold your brother's arm and cry!"

"Bah! You have a crow's mouth!" Xue Zhiyan immediately retorted like a furry cat, "I don't have anything to do with your sister, you just hope that I will be abandoned, are you my brother!"

"I'm just telling the truth, and worry about you!" Su Ling smiled.

"Believe it or not, I told my aunt that you're scolding me!" Xue Zhiyan glared fiercely.

Su Lingxuan put down the teacup in his hand and raised his hand in surrender.Who doesn't know that Yan Wen loves her niece, the only seedling of the Xue family, and even treats her better than her own son.

Sometimes when comparing the two, Xue Zhiyan looks like Yanwen's child, while Su Lingxuan seems to be picked up from outside.

"Okay." Seeing the two people bickering happily, Jian Zelin's heart gradually became sour, and as soon as he reached out, he tightly trapped Xue Zhiyan in his arms.

Xue Zhiyan rubbed against his shoulder, found a comfortable position to lean on, and yawned softly, "This way, I'm a little sleepy."

"Don't sleep, sleep after eating?" Jian Zelin reached out and rubbed Xue Zhiyan's face, preventing her from closing her eyes and falling asleep.

"Yeah." Xue Zhiyan rubbed against each other again, "I'll squint for a while, just call me when something arrives."

Jian Zelin smiled helplessly, and stopped rubbing her face, allowing her to close her eyes and take a nap.

"But Aze, I really want to know when you will disclose your relationship with Xue Zhiyan to the public." Su Lingxuan glanced dotingly at the woman nestled in his arms, and looked up at Jian Zelin seriously, "I won't have to wait again Are you willing to admit it when the reporter broke the news?"

"I will find a suitable opportunity." Jian Zelin lowered his voice, looked down at the woman in his arms, his eyes were full of endless tenderness.

"I hope you don't let our little princess be wronged, absolutely not in this matter." Su Lingxuan stopped smiling and looked at Jian Zelin seriously.

"Don't worry, I won't wrong her." Jian Zelin's eyes were firm.

Su Ling thought for a while, and then slowly opened her mouth, with an inexplicable emotion in her eyes, "I hope you can put aside your previous prejudices and treat her like you were when you were a child."

After hearing Su Lingxuan's words, Jian Zelin's eyes quickly flashed a trace of emotion, even he himself didn't know what that emotion represented.

"Young Master Su, Young Master Jian ordered lunch." Xiao Min pushed the door open and entered.

The voice was crisp and clear, but his eyes were fixed on Xue Zhiyan who was sleeping in Jian Zelin's arms, he was in a dilemma.

"Well, bring it here." Su Ling pointed to the coffee table in front of him.

The food box was placed on the coffee table in front of him, and when Xiao Min turned to leave, Su Lingxuan raised his eyes to look at the secretary's back, and spoke coldly, without a trace of emotion in his voice.

"I don't want any more messy scandals to spread from Kaisheng's secretary's office. Keep your mouths shut, otherwise it will be the same sentence in the morning."

This time even Jian Zelin discovered that Su Lingxuan would put away his sharpness only when speaking to Xue Zhiyan, and only when speaking to the woman in his arms would he be as gentle as water.

Xue Zhiyan was the only person who could easily break through his mask of gentleness and make him fly into a rage.

Maybe his feelings for Xue Zhiyan have long surpassed the feelings between siblings, Jian Zelin was very sure.

As soon as Xiao Min closed the office door, Su Lingxuan opened the food box, Xue Zhiyan's eyelashes moved, and he opened his misty eyes.

"Huh, is there something to eat?" Xue Zhiyan broke free from Jian Zelin's arms, staring at the food on the table intently.

Celery and Shrimp, Shredded Chicken, Egg Drop Soup, Vegetable Porridge and Egg Fried Rice, Xue Zhiyan pointed to the things on the table in surprise, they were so familiar!

"Are you familiar?" Jian Zelin filled a bowl of vegetable porridge and handed it to Xue Zhiyan, with Xue Zhiyan's familiar pampering in his eyes.

"Well, that's what I made when I came to deliver food to Ling." Xue Zhiyan took the bowl Jian Zelin handed over, and scooped a spoonful of porridge into his mouth.

Xue Zhiyan swallowed the lukewarm vegetable porridge, and frowned, "Too much MSG!"

Jian Zelin stretched out his hands to rub her hair, and a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Of course the ones ordered in restaurants outside are not as delicious as yours."

"Well, it's good to eat some, don't pick and choose!" Su Lingxuan nodded in agreement.

Xue Zhiyan put the porridge bowl on the coffee table, and put another shrimp in his mouth, his brows still furrowed.

"What's the problem this time?" Jian Zelin suppressed a smile and looked at Xue Zhiyan with a painful face.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, and swallowed the scary mouth, "No, no, I won't pick."

Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan looked at each other, bowed their heads and stopped talking, and ate something on the table in silence.

It wasn't until the takeaway lunch was over that Xue Zhiyan let out a sigh of relief.Getting close to Jian Zelin's arms again, he didn't want to clean up those lunch boxes with half of the food left.

"Secretary Xue, don't you plan to clean up these things for your boss?" Su Lingxuan raised her eyebrows and teased deliberately.

"Boss, I beg you, if you want to eat next time, just tell me, okay? It will only take a while to cook such a meal. Just please don't let me eat this high-salt and high-MSG food again. It's not in line with my regimen!" Xue Zhiyan shrank into Jian Zelin's arms again.

Jian Zelin patted Xue Zhiyan's shoulder comfortingly, "Even if you bring this meal home after cooking, it will be cold."

Su Lingxuan shrugged irresolutely, but did not speak, but took a meaningful look at Xue Zhiyan.

It seems that his sister, there seems to be something else that he hasn't told Jian Zelin!But looking at Xue Zhiyan's Yanzi, it seems that he has no intention of talking to Jian Zelin at the moment.

Xue Zhiyan knew what the meaning in Su Lingxuan's eyes meant, so he didn't speak, stood up quietly and began to clean up the leftovers in front of him.

After finally tidying up, I saw two big men sitting leisurely on the sofa, not intending to work at all.Xue Zhiyan glanced at the documents on his desk, yawned, stretched while standing, and raised his legs to return to the desk.

"Come here." Jian Zelin said concisely, and patted the sofa beside him.

"But I want to work." Xue Zhiyan pointed to the hill-like documents on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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