The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 338 Waiter, add food

Chapter 338 Waiter, add food
"When she went to find me in the afternoon, she saw me entangled with a naked woman." Chi Yuan's tone revealed unprecedented frustration.

Recently, in order to attract Feng Ziyao's attention, he hadn't hooked up with beautiful women for a long time, and even with a big wave of his hand, he tore up his 419 beauties list.

It was very difficult for Feng Ziyao to change his attitude towards him a little, and his attitude was no longer so tough, and she ran into today's incident again.

Chi Yuan only knew today what it's like to be caught in bed!Although he really had nothing to do with that woman, it was the woman who came to him on her own initiative, so he really didn't have any thoughts.

But when Feng Ziyao left, he could see a trace of despair in her drooping eyes.

"Then you have absolutely no chance!" Xue Zhiyan's voice suddenly reached the ears of the four people.

The four looked up in surprise, and saw Liang Huan and Chi Qian shook their heads, and then sat down quietly, but these three women looked at Chi Yuan with a hint of hatred for iron.

"What did you guys go to say?" Xue Zhiyan just sat back beside Jian Zelin, and Jian Zelin put his hand on her waist.

"The four of us haven't gone out for a long time, we've gone crazy. For the last two days, we planned to go out for a wild ride with the four of us!" Xue Zhiyan picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea in it.

Feeling that the hands on his waist exerted a little strength, Xue Zhiyan put down his teacup, and gave Jian Zelin a white look, "I just went shopping, not dating men!"

"If you dare to date a man, the sky in S city will change!" Su Lingxuan chuckled, and glanced at Jian Zelin who had a gloomy face.

"Which day?" Jian Zelin asked after casting a blank look at Su Lingxuan.

"I don't know, it depends on when Feng Ziyao has time." Xue Zhiyan shrugged and glanced at Chi Yuan.

"Don't we have a share?" Yan Shaochen glanced at Liang Huan, he didn't want to give up any chance to go out with Liang Huan.

"No!" It was none other than Feng Ziyao, who was late, and there was a hint of anger in his words, "Why do women have to bring your burdens with them when they go out!"

Without squinting, Feng Ziyao walked up to Xue Zhiyan and sat down.With a pull on Xue Zhiyan's arm, she was pulled out of Jian Zelin's arms.

Jian Zelin frowned in displeasure, but Feng Ziyao didn't agree with him, "Our family's words are not right and wrong. Not long ago, she was disgusted by Jian Shao, and he said in public that he would not marry her. Now every day How decent is it to hug and hug!"

Xue Zhiyan glanced at Jian Zelin sympathetically, but Jian Zelin sighed helplessly, silently acknowledging Feng Ziyao's accusation.

Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen picked up the empty teacups, pretended to drink water, and looked at Chi Yuan.

"Where did you go this afternoon? Do you know that I stood outside your house, rang the doorbell for 10 minutes, knocked on the door for 10 minutes, and blew cold wind for 10 minutes!" Feng Ziyao He rolled his eyes at Xue Zhiyan who was leaning on his shoulder.

Xue Zhiyan covered his face and smiled, "After ringing the doorbell for 10 minutes, no one came to answer the door, and you knocked on the door for 10 minutes, are you stupid?"

Feng Ziyao shook his shoulders, shook Xue Zhiyan's smiling face away from her shoulders, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with a look of disgust, "I was afraid that you would be bored and went to accompany you, but you were not at home. A man with a heart goes out to wander around, and when the time comes, someone will sell it to you, and you have to count the money for him!"

Xue Zhiyan suppressed a smile and glanced at Jian Zelin, it seemed that he was destined to be Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan's cannon fodder tonight, "If he is willing to sell me, I don't mind charging him an expensive handling fee! "

Jian Zelin gave Xue Zhiyan a blank look, stretched out his hand to poke her forehead, then tightly held Xue Zhiyan's hand with his lowered hand, turned his head and continued talking to Su Lingxuan who was sitting beside him.

Seeing the two of them like this, Feng Ziyao shook his head dejectedly, then looked at the empty table, and lay powerlessly on the table, "Have you ordered food? Why hasn't it been served for so long?"

"It's on." Jian Zelin looked back at Feng Ziyao, always feeling that she was a little weird now, but couldn't tell what was wrong.

Chi Qian looked at Feng Ziyao who was lying on the table weakly, her cheeks were rosy, her mouth was slightly opened, as if she was having difficulty breathing, "What's wrong with your face, so red?"

Feng Ziyao raised his eyelids with difficulty, reached out and touched his cheek, "It's nothing!"

Liang Huan looked at her state, she seemed to be drunk too much, stood up and went to Feng Ziyao's side to sniff, "Have you been drinking?"

"Are you kidding me! I want to drive!" Feng Ziyao sat up suddenly as if stimulated.

He opened his mouth and approached Liang Huan's nose, "Is there obviously no smell of alcohol?"

"Then why do you look like this?" Liang Huan really didn't smell the wine, shook his head and walked back to his seat.

Just when the waiter started serving the dishes, Jian Zelin served the sashimi in order to understand Xue Zhiyan's cravings. The wasabi served along with the sashimi gave off a unique fragrance that irritated the noses of several people.

Liang Xu just told Yan Shaochen to turn his head away before he finished telling him about Feng Ziyao's strange situation. Before Yan Shaochen had time to ask about Feng Ziyao's situation, Feng Ziyao frowned and turned his face to Xue Zhiyan.

"Ha - chirp -!"

"Xue Zhiyan be careful!" Yan Shaochen and Feng Ziyao spoke at the same time, but it had two effects.

Xue Zhiyan covered his mouth and nose in horror, but he still couldn't stop Feng Ziyao from sneezing.Jian Zelin hurriedly took out a tissue, and wiped Feng Ziyao's saliva on Xue Zhiyan's face.

There was endless worry in his eyes!It was very easy to get Xue Zhiyan out of the sea of ​​fever. Apart from eating Yan Shaochen's prescription on time, keeping a happy mood, and keeping warm, the most important thing is not to let Xue Zhiyan get infected.

And just now, Feng Ziyao sneezed loudly, without any waste, and sprayed it all on Xue Zhiyan's face.Seeing Xue Zhiyan's expression about to come out, Jian Zelin wanted to strangle Feng Ziyao to death.

Not only did Xue Zhiyan hate lying on the hospital bed and sleeping all the time, even he couldn't bear to see her drowsy and lifeless all day long.

"Feng Ziyao!" It wasn't Jian Zelin who shouted, but Su Lingxuan.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Feng Ziyao rubbed his itchy nose, lowered his head and pinched his throat.

Yan Shaochen shook his head helplessly, walked to Feng Ziyao's side and touched her forehead, then pinched her chin, making her look up at him. "Open your mouth, ah—"

Feng Ziyao also just realized that his voice was wrong, so he opened his mouth obediently, imitating a child's pronunciation, "Ah—ah——"

"I have a cold, and I still have a fever!" Yan Shaochen let go of Feng Ziyao's chin, walked back to his seat and sat down.

After taking the disinfectant wipes handed over by Liang Huan, he wiped his hands, then looked at the nervous Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan, and said quietly, "Go back tonight and start taking medicine again, Xue Zhiyan, you can have a good meal tonight Bar!"

Xue Zhiyan sniffed pitifully, glanced at Jian Zelin, and waved to the waiter who was delivering the dishes, "Waiter, add more dishes!"

(End of this chapter)

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