Chapter 339
Feng Ziyao had a fever-reducing patch on his forehead, and he half leaned on the hospital bed with a sad face, the hand with the infusion needle hanging on his side, and the other hand was holding the mouse, which was placed on the bed. on the table.

Xue Zhiyan wore a big mask covering his entire face, revealing two dull eyes, leaning on Jian Zelin, who walked into the ward with Jian Zelin's arms.

Followed by Yan Shaochen with a gloating face, and a nurse wearing a big mask, pushing a small cart full of medicine and infusion sets.

"Yo! The two of you can be considered sisters and sisters, right?" Yan Shaochen walked up to Feng Ziyao, checked the water she was hanging, and glanced at Feng Ziyao who was still desperately drawing with a half-smile Yao.

When Jian Zelin heard the words 'difficult sister, difficult sister', he gave Yan Shaochen a hard look, but the stared Doctor Yan didn't take it seriously.

Smiling, she walked to Xue Zhiyan's bed, pulled out her warm little hand, and glanced at Jian Zelin again, making sure that she didn't pat the back of Xue Zhiyan's hand after taking Xue Zhiyan's hand and punching him.

When the sharp needle pierced into Xue Zhiyan's flesh, not only did she gasp, but even Jian Zelin, who was standing by the side, unconsciously clenched the hands hanging on both sides of her body.

"Okay, you two sisters and sisters, let's exchange ideas in this ward!" Yan Shaochen disposed of the discarded needles, and while wiping his hands, he glanced at the two women lying on the hospital bed, " If you have something to do, just press the call bell on the bedside, and the nurse will come to solve it."

After speaking, he took a meaningful look at Feng Ziyao, walked out of the ward without looking back, and started his day's ward rounds.

Sitting next to Xue Zhiyan, Jian Zelin gave Feng Ziyao a hard look, really wanting to pull out the needle on her arm and insert it into her carotid artery.

I really don’t know what’s in that weird brain. In the winter afternoon, I went to the beach to blow the sea breeze for nearly four hours. I already had a fever, and I went to eat with everyone ignorantly. I ate when I ate. He even sneezed at Xue Zhiyan!
Looking at Feng Ziyao, who was half leaning on the bed like Xue Zhiyan, with a pale face, half-opened mouth, panting, and frowning, Jian Zelin felt viciously for the first time that she really deserved it!

But Xue Zhiyan in front of him, what provoked her to suffer with her?No, Xue Zhiyan looked much more painful than that young lady who could still draw pictures.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it either!" Feng Ziyao's eyes flickered, he didn't dare to look at Jian Zelin.

A hoarse voice came from the hospital bed beside him, Jian Zelin frowned unaccustomedly, and helped Xue Zhiyan pull the quilt, then turned to look at Feng Ziyao.

"I really don't know if you feel sorry for her or are you hurting her." Jian Zelin's words had a hint of blaming her, but more of a heartache for Xue Zhiyan.

Seeing that he really felt sorry for Xue Zhiyan, Feng Ziyao stopped talking back since he was different from the previous attitude of rejecting her thousands of miles away.

Looking up and seeing the man walking in, he frowned displeasedly, did not greet him, and focused his attention on his computer again.

"How is it? Is the fever severe?" Chi Yuan walked to Xue Zhiyan's bed first, and patted Jian Zelin's shoulder.

Jian Zelin looked up at Chi Yuan, but didn't give him any good looks, "Fortunately, I found out early in the morning."

Chi Yuan nodded silently, then turned around and walked to Feng Ziyao's bed, sat down by the end of the bed, and looked at Feng Ziyao who was serious about drawing without saying a word.

It is okay to say that she is serious, but it is more appropriate to describe her with pain than the adjective serious.

There was a sticky fever-reducing patch on her forehead. Because of her abnormal body temperature due to a cold, she had a little difficulty breathing, and her red lips were half-opened, obviously helping her to breathe.The originally bright black eyes were also covered with a layer of mist because of the sickness.On his pale face, except for the flushed cheeks due to fever, there was no trace of blood.

Even the red lips, which were originally tender, became dry and cracked because of her biting them tightly from time to time, and adding that she rarely drank water.

Chi Yuan picked up a bottle of mineral water on the bedside table, unscrewed the cap, and handed it to Feng Ziyao.But she just raised her eyelids and glanced at him, then continued to stare at the computer screen with her eyes down, clicking the mouse feebly with her fingers.

After Chi Yuan maintained the motion of handing the water for a few minutes, he stood up and walked to her side, without asking her opinion, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, and brought the water bottle to her mouth.

Even though Chi Yuan had mastered the strength, the water bottle still bumped into Feng Ziyao's dry lips, instantly bright red blood flowed into the water bottle along the thin opening on his lips.

Feng Ziyao sneered and took a sip of the mineral water mixed with his own blood, and forcefully broke away from his hand, getting used to the fainting sensation caused by the quick turning of his head, and said coldly, "Thank you Chi Shao for taking care of me!"

Chi Yuan stood awkwardly by the bed, at a loss for what to do. After dinner last night, he relied on Feng Ziyao to explain it clearly to her, but her attitude remained unchanged, even colder than before.

"I said, what happened yesterday was not what you saw." After a while, Chi Yuan finally spoke.

"Yeah." Feng Ziyao nodded irresolutely, "It was that woman who threw herself on him!"

"You didn't listen to what I said!" There was a trace of sullenness on Chi Yuan's face, and he put the water bottle in his hand heavily on the table.

Feng Ziyao turned his head with a sneer, glanced at the water she had just drank which he had put on the table, then turned his eyes away and continued to look at the design drawing on his computer.

But Xue Zhiyan, who was sleeping soundly beside him, opened his eyes in shock from the heavy knocking sound, and looked at the people in front of him in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Xue Zhiyan's voice was very nasal and hoarse.

"It's okay, you can continue to sleep." Jian Zelin stretched out his hand and patted Xue Zhiyan's back, coaxing her to fall asleep quickly.

"Take it easy!" Feng Ziyao gave Chi Yuan an angry look.

"Are you willing to talk to me?" Chi Yuan frowned, and met Jian Zelin's gaze with regret in his eyes.

"You said last night that it was the woman who brought it to the door on her own initiative!" Feng Ziyao tried to lift the hand with the needle in order to press the shortcut key, but found that it was inconvenient to move, so he had to put his hand on the bed again and continued to sleep quietly. said,
"Since it's delivered to your door, there's nothing you can't stop eating. Besides, you can eat as you please, why explain to me? We have nothing to do with each other!"

Feng Ziyao's words were very calm, and on the surface there was no problem, but when he thought about it carefully, there was a faint sour smell.

"I said she rushed up to take my clothes off!" Chi Yuan lowered his voice, resisting the urge to growl loudly.

"Hmm, you were thrown on the sofa by her!" Feng Ziyao sneered.

"I've said it before, that's when I help her pick up clothes, so she can take advantage of it!" Chi Yuan was a little annoyed.

"Hmm, but what does that have to do with me?" Feng Ziyao raised his eyes with a sneer and looked at Chi Yuan puzzled.

"You!" Chi Yuan's good restraint was finally broken by Feng Ziyao.

He patted the bedside table next to him heavily, and after that slap, Feng Ziyao's eyes on him gradually changed from disdain to anger.

At the same time, Jian Zelin also strongly suppressed the anger in his heart, and waited fiercely for him, as well as Xue Zhiyan's sad eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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