The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 347 Your Photo Is Important

Chapter 347 Your Photo Is Important

Xue Zhiyan pushed Jian Zelin away, stretched out his index finger to touch his lips, and smiled shyly.

"No, we have to buy me a mobile phone first, otherwise no one will be able to find me today!" Xue Zhiyan stretched after finishing speaking, then quickly rolled over and got out of bed, regardless of whether he was wearing clothes or not.

Jian Zelin smiled helplessly, followed her out of bed, and walked into the bathroom.

Xue Zhiyan was right, if the two of them didn't leave the big soft bed, they might not be able to leave the room until tomorrow.He knew himself and Xue Zhiyan.

The two had just finished washing, changed their clothes and were about to go out. When they opened the door, they saw Yan Shaochen and Liang Huan standing outside the door with nervous expressions on their faces.

Xue Zhiyan raised his eyebrows, looked at the two people standing side by side outside the door, "Yo! Delivered to the door so early?"

Liang Huan gave her a white look, "It's almost twelve o'clock, is it still early?"

Liang Huan didn't know that Xue Zhiyan was no longer angry with Jian Zelin, but he got up early and heard Yan Shaochen say that Xue Zhiyan hadn't come home in the middle of the night, and Jian Zelin called her to find her, guessing that there must be some awkwardness between the two of them.

Of course Xue Zhiyan wasn't talking about Liang Huan, she glanced at Yan Shaochen thoughtfully, "I just woke up! I'm going out to buy a mobile phone now."

"Buying a mobile phone again?" Liang Huan frowned, and glanced at Jian Zelin standing behind Xue Zhiyan, "Where did you go last night?"

"Let's go to Qianqian's, we two talked about something." Xue Zhiyan looked back at Jian Zelin.

Her glance directly misunderstood Yan Shaochen and Liang Huan, misunderstood that she hadn't reconciled with Jian Zelin, and was even angry.

"Xue Zhiyan, no matter how angry you are next time, don't let Jian Zelin find you." Yan Shaochen patted Liang Huan's shoulder to calm her nervousness, "You know, if Jian Zelin can't find you, he will send S The city is turned upside down."

Of course, Yan Shaochen didn't lie. He clearly remembered that Jian Zelin was abroad. Because he missed her, he even thought she was in the city where they were. He almost searched all the elementary schools just to find her.

Xue Zhiyan gave Yan Shaochen a blank look, not intending to answer his words, and continued to ask Liang Huan, "Do you want to go shopping together?"

Liang Huan shook his head, and glanced at Jian Zelin who was standing behind Xue Zhiyan, "You two go, if you have something to say, just talk about it, don't keep throwing a child's temper."

"En." Xue Zhiyan nodded, reached out to hold Liang Huan's arm, and the two walked outside together.

Yan Shaochen clearly sensed Xue Zhiyan's unkindness to him, touched his nose in desperation, and followed Jian Zelin behind him.

"Aze, what's wrong with Miss?"

Jian Zelin sighed, "I told her about Grandpa Su, I'm afraid she won't give us a good look for a while."

"I thought it was me and Liang Huan who didn't tell her. She was angry!" Yan Shaochen breathed a sigh of relief, and patted his chest. The next second, his eyes widened like an electric shock, straight looked at Jian Zelin.

"I told her about Grandpa Su's death." Jian Zelin understood the look in his brother's eyes very well, so he had to repeat it again.

Yan Shaochen wailed, and the action of patting his chest was changed to covering his heart. "How can you say that?"

"After all, Ling's grandfather is also very good to her, I can't hide it from her." Jian Zelin patted Yan Shaochen's shoulder, which meant asking for more blessings.

"Then should I tell Liang Huan, after all, the old man treated her well!" Yan Shaochen asked hastily.

"Look, even if you don't tell me, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan will know sooner or later. It is impossible for Xue Zhiyan to hide it from them, not to mention that Yao Xin and Yao Ju are students of Grandpa Su." After Jian Zelin finished speaking, everyone step forward.

He knew very well that with Xue Zhiyan's temper, he would not be able to talk to Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen properly for a while. As their buddies, although Jian Zelin wanted to intercede for them, but in order not to let Xue Zhiyan feel sad because of this matter, I had to sacrifice my brother.

"Let's go?" Jian Zelin quickly walked to the car and opened the door for Xue Zhiyan.

"Hurry up, then follow what I said, we'll see you at the old place tomorrow!" Xue Zhiyan waved goodbye to Liang Huan, turned around and got into Jian Zelin's car.

Yan Shaochen put his arms around Liang Huan's shoulders and heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the car disappear from sight.

Liang Huan heard him let out a long breath, and turned his head to look at him, "Yan Shaochen, is there something you didn't tell me?"

When Yan Shaochen heard Liang Huan's words, he straightened his body like an electric shock, looked at Liang Huan nervously, and could even feel that dense beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead.

"Let's go back first, and I'll tell you slowly when I get back."


The mobile phone Jian Zelin chose for Xue Zhiyan this time was the same model as him.It's just that Xue Zhiyan used white, and his was black.In Xue Zhiyan's words, the two used the couple phone.

Jian Zelin smiled and rubbed Xue Zhiyan's long hair, this action stunned the manager of Shengshihuatian digital counter.

You must know that no one has ever seen Jian Zelin smile in public, even if there is, it is always a polite smile, and the smile never reaches the bottom of the eyes.

But Jian Zelin's smile in front of him is obviously from the heart.And from the moment he entered the store, his eyes never left the woman beside him.

"Are you ready?" Jian Zelin put his hand on Xue Zhiyan's waist, keeping her close to his.

"Yeah." Xue Zhiyan nodded, but his face was still a little unhappy.

Of course, Jian Zelin would not ignore Xue Zhiyan's slight displeasure, and stretched out his hand to scratch her nose, "What's wrong?"

"Some things are still in that broken mobile phone, but not here." Xue Zhiyan looked embarrassed, knowing that her words were a bit forceful.

"Is it very important?" Jian Zelin has a solution, but it will take a little longer.

"En." Xue Zhiyan put away his phone, and slowly walked out holding Jian Zelin's hand.

"Can you tell me what it is?" Jian Zelin asked tentatively, holding Xue Zhiyan in his arms, following her steps.

"Photo, your photo." Xue Zhiyan stopped and looked up at him seriously, "The last time I added you as a social software friend, I took it secretly."

"That's very important?" Jian Zelin frowned slightly after hearing her words.

"Well, it's very important." Xue Zhiyan nodded solemnly.

"A living person standing in front of you, isn't it better than a photo?" Jian Zelin didn't quite understand her thoughts.

"It's good to have a lively person by my side, but we don't get together every day." Xue Zhiyan explained to him in detail, "I can set your photo as a wallpaper, when we are apart, for example At work, when I miss you, I can turn on my phone and see your face.

I can also set your photo on the business card, so that when you call, I can see your handsome face.Similarly, you can also set my photos in your phone. "

After hearing Xue Zhiyan's words, Jian Zelin suddenly laughed, and suddenly understood what that little girl Xue Zhiyan was thinking.He kissed Xue Zhiyan's forehead, and looked at her dotingly.

"Let's go home, go home and take pictures."

(End of this chapter)

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