The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 348 Don't Delete It For One Lifetime

Chapter 348 Don't Delete It Forever
Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin in the camera, and always felt that his posture was too stiff, maybe because he didn't like taking pictures in the first place, so he always looked too rigid.

"The last time I was in Jian's old house, why was it so natural?" Xue Zhiyan was not very satisfied looking at the photos on his phone.

Xue Zhiyan raised his eyes and glanced at Jian Zelin who was sitting on the sofa, shrugging his shoulders helplessly. Suddenly, he had an idea and laughed.

"What are you laughing at? I said earlier that I don't like taking pictures very much, so the effect is not that good." Jian Zelin shuddered at Xue Zhiyan's laughter.

It was only when the two of them were together that he would put away his cold temper, and that expression that Xue Zhiyan had turned into an old K face in poker.

Seeing the flash in his eyes, Xue Zhiyan quickly jumped in front of him, took advantage of his unpreparedness, sat on his lap, and hugged his neck tightly.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Jian Zelin frowned, looking at Xue Zhiyan with interest.

His hands were not very honest, he pinched Xue Zhiyan's stomach for a while, and her slender waist for a while.

Following his example, Xue Zhiyan frowned, "In order to take a photo that satisfies me, there is nothing wrong with tempting you."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll eat you up? Huh?" Jian Zelin leaned over as he spoke, and gently bit her earlobe.

"Hey, don't make trouble, it will itch." Xue Zhiyan smiled coquettishly, stretched out his hand to push his face away, picked up his phone, and switched it to selfie mode.

"Maybe you won't be so awkward when the two of us take a group photo."

As Xue Zhiyan spoke, he raised his mobile phone and began to pose for the camera of the mobile phone. Jian Zelin knew that she would not give up the idea of ​​taking pictures casually, so he had to cooperate with her.

He put his arms around her waist, with a smile on his lips, and tilted his head to look at Xue Zhiyan.Xue Zhiyan adjusted the angle, turned his head slightly, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. This angle was just right enough to see Jian Zelin's bright eyes.

The moment Xue Zhiyan pressed the shutter, Jian Zelin lowered his head and held her lips. There was a flash of panic in Xue Zhiyan's eyes, but his smile soon returned.

Jian Zelin took the phone out of her hand, looked at the photo the two had just taken, and nodded in satisfaction, "Well, this photo was taken well."

Xue Zhiyan thumped his chest shyly, and leaned over to look at the photo with him. The moment he saw the photo, Xue Zhiyan also smiled with satisfaction.

"Do you want to continue taking pictures?" This time it was Jian Zelin who held up the phone, which was also the front camera, and the screen of the phone showed the figures of the two.

"But I still want to shoot you alone." Xue Zhiyan pouted, talking about his thoughts.

Jian Zelin scratched her nose dotingly, "Now take a photo of the two of us together, alone, I trust your ability to capture more."

Xue Zhiyan listened to his words, although he was a little bit unwilling, he nodded in agreement.

For a whole afternoon, in Jian Zelin's villa, apart from the clicking sound when taking pictures, Xue Zhiyan's occasional coquettish laughter and Jian Zelin's hearty laughter were heard the most.

Finally, after taking more than 200 group photos, Xue Zhiyan's cell phone ran out of battery, announcing the end of the group photo time.

Xue Zhiyan took her mobile phone to charge, turned around and picked up Jian Zelin's mobile phone. She still remembered the password of Jian Zelin's mobile phone, which was 4125 just like hers.

Xue Zhiyan wanted to pick up his mobile phone and take a few photos of himself, so that he could set it as wallpaper or caller avatar.

But once he entered the unlock screen, Xue Zhiyan's full attention was attracted by the photo that came into view.

The lock screen wallpaper is a picture of her, she is sitting in a sea view villa in a daze, her long hair is hanging over her shoulders, she is wearing home clothes, her eyes are fixed on one place, her red lips are slightly pursed, as if she is thinking about something carefully matter.

Seeing her staring at her mobile phone, Jian Zelin walked over and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder, and whispered in her ear, "What's wrong?"

"When was this photo taken?" Xue Zhiyan turned his head and looked at Jian Zelin's handsome profile in disbelief.

Jian Zelin saw the photo on the phone screen, and a smug smile gradually appeared on his face.Stretching out his hand to touch the familiar face on the phone, he said in a low voice, "I called you once before, but you didn't hear it. I thought it was rare to see you like that, so I took a photo as a souvenir and didn't tell you."

Xue Zhiyan blinked, bit his lower lip lightly, tears glistened in his eyes.

Seeing her appearance, Jian Zelin panicked, thinking that his act of taking pictures made her unhappy again.Turning around to her, holding her smiling face, rubbing her forehead lightly, "Unhappy? Huh? If you don't like it, delete it."

As he said that, he was going to get the mobile phone in Xue Zhiyan's hand, but Xue Zhiyan hid it.Xue Zhiyan shook his head, sniffed vigorously, raised his head and pecked on his lips.

"I like it. Don't delete it. You can't delete it for the rest of your life." Xue Zhiyan hugged him tightly.

She never thought that Jian Zelin would secretly take a picture of her and set it as the wallpaper of the lock screen, so that as long as his phone screen was on, he could see her face.

Although Xue Zhiyan was surprised, the emotion in his heart was more moved.She originally thought that in this relationship, she valued Jian Zelin more.Unexpectedly, it turned out that Jian Zelin also cared about her very much.

She even thought that Jian Zelin's feelings for her were only due to his pity for her, because he felt that he had owed her.Even Xue Zhiyan thought of a way out for himself when he completely handed himself over to him.

It's just that during these days, Jian Zelin not only cared for her more, even after she completely became his own, he even regarded her as a treasure.

Xue Zhiyan didn't want to ask for more, as long as he can grasp the happiness in front of him, that's enough.But when she saw her photo in his cell phone, she was still moved and wanted to cry.

It turned out that her feelings were not unrequited.It turns out that she is also an important existence to Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin brushed her eyes with his fingers, wiping away the tears that were about to overflow for her.She heard him let out a long breath, "So, you're not angry?"

Xue Zhiyan raised his hand and wiped his eyes carelessly, "Why are you angry?"

"Then why are you crying?" Jian Zelin kissed the corner of her eyes, and looked down into her eyes.

"Hey~ I'm just moved!" Xue Zhiyan said and buried his face in Jian Zelin's arms.

While hugging him tightly, she also rubbed against his arms, acting like a baby to Jian Zelin like never before.

Jian Zelin laughed twice, patted Xue Zhiyan on the back, and a satisfied smile gradually appeared on his face.

He didn't expect that just a photo he secretly took would make her so happy.

It seems that he not only got her person, but also really got her affection.He once thought that Xue Zhiyan's affection for him was limited to his dependence on him when he was young.

Even after she truly belonged to him, he used to worry that maybe one day in the future, he would lose this woman who would affect all his emotions and make his heart flutter.

It seems that he has been thinking too much.Neither of them ever expressed their feelings, but they used the most inconspicuous gestures and expressions to tell each other that she/he loves him/her.

(End of this chapter)

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