The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 349 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 349 The Uninvited Guest

Jian Zelin sat on the sofa, looking at the computer screen in his hand with a solemn expression, and received a call from Vic early in the morning, saying that there were important documents waiting for him to review.

But when I turned on the computer, apart from seeing the email from Vic and the email from the stranger last time, there was still nothing but a photo.

This time, he recognized the four people in the photo at a glance, Xue Zhiyan's deceased parents, and a group photo of his father and deceased mother.

This old photo is only found in the old photo albums on the tall bookshelves in the study rooms of Xue's and Jian's houses, not even among the photos related to Xue Zhiyan that are all over the wall in his study room at Jian's house .

Who the hell is sending old photos one after another, last time the photo was of him and Xue Zhiyan when they were young, this time it is an adult's again, who will it be next time?Will there be a next time?
After Xue Zhiyan changed his clothes and went downstairs, he saw Jian Zelin frowning slightly, staring at the computer seriously, wondering what he was thinking about.

In the past, he would prepare breakfast and wait for her to come downstairs at the dining table, but today it's okay to be uncharacteristically, with a sullen face early in the morning, the air pressure around him has dropped a lot.

"What's wrong?" Xue Zhiyan put the coat in his hand on the sofa and walked to him.

Hearing her voice, Jian Zelin quickly closed the computer, and took her into his arms as if nothing had happened. "Going out?"

"Well, it was better with Slowly yesterday, Chi Qian, Feng Ziyao and the four of us are going out." Xue Zhiyan put the computer on his lap on the coffee table.

"Really don't let us follow?" Jian Zelin grabbed Xue Zhiyan with a big hand and sat on his lap.

He really liked the feeling of holding Xue Zhiyan and letting her sit on his lap, and Xue Zhiyan gradually got used to this 'special seat' exclusively for her.

"No, we can't have no freedom because of you men!" Xue Zhiyan pinched his ears and said coquettishly.

"Well, then I'm going to Shengshi today, and you can go directly to me after you're done." Jian Zelin kissed her on the cheek with a look of pampering.


Jian Zelin let her hold his hand, and the two walked into the restaurant one after the other.And because of Xue Zhiyan, he withdrew his stern aura, and the sea view villa returned to calm for a while, Xue Zhiyan also noticed that the low air pressure just now had long since disappeared.


Xue Zhiyan was sitting at the waiting bar, drinking her tea boredly, tapping the teacup with her fingers one after another.

"When is Feng Ziyao coming?" Xue Zhiyan poked his head out from the bar and glanced at the busy Chi Qian and Liang Huan.

Obviously, these two good sisters of hers have become the bosses of the others, and her real boss has also become an empty shelf.

But if we want to talk about the real boss, it has to be Su Lingxuan. After all, the store's license and everything else is written in Su Lingxuan's name.

Thinking of Su Lingxuan, the anger in Xue Zhiyan's heart would burn, this bastard lied to her!
"Madam proprietress, bring me a glass of water!" Chi Qian knocked on the counter, dragging her chin and waiting.

Ever since she cried with Xue Zhiyan that day, she never spoke a word to Chi Yuan again, and she didn't even bother to answer her father Chi Weiran's phone call.

And come and wait with Liang Huan all day long, and when she gets busy, she won't think that the stinky old man who doted on her has passed away.

Liang Huan walked over, put the tray in his hand on the bar, and waved at Xue Zhiyan, "How did you get rid of your family's Jian Zelin?"

Xue Zhiyan gave her a blank look, and said in a strange way, "Have some people made any progress with so and so?"

Chi Qian covered her mouth and sniggered, her eyes flicked between the two of them, "You two don't talk about each other, just pull up your collars, that dazzling little strawberry!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! It looks delicious!" After Chi Qian finished speaking, she grabbed her water glass and quickly moved aside.

Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan blushed at the same time, and pulled their collars unconsciously with their hands.She stepped aside a long time ago, taking a panoramic view of the shy looks of the two of them.

"Call Feng Ziyao and ask her what she's busy with!" Liang Huan and Xue Zhiyan walked up to Chi Qian at the same time, each holding a cup and sitting down.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan took out his phone, he heard the sound of the door being pushed open and the sound of high heels.

"Here we come!" Xue Zhiyan put the phone on the table.

The three of them raised their heads at the same time, and when they saw the person coming, their expressions froze instantly, as ugly as swallowing a live fly.

"What are you doing here?" Liang Huan frowned unhappily, without the usual polite tone.

Li Er frowned, put his hands on the counter, and tapped the counter lightly with his hands with red nails, "Why, when you visit your store, it's fine if you don't welcome it, and you put on a bad face, this is how you open the door for business of?"

"We open the door for business." Chi Qian frowned slightly, making sure she could hear her own words.

"Heh, small coffee shop, do you still pick customers?" Li Er glanced around, and finally fell on Xue Zhiyan's face, "There are not many customers, and I don't know if Su Ling opened such a shop for you. Can't recover the cost?"

"This shop is responsible for its own profit and loss, and it didn't take out the money in your pocket. What are you in a hurry for?" Xue Zhiyan said calmly after taking a sip of tea.

Seeing the same indifferent smile on her face as always, Li Er's heart burned with anger.Why does she always look so calm and composed every time, even if Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan are not around, she still looks superior?

She is just a down-and-out young lady who walked out of an orphanage, what right does she have to show off her might in front of her?What qualifications do you have to be superior to her?She even got the favor of Jian Zelin, Su Lingxuan, Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan. Not only was she alone, but also the women around her could be protected by them at the same time?
She hates her, envies her.If she hadn't been by Su Lingxuan's side all the time, how could Su Lingxuan not see her?If it wasn't for her, how could Su Lingxuan cut off all business with the Li family?If it wasn't for her, how could she have become like this?
"Or Miss Li Er wants to inject capital into the small shop?" Xue Zhiyan chuckled twice, then looked back at Li Er with a distorted face, "It's a pity that we are leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, so we don't need capital injection from outsiders at all!"

Li Er took a deep breath and let go of his clenched hands.Pretending to be leisurely, he brushed San's fallen hair, and an unnatural smile appeared on his distorted face in the next moment.

"I heard that something happened at Su Lingxuan's house, so why didn't Young Master Su take your special pet with you?" Li Er chuckled, and looked at Xue Zhiyan's expression seriously, not wanting to miss any changes in her expression, "Or you Don't know this news at all, or to put it bluntly, you have been ruthlessly abandoned by Young Master Su?"

"Oh, I really can't hear the old man crying. I really don't know if the old man under the nine springs, knowing that his beloved grandson-in-law didn't go to present him a flower, will die with regret!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

(End of this chapter)

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