The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 351 Only You Dare

Chapter 351 Only You Dare

After being disturbed by two annoying people, Li Er and Tong Yuan, for a whole morning, when Xue Zhiyan went to Shengshi with the lunch box, the door of the waiting room was also locked.

Originally, Xue Zhiyan had no intention of going to have lunch with Jian Zelin, but seeing the other three friends, all of them were also dull, without any emotion, so they had to disband on the spot, and the four of them went to do their own things.

In addition, she was always flustered and wanted to see Jian Zelin very much. She always felt that only Jian Zelin could calm her flustered heart.

As soon as Xue Zhiyan walked into the lobby on the first floor of Shengshi with her lunch in hand, the careful security personnel saw her. When Xue Zhiyan arrived at the top floor of Shengshi, all the male secretaries were working hard, and no one noticed Xue Zhiyan's arrival.

The little leather shoes stepped on the thick carpet without making a sound.She went straight to Lin Zhuo's desk and tapped on his desk lightly to get his attention.

"Miss Xue?" Lin Zhuo was surprised by Xue Zhiyan's sudden arrival.

"Hush!" Xue Zhiyan made a quiet gesture, then pointed to the door of Jian Zelin's office, "Is he in there?"

"Yes, Young Master Jian has been busy." Lin Zhuo nodded, "There are a lot of things to deal with recently, after a meeting in the morning, Young Master Jian has not come out of the office, and said not to disturb him casually. "

"Oh." Xue Zhiyan nodded and pointed to the door, "Then I'll go in, you can do your work!"

"Do you want me to take you in?" Lin Zhuo asked, afraid that Xue Zhiyan would go in like this, and Jian Zelin would blame him.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "You are busy with your work, I will go in by myself, don't forget that I am with you and know what to do."

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's insistence on not needing to notify him in advance, Lin Zhuo stopped being polite and sat down to continue busy with the work at hand.

Xue Zhiyan gently pushed open the door of Jian Zelin's office, Jian Zelin really didn't want to notice her coming.She stepped into the door lightly, held her breath, and quietly watched Jian Zelin working seriously.

His brows were slightly frowned, his eyes stayed on the document in his hand, his thin lips were pursed lightly, and his face was expressionless, making it impossible to see his emotions at the moment.

Xue Zhiyan seldom saw Jian Zelin working seriously. Even if Jian Zelin was with her at home, it was because she was always sleeping, so she didn't observe him carefully.

The one memory that Xue Zhiyan had just arrived in Kaisheng was pulled by Su Lingxuan to Shengshi for a meeting. That was the first time he saw Jian Zelin at work.

I have to say that men at work are the most attractive.Originally, Xue Zhiyan thought that Jian Zelin was already perfect, but after seeing his appearance at this moment, she realized that she really knew very little about Jian Zelin.

But what does that matter?She just needs to know Jian Zelin's most special side, and only enjoy his tenderness to herself.

Sure enough, Jian Zelin was the person who could best appease her flustered heart. Just looking at him like this could make her forget all the unhappiness just now.

Xue Zhiyan walked to the sofa lightly, gently placed the things in his hand on the coffee table, turned around and made him a cup of tea.

It seems that work is really busy, and even the sound of her boiling water failed to attract his attention.Although Xue Zhiyan had a smile on his lips, he felt sorry for him in his heart.

If she hadn't come over suddenly, I'm afraid he would have been busy processing documents this morning, and wouldn't even drink a glass of water, right?
Xue Zhiyan walked over quietly, put the teacup in his hand, then turned around, walked to the sofa and sat down, flipping through economic magazines from nowhere.

From the moment Xue Zhiyan came in, although Jian Zelin didn't raise his head to look at her, in Jian Zelin's heart, he suddenly felt a sense of stability.Unknowingly, the slightly frowning brows gradually relaxed.

Jian Zelin picked up the water cup at hand, until the tea in the cup bottomed out, he wiped it and found that there was an extra cup of tea in his hand at some point.

This cup of tea is still warm. If it was brewed as soon as he returned to the office, it should have been cold by now, right?

Jian Zelin raised his head suspiciously, and saw Xue Zhiyan sitting on the sofa not far from him, tapping Erlang's legs leisurely, flipping through a boring magazine.The long and curly eyelashes cast shadows on her face, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, which was peaceful and beautiful.

Jian Zelin's eyes stopped on Xue Zhiyan, and he couldn't move away. He found that no matter how urgent the documents were, they couldn't attract his attention.

To him, Xue Zhiyan was an existence that could not be ignored. As long as she appeared, even if he was separated from everyone, he would be able to find her at a glance, and then he could never look away.

Sitting on the sofa, Xue Zhiyan, who had been stared at by scorching eyes, slowly raised his head, turned his head to look at the source of his gaze, and was stunned for a moment, the corners of Xue Zhiyan's mouth slowly raised, evoking a sweet smile.

"How long have you been here?" Jian Zelin put down the documents and pen, leaned closer to the chair, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Not long, are you done?" Xue Zhiyan put down the magazine and walked over slowly.

She half sat on the armrest of the chair, gently pinching his shoulders, trying to help him relieve the muscle stiffness caused by long hours of work.

"Why didn't you hear their notice?" Jian Zelin narrowed his eyes lightly, leaned in and let her pinch his shoulders.

"Lin Zhuo wanted to notify you, but you were busy, so I didn't let him in." Xue Zhiyan squeezed for a while, and then changed to lightly punching with his fist.The two looked like a newlywed couple.

Jian Zelin felt that he at this moment was the happiest time in so many years when he was sitting next to his beloved, and he could breathe her unique fragrance through his breath, and her soft and boneless hands gently tapped on him. on his shoulders to help him relieve his fatigue.

He even began to look forward to the day after the two got married, when they would have two children, just thinking about that scene made him feel happy.A scene that he couldn't imagine before suddenly appeared in his mind, making him feel that he was the happiest man in the world.

Jian Zelin suddenly opened his eyes, and firmly held Xue Zhiyan's hand.Xue Zhiyan didn't expect that he would grab her suddenly, and looked at Jian Zelin helplessly.

"Did I hurt you?" Xue Zhiyan frowned slightly.

Jian Zelin shook his head, stretched out his hand to hook Xue Zhiyan's neck, and with his strength, made Xue Zhiyan bow his head.Then he straightened his back and gently kissed Xue Zhiyan's lips.

Panting, Xue Zhiyan pushed Jian Zelin away, and gave him an annoyed look, "This is in the office, what should I do if someone who comes in sees it later?"

Jian Zelin licked his lips, "No."

"Hey, didn't I come in the same way?" Xue Zhiyan reached out and pinched his nose with a playful look.

"Only you can dare to come in regardless of my instructions." Jian Zelin put a little force on her waist, and Xue Zhiyan sat on his lap.

Xue Zhiyan put his arms around his neck, sat down on her special seat, looked straight into his eyes, "Only I dare, okay?"

Jian Zelin stretched out his hand and scratched her nose, with a doting look on his face, "I want to be unique like this."

"Are you talking sweet words, Young Master Jian?" Xue Zhiyan raised his head, rubbing the tip of his nose against his.

The smile in Jian Zelin's eyes grew stronger, and he let her rub against each other. "Xue Zhiyan?"

"Huh?" Xue Zhiyan stopped rubbing the tip of their noses, and looked straight at him.

"let's get married!"

(End of this chapter)

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