The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 352 Now is not the time

Chapter 352 Now is not the time

"Let's get married!" Jian Zelin's smile came from his heart, and he was waiting for Xue Zhiyan's answer.

Xue Zhiyan panicked for a moment, then laughed.She took the initiative to kiss Jian Zelin, then jumped off his lap, took his hand and walked towards the sofa.

"It's lunch time!" Xue Zhiyan smiled and didn't answer.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Jian Zelin felt a little annoyed. After walking two steps, he firmly grabbed Xue Zhiyan's hand, saying that he refused to take another step.

Xue Zhiyan looked back at him with a funny face, walked back to him, and hugged him tightly. "I don't want you to marry, but now is not the time."

"I don't want you to marry me. I think now is the time." Jian Zelin hugged her back tightly.

With so much strength, Xue Zhiyan felt that his waist was about to be strangled by him.

Xue Zhiyan raised his head and kissed his smooth chin, with a deep smile in his eyes, "Are you proposing to me?"

Jian Zelin looked down at her, "Why not?"

Xue Zhiyan laughed twice, and he could see that he was unhappy because of her answer, so he pecked his lips, "Then shall I promise you?"

"Do you have the right to choose?" Jian Zelin smiled resolutely.

Xue Zhiyan looked at his determined eyes seriously and smiled. "It's just that there is no right to choose, so there is no rush."

Jian Zelin sighed, let go of her arms, and pulled her towards the sofa. "Have a meal."


The case of child abduction and organ theft, which had been silent for a few days, broke out again after a few days of silence. The bodies of three of the five children before were found.

When Xue Zhiyan came down from upstairs, he saw Jian Zelin sitting on the sofa with a blank face. Judging from his hands clenched into fists and hanging on his sides, he was trying his best to endure his anger.

Xue Zhiyan poured him a glass of water, and then sat down on the sofa beside him. This time, Xue Zhiyan didn't wrap his arms around his neck to act like a spoiled child, nor did he stretch out his hand to pull her to sit on his lap.But as soon as Xue Zhiyan sat beside him, he put his arms around her waist.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, unable to hide his emotions as well as Jian Zelin.She looked at the news reports on TV in confusion, wondering why only three bodies were found this time. Does this mean that the other two children are still alive?
Jian Zelin's eyes stayed on the TV, even though the news had been replaced by advertisements.Xue Zhiyan felt that he was suppressing his anger, and turned around to hug him tightly.

"Aze, if you are angry, just say it, or you will suffocate yourself."

Jian Zelin was stunned for a moment, and then hugged Xue Zhiyan tightly in his arms, "I'm sorry, I promised you that I would protect those children."

Xue Zhiyan sighed, and patted him on the back, "It's not your fault, don't blame yourself too much."

"But I promised you." Jian Zelin clenched his teeth, and the veins on his forehead stood out.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, it seemed that he really cared about her. "You tried your best, didn't you? Don't blame yourself, stay sensible, catch that bastard early, and no more innocent children will be hurt by him."

"Aren't you—"

Xue Zhiyan kissed Jian Zelin's mouth fiercely, and swallowed his words for the first time, and used this method to prevent Jian Zelin from continuing to speak for the first time.

"I said, this is not your fault. You are not the police, these things are out of your control. It is only because of my past that you are extra nervous. But now I have you by my side, so I I will try my best to control the fear in my heart, because you will protect me, won't you?"

What Jian Zelin saw from her eyes was trust and distress.She trusted him to protect him, and she believed what he said.She felt sorry for him for being irritable because of this incident, and she felt sorry for him for suppressing his anger.

Jian Zelin sighed, although he really wanted to catch that person with his own hands, but Xue Zhiyan was not wrong at all. "Have breakfast, are you going to work after dinner?"

"Well, although Ling is not here, the work of the secretary still needs to be carried out." Xue Zhiyan nodded, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Then shall we still ride in the same car?" Jian Zelin put down the milk and looked at Xue Zhiyan who was picking out the lettuce.

"Let's drive our own cars. There's nothing else to do in the afternoon. I want to come back early." Finally, Xue Zhiyan took a bite of the sandwich prepared by Jian Zelin after picking out the lettuce, like a satisfied cat.

Jian Zelin brought over all the lettuce she had picked out, and ate it piece by piece. "Xue Zhiyan, you are becoming more and more picky now."

Xue Zhiyan picked up his glass, took a sip of the juice, and didn't intend to answer his words. "What's for dinner, I'll make it when I come back."

Jian Zelin sensed her intention to change the subject, and narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she was thinking carefully, until all the lettuce on the plate was eaten, and then quietly said, "Braised lion head."

Xue Zhiyan was still acting like a baby to Jian Zelin until he went out, begging him to change a dish, braised lion's head was too troublesome, it had to be fried and fried, steamed, and soup.

"Change another dish, braised pork? Steamed fish? Fried crab?" Xue Zhiyan was dragged away by Jian Zelin, still begging him.

The corner of Jian Zelin's mouth curled up into a wicked smile, and he looked back at Xue Zhiyan seriously, "No, just braise the lion's head."

Xue Zhiyan drove the car ahead, and Jian Zelin followed her with a smile on her face. It seemed that the news in the morning did not affect his mood. Maybe it was because Xue Zhiyan later said that he would cook for him, which made him forget what happened before. unhappy things.

Xue Zhiyan turned on the car phone, pouted, still regretting his actions just now. "Please, change a dish!"

"No." Jian Zelin said with a smile.

Xue Zhiyan refused, "That dish is so troublesome, aren't you afraid of tiring me?"

Jian Zelin's smile became more obvious, "Since you asked me what to eat, I must be fine."

Xue Zhiyan simply acted coquettishly. "Hey ~ Jian Zelin, you can't treat me like this!"

Jian Zelin laughed out loud, "Zhiyan, drive seriously, we'll talk about it at night after dinner."

Before Xue Zhiyan could continue talking, Jian Zelin hung up the phone, then overtook the car in front of Xue Zhiyan, stepped on the accelerator and drove out quickly.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan following closely behind through the rearview mirror, Jian Zelin put away the smile on his face and dialed another phone number.

A hoarse male voice came from the other end of the phone, "Jian Shao, so early?"

Jian Zelin deliberately slowed down the speed of the car to let Xue Zhiyan overtake him.Concentrating, "I want to know where the bodies of those children were found."

The person on the other side of the phone visibly paused when he heard this. "Jian Shao, people from this city did not do this. I have no clue here either."

Jian Zelin sneered, and his eyes became sharper at the same time, "Lie Yan, don't take me for a fool, you know that people from this city didn't do it, how dare you say you have no clue?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone, followed by a heavy sigh after a while. "I will ask my subordinates to pass on the relevant information to you."

After getting the desired reply, Jian Zelin put away his smile, resumed his cold appearance, stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and passed Xue Zhiyan's car again.

(End of this chapter)

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