Chapter 359

Two hours later, Chi Qian dropped the stack of documents in her hand, yawned, and stretched. "There is nothing wrong with any of these people's accounts."

Jian Zelin stared straight at the floor plan, and looked up at her. "Ok?"

Chi Qian jumped to the ground, flexing his muscles and bones. "By the way, I checked everyone who has a close relationship with the staff, and there is nothing unusual."

"That explains one thing." Feng Ziyao also stood up, exercising his muscles.

Xue Zhiyan rubbed her eyes, not only Jian Zelin was dazzled, but even she herself was dazzled. "What's up?"

Chi Qian picked up the empty cup at hand, reached out and hit the space bar on the keyboard, and also stretched. "That can only mean that either they really confiscated other people's benefits and did not do anything unconscionable. Or they did it too cleanly! No one can find out!"

Xue Zhiyan frowned when he heard Liang Huan's words, and shook his head. It was impossible to do so cleanly in S City, and she could hide it from Jian Zelin's eyes. She didn't believe it. "No, it should be that there is no ghost in You'an Courtyard."

Jian Zelin frowned, yo ho!Xue Zhiyan is really smart, he even knows his thoughts!He stretched out his hand and patted Xue Zhiyan's head in satisfaction, "We'll have a break, shall we continue?"

Just as Xue Zhiyan was about to nod, the door of the conference room was kicked open with a bang.As a secretary's habit, I was very annoyed by this rude behavior.Xue Zhiyan's face was dark, he turned his head and yelled without seeing anyone speak.

"Which department do you belong to! Don't you know that you have to knock on the door when you enter?"

Chi Yuan, who was holding a stack of documents, and Leng Yun, who followed behind him, did not expect Xue Zhiyan to yell at someone suddenly, stopped and stood stiffly at the door, looking at Xue Zhiyan in surprise.

Chi Qian sneered, glanced at the elder brother who was frozen at the door and his secretary, and smiled even more happily. "Hahahaha~ Xue Zhiyan, you know how to reprimand the employees for him before you married Jian Zelin?"

Feng Ziyao also nodded, and looked at Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin thoughtfully. "It is true that you have to knock on the door first. What if you see something you shouldn't see when you push the door?"

Liang Huan nodded in agreement, "That's right! What if the boss is flirting with his lover!"

Vic, who was still looking at the screen, didn't see the teasing expressions of the few people, so he nodded solemnly and followed suit. "If the boss and Ms. Xue staged an office battle inside, it would be a terrible death!"

Uh... Xue Zhiyan really didn't know what to say about these people, so he looked at Jian Zelin sadly and asked him for help.

At first, Jian Zelin didn't care much about being ridiculed by several people, but when he heard what Vic said later, Jian Zelin's face darkened instantly, as if he was like a beast, and wanted to throw Xue Zhiyan down all the time!
Well, all right!Even Jian Zelin had to admit that he really wanted to overwhelm Xue Zhiyan when he was in the office, but when they said it, it was not the case. His thoughts were easily spoken by someone with a wine glass, and he was somewhat flustered .

Jian Zelin's face showed a fierce look, and his sharp eyes swept towards Vic. Vic, who didn't know what happened, suddenly raised his head, and saw Jian Zelin glaring at him fiercely.

"Suo Kuo (Vic's Chinese name)! Get the hell out of the African desert after Chinese New Year!" Jian Zelin's roar instantly shocked everyone and covered their ears.

Vic really wanted to cry, but he just followed what those women said, why are they fine, but he was the one who was expelled?

Vic didn't dare to talk back anymore, so he pouted his mouth. Who made these people bosses?Even if she is not the boss, she will become the boss's wife in the future?Resigned to his fate, he lowered his head and continued to watch the surveillance video.

Chi Yuan looked at Vic's aggrieved look, and winked at Leng Yun behind him. Leng Yun walked over and patted Vic on the shoulder, and the two quickly left the conference room.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Chi Yuan in embarrassment, because her subconscious reaction made everyone so embarrassed.Xue Zhiyan looked back at Jian Zelin, seeing that he still had a black face, he reached out and took his hand.

Xue Zhiyan leaned into his ear and whispered to him, "Come out with me."

Then a few people saw Jian Zelin's dark face and left the meeting room without holding Xue Zhiyan's hand.

The few remaining people breathed a sigh of relief.Xue Zhiyan looked at Chi Yuan embarrassedly, with an extremely apologetic expression. "Sorry, I yelled out of instinct at work!"

Chi Yuan shrugged nonchalantly, and rubbed her head again, "Go and see Aze, just take this little episode as a way to relax everyone and relieve the tense atmosphere. Hurry up and coax him Yes, I found something just now and I want to tell him."

Xue Zhiyan nodded and quickly ran out.He just ran to the corridor, where Jian Zelin was still there.Xue Zhiyan intuitively felt that he should have returned to his office, so he walked towards his office.

Those secretaries just saw Jian Zelin walk in with a dark face, turned around and saw Xue Zhiyan's nervous look, so they didn't dare to ask aloud, subconsciously pointed to the office, lowered their heads and continued to work.

Xue Zhiyan opened the door and went in but did not see Jian Zelin's angry face, the office was empty, Xue Zhiyan called Jian Zelin twice in surprise, but no one answered her.

She was about to turn around and go out to ask Lin Zhuo about the situation, as if she suddenly thought of something, she turned around and continued walking inside.

There is one in Ling's office, and Jian Zelin should have one in his private lounge too!Xue Zhiyan was very sure, he must have gone into his private lounge.

Sure enough, Xue Zhiyan walked around his large desk and saw a door that was ajar over there.From her perspective, she couldn't see anything inside, not even Jian Zelin.

But she was sure that Jian Zelin must be inside!Xue Zhiyan walked over lightly, put his hand on the doorknob, and gently pushed the door open. It was too dark inside to see anyone.

She couldn't help but whispered tentatively, "Jian Zelin?"

No one answered.But she could feel Jian Zelin's heartbeat.

"Ah Ze?" There was no one anyway, so don't call him Jian Zelin.

Xue Zhiyan pushed the door open again, and walked in boldly. This is Jian Zelin's territory, what is she afraid of?Isn't it just a little bit dark, so why don't you go out at night because you are afraid of the dark?

"Aze? If you don't come out again, I'll leave!" Xue Zhiyan took two steps forward, not noticing that the door behind him had gradually closed and was locked.

Xue Zhiyan took a deep breath, it seemed that he was not there, so what was his heartbeat that he felt?Xue Zhiyan turned around and wanted to go out, but unexpectedly bumped into an embrace.

"Ah——" Xue Zhiyan yelled in panic, and subconsciously grabbed the man's collar to prevent himself from falling to the ground due to inertia.

"It's me." Jian Zelin tightly wrapped Xue Zhiyan's waist with both hands, preventing her from falling backwards.

"Huh! You scared me to death! Why didn't you make a sound after calling you for so long?" Xue Zhiyan punched him angrily.

Xue Zhiyan stood still, already used to the darkness, Xue Zhiyan noticed something strange about Jian Zelin, and caressed Jian Zelin's face with his small hand, his tone was full of concern. "What's wrong with you? Still angry?"

Jian Zelin grabbed her hand, pressed it tightly to her heart, and sighed helplessly. "It was hit by them."

(End of this chapter)

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