Chapter 360
With a faint smile on his face, Jian Zelin tightly held Xue Zhiyan's hand and walked into the meeting room.

Seeing Jian Zelin's expression, Chi Yuan raised his eyebrows, the meaning was self-evident, and raised his wrist to check the time. "Well, four and ten minutes, everything that needs to be done has been done!"

Feng Ziyao looked at the two with a smile without fear of death, as if asking, what have you both done, did you do everything you should do?
The corners of Xue Zhiyan's mouth curled up with those of Jian Zelin's, and he walked up to Chi Yuan and stood still.Jian Zelin shrugged indifferently, and sat down on the chair just now.

Picking up the floor plan of You'an Courtyard that had just been thrown on the table, he continued to study, but his mind was actually on Xue Zhiyan, wanting to know what this woman was going to say and what she was going to do.

Xue Zhiyan was not shy at all, he hooked his fingers at Chi Yuan.Chi Yuan sat up straight from the chair, turned his head to Xue Zhiyan, and waited for her to tell him the answer.

"Want to know what we did?" Xue Zhiyan's voice was neither high nor low, just enough that everyone could hear it.

Chi Qian and Liang Huan naturally wanted to know the answer. After all, if they didn't listen to the gossip, it would be a waste of good resources.

Vic learned the lesson just now, pretended not to hear anything, and played back the surveillance video just now.Leng Yun rubbed his nose, thinking that his boss must be devastated, but he couldn't speak, so he sat beside Vic and pretended to read the documents.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at all the people present from the corner of his eye, and found that although they were not looking at her, they were all pricking up their ears waiting to hear her answer. No one would give up such a good opportunity to gossip!

These people are really, what a pity whenever gossip reporters!What a waste of resources!Xue Zhiyan slandered in his heart.

In an instant, the smile on the corner of her mouth quickly turned into a sly smile, she moved a little distance from Chi Yuan, pointed at Feng Ziyao, the evil smile on her face became more and more obvious, and Liang Huan and Chi Qian saw it. Can't help but take a step back.

"If you can catch up with Feng Ziyao, you will do to her what we did just now!"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he turned around gracefully, walked up to Jian Zelin, didn't sit on any chair, and directly sat on his lap, put his arms around his neck, and kissed him on the cheek.

That voice!Tut tut tut!Then Xue Zhiyan turned his head very proudly, looking at the angry Feng Ziyao and the terrified Chi Yuan, with a smug smile on his face. "We did this just now!"

I rely on!Everyone exclaimed in their hearts!Don't mess with that kind of woman who looks weak and weak!It's like killing people without a knife!
Who doesn't know that Chi Yuan has been chasing Feng Ziyao for almost a month, and it's fine if Feng Ziyao doesn't respond at all, and even refuses again and again!

Xue Zhiyan's words just now were not only provocative, but also sprinkled salt on Chi Yuan's wound!Who doesn't know Chi Yuan's previous name in S City!
Vic and Leng Yun looked at each other, swallowed dryly, and lowered their heads to continue what they were doing.Chi Qian and Liang Huan also shivered at the same time, and hurried back to their seats.

This Xue Zhiyan is a typical dog who can't bark, and it hurts the most when it bites! (Er, the metaphor is a bit...)
Jian Zelin put his arms around Xue Zhiyan's waist, rubbed against her cheek, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth, he raised his chin at Chi Yuan. "Zhiyan said you have something to tell me?"

Chi Yuan rolled his eyes at him angrily, threw the document in his hand over, and glanced at Feng Ziyao's expression by the way, seeing that she had no expression, her mood was even more depressed, and her tone of voice was naturally not much better.

"Look for yourself, I'm not in the mood to explain to you now."

Chi Qian buried her head in front of the computer, pursed her lips, and said in her heart: You deserve to be embarrassed, how many little girls have been harmed!Xue Zhiyan, you did a great job!

Jian Zelin didn't speak, picked up the documents he threw over, and started flipping through them, frowning and knitting together.

Xue Zhiyan, who was still studying the floor plan, felt that Jian Zelin's movements became much stiffer, and intuitively felt that there should be some important information in Chi Yuan's document.

Xue Zhiyan put down the floor plan in his hand and probed over, "What's wrong?"

Jian Zelin raised his head and glanced at her, his eyes were too complex, filled with surprise, shock, praise and even a trace of fear, he never expected that things might really be as Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao guessed.

Xue Zhiyan glanced at the title of the form on the document, frowned, gasped after a while, and looked at Jian Zelin in horror, it seemed that she didn't expect her weird idea to be verified so quickly. "It can't be fake, can it?"

Chi Yuan knocked on the table in dissatisfaction, with a disdainful expression on his face. "Hey, miss, please don't question my major, please? I just found out, how could it be fake?"

Xue Zhiyan raised his eyebrows, didn't say anything, picked up the picture in his hand and continued to look at it, and didn't ask Jian Zelin if he wanted to continue looking, just picked up a red marker pen and made a mark on the plan.

Looking at it, his eyes suddenly stopped on the orange orchard, as if thinking of something, he frowned and bit the tip of his pen.

Just when she was thinking seriously, Liang Huan pointed to the computer screen, and a surprised voice suddenly reached everyone's ears. "The two children went to the direction of the orange orchard during their nap time, came out after 10 minutes, and went in after 15 minutes and never came out!"

Xue Zhiyan heard it very clearly. Seeing the place where he made the number just now, he looked at Liang Huan in surprise, and reconfirmed, "Where are you going?"

"Orange Garden." Jian Zelin answered for Liang Huan, only then did he realize that Xue Zhiyan's expression was a bit strange.

"Are you sure it's Juyuan?" Xue Zhiyan looked down at the things in his hands, and then looked at Liang Huan.

"Well, it's definitely in the direction of the orange garden, but I don't know if I got lost in the woods." Liang Huan nodded, connected the computer to the projector, and reproduced the picture he saw just now. put it once.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the projection wall. The picture above was indeed the figures of two children, still smiling, as if they were expecting something.

"What are they doing there? Are there no oranges this season?" Jian Zelin frowned, really unable to understand the behavior of these two children.

Xue Zhiyan sighed and shook his head, "They didn't go to the orange orchard, they went to the forest next to them, and they can walk out of the forest to the road."

Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan stared at the picture on the projection wall with wide eyes at the same time, stood up suddenly, and pointed at the lush forest with trembling fingers.

"You said the two of them ran out of that forest?" Liang Huan's voice trembled, as if he had experienced something bad there.

Yan Shaochen just opened the door and came in at this moment. Hearing Liang Huan's voice, he frowned worriedly.Walking to Liang Huan's side, he gently held Liang Huan's shoulders, and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"If that's right, they should have walked out of that forest, or they met that pervert in that forest." Xue Zhiyan let out a helpless sigh with his hands drooping.

Feng Ziyao also sat back on the chair weakly, his eyes drooping, and he exuded a sense of helplessness. "That forest, the three of us call it the Lost Forest."

(End of this chapter)

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