The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 361 The Lost Forest

Chapter 361 The Lost Forest
"Lost Forest?" Chi Qian cast her eyes on Feng Ziyao, hoping she could give more explanation.

This Xiaolinzi actually has such a literary name?Uh, let's not talk about literary and artistic, it sounds a bit weird, right?

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's listless look with his shoulders slumped, Jian Zelin knew that the forest was not simple, and there must be something wrong.

"What's the matter?" Jian Zelin's tone was very soft, afraid that he would encounter the pain in Xue Zhiyan's heart.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, motioning for Liang Huan to stop the picture at the forest.He jumped off Jian Zelin's lap again, sat on a chair alone, and then slowly explained.

"The forest is connected with the orange orchard at the back, and it belongs to the same piece of land in You'an Courtyard, but there is no wall around the outermost part of the forest. Mother Shen said that the forest can be used as a natural protection, and it is convenient for children. We kept them when we went to observe nature in summer. Of course, it was also to protect the orange orchard, saying that keeping them would let the children know that labor is hard work.

There are not many children in this generation who are too naughty, so Mother Shen and other mothers taught them not to run around in the woods. No matter how adventurous they are, they will always go halfway, and they will all return if they get lost. So they didn't know that the forest wasn't very deep, and they would reach the main road after walking down for a short time. "

"So those two brats know?" Chi Yuan seemed to be listening to a magical story, he really didn't know there was such a place in S City.

"Well, when I took the children to catch insects and butterflies during the summer vacation, I accidentally took those two children out of the forest." Xue Zhiyan looked up at Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao, There was a strange light in his eyes.

"That secret was discovered by Zhiyan and I by accident when we were young. At that time, Zhiyan was a bit autistic. He was strictly protected by Shen's mother. He didn't get close to any children. When we were alone, we would often hide in that forest. , Then one day I disturbed her quietness.

I didn't talk to her, I just walked around in the woods, she didn't know what happened, she just followed me, we didn't say anything, we just walked like that, and we came to the road outside . Liang Huan sighed, took Xue Zhiyan's words and continued.

"Since then, it has become our little secret. We always sneak out to find Feng Ziyao, and then return the same way before dark. If someone asks, we will use the orange orchard as an excuse. At that time, the orange orchard was not locked, so people could come and go freely.

It wasn't until Xue Zhiyan was abducted by the trafficker that Shen's mother knew this little secret between us.After Xue Zhiyan went back, both of us accepted the punishment from Shen's mother. "

"I know this. Mother Shen locked them both up for a long time. I couldn't bear to miss them, so I walked into You'an Courtyard according to the route they said. As soon as I stepped into You'an Courtyard, I was arrested by Shen Bihua This current situation, after being scolded by Shen Bihua, threw it to my mother, and she also scolded me." Feng Ziyao was terrified when he thought of that incident.

When she was thrown into the small dark room by Shen Bihua, Liang Huan and Xue Zhiyan were huddled on the ground watching the videos prepared by Shen Bihua, until Yao Xin came to pick her up, she almost watched them too.

Liang Huan sighed heavily again, glanced at Lin Zi, and quickly lowered his head. "In order to punish the two of us, Shen's mother said that the two of us had too much experience, and asked us to run ten laps around the playground of Youanyuan every afternoon."

ten laps? !When Jian Zelin heard the number, his eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Xue Zhiyan, and followed her face to see her feet, did her feet suffer from ten circles?
Jian Zelin gritted his teeth and suppressed all his anger in his stomach. He was so small, and if he ran ten laps, he would be killed by thunder, right?This woman is too scary?

Jian Zelin suppressed his anger and squeezed out a sentence, "How much is a circle?"

"About 300 meters." Liang Huan said as he subconsciously rubbed his calf, as if his calf was still sore.

Ten laps is 3000 meters!Jian Zelin clenched his fists, if Shen Bihua was in front of him, he wouldn't care if she was a woman or not, he would definitely kick her out with one kick!

Fortunately, she still said it so nicely, it was all for Xue Zhiyan's good!He was good to her, but it still left a shadow in her heart!Is this woman perverted?No wonder Feng Ziyao was dissatisfied with some of her actions.

"These are secondary, I always feel a bit strange." Xue Zhiyan interrupted their conversation, frowning and looking at the projection wall.

"Speak clearly." Jian Zelin held Xue Zhiyan's hand tightly, and to her surprise, Xue Zhiyan didn't tremble with fear this time.

"Think about it, what's the plan in City S? It couldn't have been conceived out of hand, right? And the fact that this person was able to get it so quickly means that he had already investigated the situation, especially orphanages and orphanages, to be honest. If he strikes rashly, he won't get any benefit." The red pen in Xue Zhiyan's hand tapped the table again and again, analyzing seriously.

"So, is it possible that this person is still in City S?" Yan Shaochen temporarily suppressed the news he had received and asked.

"Well, and there is a possibility that they are looking for the next target." Xue Zhiyan is very sure.

But in the next second, her brows were frowned again, thinking that that person had gone to inquire about the situation, and looking at the picture on the screen, a black shadow flashed in her mind.

"Ah! At that time!" Xue Zhiyan stood up abruptly, looking at Jian Zelin in horror.

Jian Zelin immediately became alert, because she knew that Xue Zhiyan would not easily show such an expression. "What's wrong, did you remember something?"

Xue Zhiyan turned his head to look at the screen again, breathing heavily, and pointed at the back of Haoyue on the screen tremblingly, "I think I should have met that person before."

Everyone was stunned, and then they heard the sharp sound of chairs rubbing against the floor, followed by panicked footsteps.

Holding the printed picture in his hand, Xue Zhiyan stood on the small road leading to the Orange Garden. There was a fork in the 'Lost Forest'.After turning around in place, she fixed her gaze on the path leading to the woods.

I don't know if it was because of the cold winter wind, or the fear in Xue Zhiyan's heart, which made her feel very cold instantly, and her body couldn't help shivering.

Jian Zelin found that she was the same, pulled off his coat, and wrapped her tightly in his arms.It gets dark early in winter, the sun has already set, and everything around is dark, but it is not difficult to see what is in front of you.

"That person has been to You'an Courtyard a long time ago, and he has long discovered that there is no wall on this side of You'an Courtyard, so he can hide in the woods, wait for the children to go in, and then use various methods to trick the children to follow him .”

(End of this chapter)

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