The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 364 Danger is approaching

Chapter 364 Danger is approaching

"The buyer is N." As soon as Su Lingxuan said this, the atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing point.

Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan looked at Feng Ziyao at the same time, and found that she was also frowning, looking completely incomprehensible.The three of them raised their eyebrows at the same time. It seemed that this N had a problem with these men.

But what was Chi Qian's reaction?What does it mean to be pale, with hollow eyes, and a look of sadness?Could it be that she has something to do with this N?

"Ah! Jian Zelin!" Xue Zhiyan yelled suddenly, and broke away from Jian Zelin's embrace.

Xue Zhiyan frowned and stared at Jian Zelin angrily, rubbing his shoulders.Jian Zelin forgot to hold Xue Zhiyan, and inadvertently pinched Xue Zhiyan.

A trace of panic flashed quickly in Jian Zelin's eyes, but he didn't explain too much to Xue Zhiyan. "Sorry."

Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes at him angrily, turned around and was the first to walk in the direction of the orange garden.I was still scolding Jian Zelin in my heart, could it be the ex-girlfriend I didn't catch up with?Did you use so much strength!Shoulders are about to be crushed!The bruises will definitely not go away!Maybe there will be a handprint on the shoulder!
Son of a bitch!I just said it the day before, all my emotions have to do with her, and the next day I hurt her because of another person!Sorry so worthless?Just say it!Xue Zhiyan didn't care whether Jian Zelin followed or not, and walked forward on his own.

Liang Huan also glared at Jian Zelin, and at the same time shook off Yan Shaochen's hand, and followed Xue Zhiyan to that side.

Yan Shaochen glanced at Jian Zelin innocently, thinking that this guy would be abnormal when he met that pervert, and this time he was also implicated. The two of them have been fighting for more than ten years, what else is there to argue about?

Yan Shaochen couldn't blame his brother, he sighed helplessly, and walked closely behind Liang Huan, for fear that Liang Huan would be left alone.

Chi Yuan walked up to Chi Qian and hugged her hard, but said nothing.Turning to look at Feng Ziyao, "Let's go there too!"

Feng Ziyao shrugged, turned around and walked in front of Chi Yuan, because Chi Yuan was here for the second time, and the first time was in the evening, so he might not be able to find his way.

Su Lingxuan glanced at Jian Zelin, and sighed helplessly. It seems that these two people will continue to fight! "Follow me quickly, otherwise Xue Zhiyan will get into the woods later and you won't be able to find her!"

Only then did Jian Zelin realize that, when he looked over again, where was Xue Zhiyan?Walking to Chi Qian's side, patted her head, and quickly ran over.

Su Lingxuan hugged Chi Qian lightly, stroked her hair, and sighed inwardly. "We won't let him hurt you this time, let's go, find the child first."

Chi Qian took a deep breath, then let go of her clenched fist, and nodded in Su Lingxuan's embrace. "Did you worry my brother just now?"

Su Lingxuan chuckled twice, let go of Chi Qian, and messed up her half-length hair, "Which brother are you talking about?"

Chi Qian raised her head and gave him a blank look, adjusted her short ponytail, turned her head and left, not wanting to talk to him.

Su Ling Xuan didn't mind her rolling eyes, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and followed leisurely at the end, not forgetting to ask her, "Can you find the way? Do you want me to lead the way?"

Chi Qian turned her head and glared at him, then continued walking forward, and could still see Feng Ziyao and Chi Yuan, so he was not needed at all.

Xue Zhiyan didn't care whether Jian Zelin followed him or not. He had already entered the forest and walked in the direction she least often went to. Maybe it was because of her habit. She always felt that if she walked too many times, she would definitely not find anything.

Besides, the forest is so big, Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao will definitely take the two men to places they are not familiar with to find clues.

Su Lingxuan was meticulous and Chi Qian was also a careful person, so he would definitely look for clues in places with many footprints.

As soon as he entered the woods, Xue Zhiyan subconsciously tightened the zipper. The humidity in S City in winter is too heavy, especially in the woods.She held a branch in her hand, and would knock on the trunk twice after walking a certain distance.

Xue Zhiyan's shoulder was still aching, and he didn't even notice that there was a dark shadow flickering not far in front of her in her direction.

If she noticed, she would definitely be more vigilant and shout for someone.Although the forest was big, the eight of them were divided into four groups, and they definitely wouldn't walk side by side. As long as she yelled loudly, someone would still hear her.

Until Xue Zhiyan stepped on an unopened bulk Oreo.The sound of plastic packaging and the sound of biscuits being crushed attracted Xue Zhiyan's attention.

Xue Zhiyan took a step back, knelt down and picked up the Oreo he had just stepped on, and looked at it carefully in front of his eyes. Didn't she and Jian Zelin send it to the children after New Year's Day?
Why are you here?Xue Zhiyan held the biscuit in his hand, stood up and looked around, and he could still see the same packaging bag on the ground not far in front of him.

Xue Zhiyan trotted over, picked it up and looked at it, it was the same as before, but it hadn't been crushed by her.

Is it really here?Xue Zhiyan threw the two Oreos on the ground, and continued walking suspiciously.

And the person who was watching her with binoculars not far ahead had a sneer on his lips.I didn't expect to be hooked so soon, but it's not time to do it yet, so make sure no one around her is following her.

Xue Zhiyan completely forgot that he had just agreed in the parking lot that he would call if he had any clues, so he walked into the depths of the forest by himself.

It wasn't until Xue Zhiyan was about to approach the trap set by the man that she realized that there was silence behind her, and Jian Zelin hadn't followed. Xue Zhiyan looked back at the direction when he came, but she didn't find Jian Zelin's figure.

Xue Zhiyan stood there angrily and stomped his feet, damn Jian Zelin, just apologize if it hurts me?Turn around and continue walking, anyway, if you can go out, when you meet Ben or Cat, let them contact Jian Zelin.

It's just that Xue Zhiyan doesn't know that there are things she wants to see ahead, and at the same time, there are endless dangers lurking around those things.

Jian Zelin didn't know which direction Xue Zhiyan was going, he walked to the thinnest part of the grass, and within a few steps, he heard Chi Qian and Su Lingxuan's voices behind him.

He temporarily changed direction and walked to the left, and after walking for a long time, he heard Chi Yuan's disturbing voice again.

He frowned in displeasure, so he had no choice but to continue walking to the left. He was angry with Xue Zhiyan in his heart. He entered the forest without waiting for him.

It's just that Jian Zelin went in the wrong direction again this time, and bumped into Liang Huan and Yan Shaochen head-on.He continued to walk to the left, but was stopped by Liang Huan.

"Going further inside is the Orange Garden. Xue Zhiyan won't come here. The two of us didn't hear her footsteps. She should have passed to the right side. When she made a choice, she habitually chose the right side."

right?Jian Zelin frowned, thinking to herself, doesn't that mean that I went the wrong way?When I met Su Lingxuan and Chi Qian just now, wouldn't it be enough to just turn right?

(End of this chapter)

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