The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 365 I always feel that something is wrong

Chapter 365 I always feel that something is wrong

At the same time, Xue Zhiyan walked forward for about ten meters, and his eyes stopped at a big tree not far away. Move your legs.

Looking at it from Xue Zhiyan's point of view, he could only see a pair of children's legs, lying powerlessly on the ground, and he couldn't see the child's upper body and face at all.

She didn't suspect him, and strode over.Walking to the front, looking up along the feet, what I saw was not the familiar face of Haoyue or Haochen, but a strange, bloodless face of a child with closed eyes.

Xue Zhiyan was blank for a moment of fighting, she searched for all the information about this child in her mind, but couldn't remember anything.

Since it's not Haochen and Haoyue lying here again, it must be a problem.Xue Zhiyan bent down to pick up the child, turned around and ran over the same way he came and went, completely unaware of someone approaching silently behind him.

The man chuckled twice. Xue Zhiyan, who was running, heard the weird laughter and thought he was hallucinating. He stopped and listened carefully to the movement behind him.

"Miss Xue, where are you going in such a hurry?" A soft female voice came from behind.

Hearing this voice, Xue Zhiyan suddenly opened his eyes wide and turned his head in astonishment.Seeing that pretty face and the faint smile on the corner of her mouth, Xue Zhiyan felt that the fighting had stopped.

Seeing the woman walking towards her step by step, she couldn't move her legs and looked at her in astonishment.Why is she here?How could she know here?
"Ah, is this child asleep?" The woman smiled and shook her head, pointing to the child in Xue Zhiyan's arms, "Doesn't Miss Xue feel tired holding him? It took me a lot of effort to carry him over." !"

After hearing this, Xue Zhiyan tightened his hold on the child, "How did you get in?"

"Tsk tsk, it seems that what kind of person can do such a thing, how can a rich man like me be able to hug that child!" The woman walked up to Xue Zhiyan, reached out and pinched the child's face, the child But he still closed his eyes and didn't respond at all.

The woman suddenly raised her head, put away the smile on her face, and stared at Xue Zhiyan viciously, wishing to tear Xue Zhiyan apart. "Of course I'm waiting for you!"

After she finished speaking, she raised her hand, and most of the spray in her hand sprayed on Xue Zhiyan's face.Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes, fell to the ground weakly, and lost consciousness...

When Jian Zelin chased after him, he still couldn't find Xue Zhiyan.For some reason, from the very beginning, he felt flustered.

He walked for a while, saw the two Oreos that Xue Zhiyan had dropped before, and continued walking in her direction, but after walking for a long time, he still couldn't find Xue Zhiyan, so he inevitably became agitated.

"Vic, did you and Leng Yun see the returning Xue Zhiyan over there?" Jian Zelin raised his vigilance and looked around carefully, not wanting to miss any corner or detail.

Hearing Jian Zelin's cold voice, Vic shivered subconsciously and glanced at Leng Yun. "Miss Xue didn't come out after going in, boss, you can ask cat and Ben."

Jian Zelin hung up the phone and called cat, but the answer he got was also that he did not see Xue Zhiyan.Jian Zelin's whole body was on guard for an instant, his sword eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and he quickened his pace, but he slowed down his steps, adjusted his breathing, and listened carefully to the movement in the forest.

Jian Zelin looked around, and was careful with the soles of his feet, for fear of making any noise to startle the snake.He passed by the place Xue Zhiyan had just passed by, but he still couldn't find Xue Zhiyan.

He understood Xue Zhiyan, even if she got angry with him again, she would not ignore him casually, after all, she said before going out in the morning that no matter what, she had to be safe.

At this time, Xue Zhiyan's sudden disappearance made Jian Zelin extremely nervous. It was obvious that she had either returned or walked out of the woods.If she changed her route temporarily and ran to a group with someone else, she would definitely have received the call early in the morning, and she would not let him search for her here alone.

The current situation can only explain one situation - Xue Zhiyan disappeared in this forest!
She crossed?Jian Zelin's first reaction was this. I don't know if he was influenced by Xue Zhiyan to have such a ridiculous idea.

Jian Zelin was nervous, and the hand holding the phone was trembling.At the same time, he was also calm. After observing the surrounding environment, he knew that Xue Zhiyan could be taken away from here. Before his people found out, that person should be very familiar with this place.

Jian Zelin used social software to make group calls directly.Yan Shaochen, Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan quickly pressed the connect button, and asked in unison, "What's wrong?"

"Xue Zhiyan is gone, everyone come to the far right." Jian Zelin took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, "Let Vic and Leng Yun notify the police, cat and Ben stay where they are!"

Jian Zelin hung up the phone in a hurry, and continued to walk forward cautiously, for fear that two people would suddenly jump out from the side and attack again.

It seems that Xue Zhiyan's guess was right, that pervert came in from here and took the child away.But why did you take Xue Zhiyan away today?Had she bumped into people who were doing bad things?

But if you look around carefully, there is no place to hide, and it doesn't meet the environment of digging out the heart and kidneys. Digging in the wild?That's only beasts, right?
After a while, Jian Zelin stepped on something, Jian Zelin raised his foot and saw that it was the candy that Xue Zhiyan put on his body before going out in the morning.

"Where's the person?" Su Lingxuan stood behind Jian Zelin panting, staring at his figure squatting on the ground.

"It shouldn't be here, I don't feel that there is someone else's breath." Jian Zelin shook his head, holding the candy tightly in his palm.

Others came one after another, and they spread out in a circle, looking for clues that Xue Zhiyan could leave behind.But after searching for more than an hour, until the police arrived, they found nothing except the candy in Jian Zelin's hand.

It was noon until noon. Several people were exhausted, but their nerves were still tense.When everyone returned, Liang Huan, who had been walking behind, suddenly spoke.

"I always feel like something is wrong."

Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian turned their heads, looked at Liang Huan who was frowning slightly, and frowned in unison, as if they felt the same way.

"What do you mean?" Jian Zelin also stopped, looking at the people behind him with a cold face.

"I always feel that something is wrong, but I just can't find the problem." Liang Huan shook his head, walked to Yan Shaochen's side, and looked at Jian Zelin with a troubled expression.

"Then go back to the prosperous age! Go through it all over again!" Jian Zelin strode away after speaking.

Su Lingxuan followed Jian Zelin closely, and strode out of the forest.After walking not far, Liang Huan called him to stop again.

"What's wrong?" Su Lingxuan's expression was not very good either.

"Can you ask your assistant to find out the recent surveillance video inside and outside You'an Courtyard?" Liang Huan didn't know what she was thinking, but she intuitively told her that the problem was You'an Court, to be more clear, the problem lies with Xue Zhiyan!

"When will it start?" Su Lingxuan frowned, agreeing.

Liang Huan thought for a moment, then looked up at him. "After the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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