The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 371 Mysterious SMS

Chapter 371 Mysterious SMS
The morning after Xue Zhiyan's disappearance, the atmosphere in the conference room was still oppressive, no one spoke, except for the sound of breathing, the sound of clicking the mouse, and the sound of typing on the keyboard.

Soon, the oppressive atmosphere was broken by the sudden ringing of the phone.

Just a text message.

Jian Zelin glanced at the brightened phone screen, on which was Xue Zhiyan's sweet smiling face.

A message from an unknown number.

"The warehouse of Rongchang Machinery Factory in the south of the city, the person you want is waiting there."

As soon as Jian Zelin saw this message, a gloomy light flashed quickly in his dark eyes.

Who gave him this message?Was it Xue Zhiyan?
Soon, an incoming call whose number could not be displayed.Jian Zelin answered the phone suspiciously, and a deep but familiar male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"My old friend, don't you like the gift I gave you? Since you don't like it, I'll accept it for you! Let's see you another day?"

Before Jian Zelin could speak, the other party hung up the phone.If it wasn't for the message on the phone, Jian Zelin would definitely not hesitate to open the transom of the conference room and throw the phone out of his hand.

But not now, regardless of whether the information provided by that person is true or not, he has to go and have a look. Even if they knew that Tong Yuan and Li Er were most likely to strike, they still couldn't find his whereabouts. , Xue Zhiyan is still dangerous.Besides, there is still a photo of Xue Zhiyan smiling like a flower on his mobile phone, so he can't throw it away.

"The warehouse of Rongchang Machinery Factory in the south of the city." Jian Zelin glanced at the listless crowd, gritted his teeth and said the content of the text message just now.

Chi Qian squinted her eyes and looked at him. The man in front of her had been furious since Xue Zhiyan disappeared. Why was she so calm all of a sudden?

And Su Lingxuan and Chi Yuan couldn't understand, why he was so calm after answering a phone call?
Yan Shaochen came back from outside with the breakfast prepared for everyone. For two whole days, everyone gathered in the conference room and never left except to go to the bathroom.

Looking at Jian Zelin's back, he could feel the cold aura emanating from Jian Zelin's body. "What's wrong?"

"Send someone to the Rongchang Machinery Factory in the south of the city, call Lie Yan, and ask him to find me a team of smart people. I'm going to get rid of that bastard!"

Jian Zelin's face was sullen, and his handsome face exuded a frosty aura, making it impossible for anyone to get close to him. A gloomy look flashed across his dark eyes, and his clenched fists showed his current anger.

Liang Huan was very puzzled by Jian Zelin's proposal, but the news he brought up at this time should be useful, right?
She watched the surveillance video all night again, and she was completely sure that the person was Tong Yuan.She saw Tong Yuan entering through the gate of You'an Courtyard, but there was no image of him coming out of the gate.What does this mean?It can only mean that he walked out of You'an Courtyard from that forest!

What frustrates them the most is that there is no way to find out where they are.Su Lingxuan asked someone to ask the people in Li's family, and their answer was that Li Er hadn't been home for half a month.

"Chengnan Rongchang Machinery Factory used to make parts for medical equipment." Taking advantage of everyone's astonishment, Chi Qian found out the information about the factory that Jian Zelin mentioned. "However, it was exposed two years ago because of cutting corners, and it has closed down. It should be an abandoned site. In addition, it is in the south of the city. It used to be an industrial area, and now many factories are abandoned."

Jian Zelin glanced at Chi Qian, the ferocity in those eyes disappeared for a moment, but soon recovered, "That's right there."

Su Lingxuan followed Jian Zelin and grabbed his shoulders. Obviously, the sudden news was helpful to them, but he had to know who gave the news.He didn't want his brother and his beloved sister to be someone's bargaining chip.

"Who released the news?" Obviously, the person who sent messages and called Jian Zelin just now was the one who gave the exact location. Su Lingxuan is not a fool.

"N-Nero, Naming Calendar!"


Chi Qian actually crushed the mouse with her bare hands.Jian Zelin glanced at her quickly, turned and left.

No matter how much Chi Yuan, Yan Shaochen and Su Lingxuan cared about her, they didn't have time to pay more attention to her. Finding Xue Zhiyan is the most important thing now.

Although Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan found that Chi Qian was not in the right state, they didn't have time to show any more concern, so they hurriedly dragged Chi Qian who was stunned, and followed the main team towards the elevator.


Tong Yuan dressed meticulously, sat on a chair, crossed his legs leisurely, looked at the newspaper in his hand, and wanted to know the latest developments about Xue Zhiyan's disappearance from the newspaper.

But this disappointed him a lot. Not only did there not be any follow-up reports on the incident in the newspapers, there was even no news about Xue Zhiyan's disappearance, which shocked him a lot.

But think about it carefully, with the strength of Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan, Xue Zhiyan will not be allowed to stand on the cusp of the storm again. After all, she is a woman they love, so how can they be willing to let her become the talk of the public after dinner?
Tong Yuan put down the newspaper in his hand, looked at Xue Zhiyan who continued to maintain a blank posture, and a very evil thought instantly appeared in his mind.

He was like a child who wanted to play a prank, and suddenly wanted to see the expressions on Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan's faces when they saw Xue Zhiyan's appearance at this moment.

Does he have any grudge against Jian Zelin and Su Linxia?To say that there is deep hatred and great hatred, there is really no such thing.If you want to talk about small worries and complaints, there is still a little bit.

When Jian Zelin returned to S City a few years ago, the first thing he did was not to make Shengshi stronger, but to find the leader of the S City Black Club——Lie Yan.

I don't know what conditions he negotiated with Lie Yan, but Lie Yan readily agreed, but the most important one is that no human trafficking or drug trafficking is allowed.

Tong Yuan was originally an organ trafficker. When there was no such agreement, he could always buy abducted children or women at a low price, and then get the needed organs from them, and finally destroy the corpses.

But after Jian Zelin returned to China, everything changed, and this could be regarded as blocking his way of making money, right?So now he really wants to know what kind of expression he will have if Jian Zelin sees him disemboweling his beloved woman with his own eyes.

Thinking about it, the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously, as if before him were the angry faces of Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan, and Xue Zhiyan's snow-white body, lying on his back on his gurney, without any resistance, letting him eat.

Well, that feels so good!Tong Yuan nodded on his own, completely immersed in his own fantasy, completely oblivious to Li Er's madness in front of him again.

(End of this chapter)

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