The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 372 Let You Feel It Too

Chapter 372 Let You Feel It Too


Another slap fell on Xue Zhiyan's face fiercely. Yesterday's slap print is now blue-purple, and after being slapped by Li Er just now, his cheeks were a little red again. That color is really dazzling.

But Xue Zhiyan always sat on the chair with a blank face, without any reaction.Li Er even wondered if she was stunned by the beating, or it could be said that she was stunned by the cruel scene.

"Hmph! I thought you were capable, but that's all!" Li Er threw the disposable water cup in his hand to the ground, and the spilled water quickly spread under Xue Zhiyan's feet.

Xue Zhiyan's originally lifeless eyes swayed suddenly when he saw the scattered water stains on the floor, as if he saw something that could bring her back to her senses.

But soon, that ray of light disappeared again, and her eyes returned to dead silence, without a trace of emotion.

Although she was sluggish, and she didn't fully hear some of Tong Yuan and Li Er's words, important information still entered her brain through her ears.

She really understands what it means to be in collusion.In order to get revenge on her, she sold her body and provided him with information about her.For his own selfish desires, he did not hesitate to mutilate his young life in pursuit of the glory, wealth and enjoyment that did not belong to him.

Isn't this embarrassing?It is really in order to achieve their own goals, by hook or by crook.

But what about her?Is it just a cannon fodder, or a springboard for two people?She didn't know what role she played in it, but she knew clearly that if it wasn't for her, Hao Chen and Hao Yue would not have become their targets.

Li Er wanted to take revenge on her, to take away the most important thing in her heart.But Li Er didn't know that besides the innocent child, the most important person in her vitality was worrying about her at this moment, and she was extremely relieved to think that he was fine.

So what if it is swallowed by the boundless darkness?As long as he is still alive, she is not afraid.She always believed that he could lead her out of the darkness and bring her light and warmth.

It's just that Xue Zhiyan didn't know that the death of Haochen and Haoyue was not entirely because she was Xue Zhiyan, nor was it entirely because Li Er wanted to take away what she valued.

Xue Zhiyan, who had neither expressed nor moved for a whole day, finally sighed.This soft sigh was caught by Li Er keenly.

She pinched Xue Zhiyan's chin, and met her empty eyes, her expression was still as cold as ever. "What, there is a reaction?"

Indeed, it has been a whole day since I opened my eyes yesterday morning and saw Li Er took Haoyue's life with his own hands, and Tong Yuan dug up Hao Chen's organs. Xue Zhiyan only told Li Er at the very beginning A few words, and not a word after that.

"Are you satisfied seeing me like this?" Xue Zhiyan finally stopped being expressionless, a mocking smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes became clear again, no longer empty and dull.

"I think you're quite eloquent!" Li Er turned around to leave, but unexpectedly, he slapped Xue Zhiyan backhanded. "You are sitting here and let me slaughter you, what capital is there!"

The sneer at the corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth was still there, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, his face was already numb from the pump, and he looked at Li Er with clear eyes.

"It's not lofty, it's the aura in your body." Xue Zhiyan looked at Li Er provocatively, "I guess you won't be able to cultivate such a calm and composed aura in your whole life!"


Sure enough, it was another slap, it was too easy to anger Li Er.Li Er got to know her because he hated Xue Zhiyan, but Xue Zhiyan got to know her because of Su Lingxuan.

Even though Xue Zhiyan's family was in decline, Li Er didn't have an aura in her body. No matter how envious or jealous she was, she couldn't erase Xue Zhiyan's innate aura.

So when Xue Zhiyan got all of Li Er's information in Liang Huan's hands, he could tell from the photos at a glance that she and Su Ling were not right.It is even arrogant to say that this Miss Li is not on the same level as them.

"Miss Xue is really courageous." Tong Yuan seemed to have heard the conversation between the two, walked over and squeezed his chin, and shook his head regretfully, "Tsk tsk tsk, she is really a beauty that I still feel sorry for, but this face is too miserable a bit."

Xue Zhiyan shook her head and broke free from his hands that were stained with Hao Chen's blood. Although he had cleaned the blood off long ago, she could still smell the disgusting smell of blood from his hands.

"Thank you Mr. Tong for your care and love." Xue Zhiyan put away the sneer on her face, except that her eyes were different from before, and her facial expression returned to ice-cold.

She doesn't want to have too many conversations with Tong Yuan, she can't help but think of Hao Chen's pale face, and the weird smile on Tong Yuan's mouth when he holds his heart in his hands.

He is perverted!Xue Zhiyan is extremely sure that Tong Yuan is a pervert.

She could provoke Li Er as she wanted, but she didn't want to provoke the pervert in front of her.The unknown light in his eyes made Xue Zhiyan flustered.Xue Zhiyan is not an innocent little girl, so she naturally understands the desire in his eyes.

He lowered his head and saw his white chest exposed in the air, it must be this pervert who tore her clothes yesterday.Li Er is a normal woman, she won't tear her clothes to pieces.

"Don't avoid me so carefully, I have no appetite for hurt women, especially women who can't see their original appearance at all." Tong Yuan lifted her chin and made her look at him.

Xue Zhiyan felt that looking at this man was an insult to her eyes, so she was in a daze.The eyes that were originally clear, dimmed again the moment they met Tong Yuan's gaze.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan's attitude, Tong Yuan instantly increased the strength in his hand, wishing to crush Xue Zhiyan's jaw. "Since Ms. Xue didn't resist, I'll let you experience what that kid experienced before he died. That feeling will definitely be something you will never forget."

Xue Zhiyan listened to his words, but couldn't understand what he said.Before she could think again, she felt the rope in her hand loosen suddenly, and then her body flew into the air, and was picked up by someone.

By the time Xue Zhiyan had a reaction, she had already been placed on the gurney.Lying on her back on the gurney, she could see the high roof, like a warehouse, with sunlight coming in through the broken transom.

"Miss Xue, do you know? That little boy's heart is really a good thing, but I don't know if your heart can be sold for a good price just like his." Tong Yuan's mouth curled into a strange smile, wearing The big hands of rubber gloves covered Xue Zhiyan's heart.

The cold touch made Xue Zhiyan's eyes flash with panic.If this bastard touches her, even if Jian Zelin doesn't kill him, as long as she can still move, he will be torn to pieces.

It's just that she didn't expect, the disgusting lips came close to her face, but a cold light reflected on her face, stinging her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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