The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 377 An Old Friend

Chapter 377 An Old Friend

"Well, he said at the beginning that as long as it is something you Jian Zelin likes, he will grab it." Su Lingxuan glanced at Xue Zhiyan who was lying on the bed, his eyes were full of worry.

Jian Zelin also looked at Xue Zhiyan at the same time, and the dangerous aura on his body became heavier and heavier. "You mean, he has a part in this matter?"

Su Lingxuan shook his head again, "Not necessarily, but one thing is for sure, Hao Chen's heart is in his hands."

If it was possible, Jian Zelin's hand would have been crushed by himself.In his dark eyes, anger was jumping, and after a while, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and slowly loosened his clenched fists.

"No matter what, be vigilant, I can't let Xue Zhiyan have another accident."

"Well, I'll bring you what I want for lunch." Su Lingxuan nodded, even if Jian Zelin didn't say anything, he still thought so.

"Wake up and ask her later, Cat may come over in the afternoon." Jian Zelin sighed, his face was full of unspeakable distress.

After experiencing a kidnapping last time, Xue Zhiyan was almost swallowed by his own fear, so he overreacted and stabbed the hapless kidnapper into a hornet's nest.

But this time Xue Zhiyan was surprisingly calm, he just taught those two people a little lesson, but it was this kind of calm that made everyone more worried about Xue Zhiyan.

If she cried, typed, or made a fuss, and the emotions passed after a while, there would be no problem.But she just didn't ask and didn't make trouble, even when she cried, she cried softly, which made people feel more distressed.

"You spend more time with her, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, so many things have happened, she must be even more uncomfortable." Su Lingxuan patted Jian Zelin's shoulder understandingly.

"Well, it's not a big problem to stay for another two days. I plan to take her back to Guanhai Yujing, where it's more convenient to take care of her." Jian Zelin saw Xue Zhiyan move, but still slept soundly.

"Let's see what Chen says." Su Lingxuan sighed, this girl has suffered a lot in the past six months.

Jian Zelin nodded, without saying anything more, opened the door and walked into the ward, lay down next to Xue Zhiyan again, hugging her tightly.

Xue Zhiyan felt the familiar embrace, and slipped into his embrace, sleeping even more soundly.

Su Lingxuan went to Yan Shaochen's office. Although Xue Zhiyan was still sleeping and Jian Zelin was his brother, he had no intention of being a light bulb.

Instead of sitting in the ward as a light bulb, it's better to talk to Yan Shaochen.

However, when he wanted to chat with Yan Shaochen, when he opened the door of his office and saw three women and a man sitting on the sofa, he completely dismissed it.

Yan Shaochen frowned when he saw the person, and raised his wrist to look at his watch. "It's all here, I will take Xue Zhiyan to Jiang Linge to have a good meal later!"

Su Ling twirled the black thread at one end, and sat here bored with these people, waiting for him to come?
"Can she go out to eat?" Su Lingxuan walked to Chi Yuan's side, and sat down in a big way.

Yan Shaochen looked down at the case in his hand, and replied casually, "It should be possible, the nutrient solution has been removed, and there is no liquid in the afternoon."

"But with her face, is it okay to go out?" Liang Huan frowned worriedly.

"Ah! I forgot about this, but my daughter-in-law was thoughtful!" Yan Shaochen closed the case in his hand, and looked at Liang Huan flatteringly.

Liang Huan waved his hand speechlessly, which means you get the hell out of here. "Who is your wife?"

"Whoever promises me will be!"

Su Lingxuan and Chi Qian rolled their eyes at the same time, they are the life of the ten thousand year light bulb!

"How are your brother and Feng Ziyao?" Su Lingxuan asked Chi Qian who just sat beside him in a low voice.

"He manages the company for me, and I deposit money in his bank." Feng Ziyao raised his eyelids and glanced at Su Lingxuan, "What is the relationship with this, you can figure it out for yourself."

Chi Yuan pursed his lips, wanting to say something else, but when he received Feng Ziyao's sharp eyes, he closed his mouth and sat there expressionless, like a sculpture.

Chi Qian poked Su Lingxuan with her hand, "Look at my brother, who would have thought that he would have today?"

"It's called tofu in marinated water, one thing is one thing." Su Lingxuan smiled unabashedly.

"By the way, I have a question to ask." Feng Ziyao put the phone on his lap, and the words gameover were still displayed on the phone screen.

Seeing Feng Ziyao's thoughtful eyes, Yan Shaochen and Chi Yuan lowered their heads or lowered their eyelids at the same time, not daring to look at her.

Su Lingxuan sighed helplessly when he saw these two cowardly bears, and met her gaze. "ask."

"Who is that N!" Feng Ziyao narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully observing the expressions of the three of them.

Chi Qian's movements froze suddenly, her smile froze on her face, she looked at Su Lingxuan's side face helplessly, and the emotion of wanting to escape reappeared.

Chi Yuan's body froze, and he suddenly raised his head to look not at Feng Ziyao, but at Chi Qian.His own sister, he knew best.

Although what she said back then was so swearing, but whether she has let go of her heart, he only needs to look at her current state to know.

If it wasn't because that person didn't come back, she wouldn't have readily agreed to old man Jane and returned to S city.It's just that now that person has also come to S City, I'm afraid Chi Qian is going to run away again?
Su Lingxuan clearly felt that the two siblings sitting next to him became nervous at the same time.His eyes froze, with unknown emotions flickering in his eyes.

"An old friend." Su Lingxuan's answer was simple and clear.

Feng Ziyao shrugged indifferently, of course she knew that this N was definitely not a simple old friend, but they didn't want to talk about it, and she wouldn't press her again, as long as it wouldn't hurt Xue Zhiyan in the future.

It's just that Feng Ziyao didn't expect that because she was worried about Xue Zhiyan, she ignored Chi Qian's reaction at that time, let alone that that person not only hurt Xue Zhiyan, but also hurt Chi Qian.

After that, Yan Shaochen's office fell into silence.Only when Yan Shaochen was flipping through the medical records, the paper made a rattling sound, and the others didn't know what they were thinking.

Liang Huan glanced at Yan Shaochen. Although he was looking at the case, she could tell that he didn't read a single word on the case.

His expression of frowning and staring at one place was obviously thinking about a question, and the question he was thinking about was obviously the question Feng Ziyao asked just now.

In fact, she was also very curious about who that N was, who was able to find Xue Zhiyan's location so quickly, but these few people kept silent and changed it with a general answer. Coupled with Chi Qian's weirdness, she was even more certain that this N is certainly not a simple old friend.

Just as several people had their own thoughts, no one noticed that two people came in through the door.

Xue Zhiyan tightly hugged Jian Zelin's neck, and Jian Zelin hugged her and stood in the middle of the office. Who knew that none of the other six people noticed the two of them.

"Ahem!" Xue Zhiyan coughed twice, trying to attract the attention of several people.

Seeing no response from the crowd, Jian Zelin narrowed his eyes and kicked Yan Shaochen's desk.

The loud noise finally attracted everyone's attention.

"Zhi Yan is hungry, do you want to eat now?"

(End of this chapter)

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