Chapter 378
"Zhiyan is hungry, do you want to eat now?" Jian Zelin's cold voice made everyone get goosebumps.

Everyone looked at the two people standing in the middle of the office in surprise, when did they come?No one found out.

"Are you all thinking of spring? No one has noticed that we have stood here for so long!" Jian Zelin raised his foot and kicked Yan Shaochen's desk again, his tone obviously displeased.

"Uh... that we were thinking about something." The corners of Yan Shaochen's mouth twitched twice.

If the desk is not yours, just kick it hard, right?If it breaks, you don't need to buy a new one, right?You don't have to pay for a new one, do you?
"I'm hungry, I want to eat." Xue Zhiyan leaned on Jian Zelin's shoulder, and said lazily, his hoarse voice added a little flavor to her laziness.

Uh... Everyone was speechless, this situation was a bit strange, and everyone couldn't react.

"Ling, let's go!" Jian Zelin glanced at the dazed crowd, and directly pointed at Su Lingxuan's head.

Only then did Su Lingxuan remember that he said that he would bring food for the two of them.

"Here... can she go out to eat?" Su Lingxuan glanced at Yan Shaochen hesitantly, waiting for him to nod.

"Let's go! Let's go together." Yan Shaochen nodded.

After more than ten tense days, the group finally let go of Linge and ate a big meal.Only Xue Zhiyan considered that his stomach could not accept this problem, so he sat down with a pot of shredded chicken porridge and drank it happily.

During the banquet, everyone returned to their original appearance, chatting and laughing lively.Only Jian Zelin, who was sitting very close, noticed that Xue Zhiyan would occasionally be absent-minded, not knowing what he was thinking.

On the way back to the hospital, Jian Zelin hugged Xue Zhiyan and sat in the back seat, while Vic drove in front.

Jian Zelin found Xue Zhiyan leaning in his arms in a daze, rubbing her cheeks with warm fingertips. "What are you thinking?"


"Zhiyan?" There was no reply, Jian Zelin looked down at the little woman in his arms with a nervous expression on his face.

"Huh?" Xue Zhiyan came back to his senses, and raised his head to meet his gaze.

"The cat will come later, and I will be by your side." Jian Zelin shook her hand vigorously.

"Yes." Xue Zhiyan nodded.

She knew that if she refused, everyone would worry about her even more, but this time she really didn't need cat to help her.

She just couldn't react to the passage of time for a while, she didn't expect that she would sleep for seven days, and her memory was completely stuck in seven days ago, so she would be in a daze, just trying to make herself more adaptable to this "jet lag".

"Aze?" Xue Zhiyan lowered his eyes and called him softly.

"Well, I'm here." Jian Zelin stroked Xue Zhiyan's head with his big hand.

"Those two children, let's go see them after we get out of the hospital?" Xue Zhiyan gritted his teeth and said it anyway.

Jian Zelin paused for a moment, then returned to normal in an instant. "it is good."

"And Grandpa Su." Xue Zhiyan sighed heavily.

"Well. But you have to recover your body first."

"it is good."

When cat came in the afternoon, Jian Zelin was always by Xue Zhiyan's side. Cat was worried that such an assessment of Xue Zhiyan was wrong, but when she saw Xue Zhiyan's clear eyes, eyes that did not hide any emotions, she knew that Xue Zhiyan didn't need her at all this time.

So she just told Xue Zhiyan some precautions, and told her that if she felt troubled, she could contact Yan Shaochen directly, and she would come to serve her, and then left the ward to this "couple".

Xue Zhiyan was still asleep.

She didn't know why, but as long as she lay in Jian Zelin's arms and smelled his unique breath, she felt very sleepy.

Even the fear of the boundless darkness in her dream could not affect her determination to sleep.

Of course, Jian Zelin was also willing, not only because she slept well.Even he is the same, as long as he holds Xue Zhiyan, can feel her heartbeat, and smell her fragrance, he can sleep soundly.

So when Su Lingxuan came to deliver dinner to the two of them, he saw the two hugging and sleeping again.

Su Lingxuan smiled wryly, whether he was lucky or unlucky today, every time he came here, it was the time when the two of them slept soundly.

no solution anymore!Su Lingxuan sighed, and lightly placed the food box on the small cabinet beside the bed, and pulled the quilt for the two of them with a smile. This time, Jian Zelin was not woken up.

He looked at Xue Zhiyan's side face with a slight smile, and a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his lips.After so many hardships, she should be happy.Looking at the smile on her face, he knew she was happy.

The two slept until midnight, only to be woken up by their growling stomachs.Xue Zhiyan opened his misty eyes, and pushed Jian Zelin who was sleeping soundly beside him.

"I'm hungry."

"Well, then you ate me." Jian Zelin held her tightly in his arms and muttered in a low voice.

"I heard your stomach growling." Xue Zhiyan covered his stomach with his small hands, and through his clothes, he could feel his stomach wriggling in protest because of hunger.

That soft touch made Jian Zelin wake up instantly.Picking up the mobile phone that was put aside, it was past twelve o'clock.

He lowered his head and took a bite on the tip of Xue Zhiyan's nose, "I'll see what I can eat later."

He let go of his arms, rolled over and got out of bed, turned on the light at the head of the bed, and saw the thermos on the small cabinet at a glance.

"Someone came to deliver food to us." Jian Zelin opened the thermos and saw the food inside.

Xue Zhiyan was taken aback for a moment, and then he blushed instantly when he thought of the way the two of them slept hugging each other just now. "Isn't that all seen?"

Jian Zelin didn't care, and answered casually while pouring out the food in the thermos. "You can see it when you see it. We are not without clothes."

Xue Zhiyan rolled his eyes and lay down on the bed again. "You don't want to wear clothes!"

Jian Zelin put the small table on the bed, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and brought the food on the small table. The food was still a little warm, not very cold.

"What are you laughing at?" Xue Zhiyan scooped up the porridge in the bowl with a spoon, and gave him an angry look.

Jian Zelin put the vegetables into her bowl, staring at Xue Zhiyan. "Let's go home later, there is nothing we can do in the hospital."

"Can I be discharged from the hospital?" Xue Zhiyan glanced at Jian Zelin, scooped up the vegetables and put them in his mouth.

"I said yes." Jian Zelin smiled smugly.

"But I have no strength."

"I'll carry you or hold you."

"But I'm a sick man."

"It's okay, I will take care of you."

"That's fine, it's always better to go home and sleep than to go to the hospital." Xue Zhiyan nodded, seeing that Jian Zelin picked up some vegetables for her, he simply opened his mouth.

Jian Zelin fed her a piece of green vegetable, saw that she was eating happily, and agreed to his proposal. He was so happy that his face was full of smiles.

"But we can't do that." Xue Zhiyan put down the spoon and looked straight at him.

Jian Zelin's movements froze, but she gave Xue Zhiyan a blank look, stretched out her finger and tapped her forehead, "You are so young! I just want to let us all sleep comfortably. The hospital beds are too small. I haven't had a good rest for days!"

Xue Zhiyan narrowed his eyes slightly, did he think too much? "real?"

Jian Zelin nodded, "Really."

"Eat that piece! Otherwise, we can go directly to watch the sunrise later!" Xue Zhiyan shrugged indifferently, think as much as you want!
(End of this chapter)

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