The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 381 I'm Happy Because of You

Chapter 381 I'm Happy Because of You

Feng Ziyao shrugged indifferently, looking indifferent.

Su Lingxuan kept looking at Xue Zhiyan, "Is it true that you don't need a cat to accompany you?"

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "I'm really fine, I'm just a little sad."

Xue Zhiyan sat on the sofa, leaning against Jian Zelin's side, his eyes drooping slightly, as if he was very tired.

"I just didn't expect that Li Er would anger those two children because of me. Originally, they still have a good future, so they will have nothing."

Jian Zelin gently stroked Xue Zhiyan's head, and he was also worried that Xue Zhiyan would deliberately suppress his emotions.

"I won't suppress my emotions, don't worry, I'm fine." Xue Zhiyan looked up at them, his eyes were no longer empty.

"I don't like being controlled by that kind of fear, so I won't suppress my emotions this time. You are all around me, I have nothing to fear."

Xue Zhiyan tightly held Jian Zelin's hand, and clasped his fingers tightly.

"Cry if you want to, don't keep it in your heart." Feng Ziyao threw the tissue box to her.

"When it's time to cry, I will cry, but now I have no tears!" Xue Zhiyan smiled helplessly.

"Is it really okay?" Su Lingxuan was still worried about Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "It's really fine."

Jian Zelin kissed the top of her hair, "Shall we go to dinner?"

"En." Xue Zhiyan looked at Feng Ziyao and Su Lingxuan, "Let's go together?"

Feng Ziyao shook his head, "No, I have to go to draw in the afternoon."

Su Lingxuan also shook his head, "Kaisheng will have a meeting in the afternoon, you should have a good rest, and you don't have to worry about the company's affairs."

Speaking of Kaisheng, Xue Zhiyan sat up straight and looked at Su Lingxuan seriously. "Otherwise, let me remove my position. After a few months, so many things happened, I'm a little tired."

Jian Zelin looked at Xue Zhiyan in surprise, he insisted on going a while ago, why did he want to resign today?
Su Lingxuan frowned, as if he was in a dilemma, but after thinking about what Xue Zhiyan had experienced during these days, he nodded. "Okay, listen to you."

"Then are you going to Shengshi?" Jian Zelin seized the opportunity, since Xue Zhiyan didn't want to go to Kaisheng, it's not impossible to let her go to Shengshi.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "I want to rest for a while, where to go, I'll talk about it after the Chinese New Year."

Feng Ziyao was sitting on the side laughing, she knew Xue Zhiyan too well, although Xue Zhiyan's ability was not bad, but keeping her bored in the office all day was indeed a bit embarrassing for her.

Besides, she still has a small coffee bar waiting for her to take care of. Although Qianqian Helen is usually there and will help her run it well, but she is the proprietress after all.

"Well, if you're bored, you can go to my place and find me. I'm helping you come up with a design plan." Feng Ziyao frowned, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with a smirk on his lips.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Jian Zelin in surprise, "The house is built?"

Jian Zelin rolled his eyes speechlessly, "I just started digging a hole!"

Xue Zhiyan squinted his eyes and looked at Feng Ziyao, "Then what design plan do you make?"

Feng Ziyao looked like an idiot, "Of course I'll make it for you first, and then I'll make someone else's!"

"Hey! It's still you who treat me well!" Xue Zhiyan jumped to Feng Ziyao's side, put his arms around her neck, and kissed her on the cheek.

Jian Zelin's face darkened instantly, while Su Lingxuan showed her white front teeth.Feng Ziyao glanced at Jian Zelin, a smirk curled up on the corner of his mouth, he put his arms around Xue Zhiyan's neck, and kissed her back on the mouth.

"Okay, you can rest at home, don't get into the horns, this matter has nothing to do with you, and Shen Bihua won't blame you." Xue Zhiyan rubbed Xue Zhiyan's hair.

"Well, don't worry." Xue Zhiyan hurried back to Jian Zelin's side, and smiled flatteringly at him.

You must know that Jian Zelin is a veritable jealousy, even if she kisses the same sex.

"Then let's go!" Su Lingxuan couldn't continue to be a light bulb, got up and left.

"Ah! By the way, Feng Ziyao! Don't treat Chi Yuan like that all the time, he is a good choice!" Xue Zhiyan looked at Feng Ziyao's back, and suddenly said this.

Feng Ziyao's body was visibly paused, and the expression on his face was a little stiff. He turned his head and glanced at Xue Zhiyan. "My own affairs, I have a measure."

Xue Zhiyan smiled and said nothing, watching Feng Ziyao close the door.Only then did she turn her head, put her arms around Jian Zelin's neck, and offered a kiss on her own initiative.

Xue Zhiyan's nimble little tongue pried open Jian Zelin's lips and teeth, and the little tongue was messing around in Jian Zelin's mouth without any rules. Her eyes formed a beautiful crescent shape, and the corners of her lips raised slightly.

Although Jian Zelin was surprised by Xue Zhiyan's sudden kiss, he enjoyed the kiss she offered.

He clasped her head tightly, turning his back on her, and began to entangle her with his domineering tongue.It wasn't until Xue Zhiyan pushed him away out of breath that he licked his lips unsatisfied.

Jian Zelin gently stroked Xue Zhiyan's red lips with her fingertips, and her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. "Well, I didn't expect Miss Xue to have such good physical strength after recovering for two days."

Xue Zhiyan pouted, and gave him a light thump, "It's not your black face just now!"

After Xue Zhiyan said hard work, he collapsed on Jian Zelin's chest, his hands hooked his neck weakly. "I'm hungry."

Jian Zelin frowned, and looked down at her, "Then are you going to eat me?"

Xue Zhiyan's expression froze, and he gave him a blank look. "Dinner, are you a fan?"

Jian Zelin's laughter came from his chest to Xue Zhiyan's ears, "But now I want to eat you even more."

Xue Zhiyan jumped off his lap, stood aside and squinted at him. "I'm still a patient, so you are like this!"

Seeing her appearance, Jian Zelin smiled even more happily, and leaned directly on the sofa, looking at her little face flushed from shyness, with unnatural embarrassment and anger on her face.

Jian Zelin stood up, squeezed her rosy face, and pressed her on the sofa. "You wait for me here, I'll go up and get the clothes."

Xue Zhiyan nodded and watched him go upstairs to get his clothes.

It was rare for her to see Jian Zelin laughing so happily. In the past, even if he was happy, he would not laugh out loud.Just took the initiative to kiss him, is it so happy?

It's not like I didn't take the initiative to kiss before, really!
"What are you thinking about?" Jian Zelin saw Xue Zhiyan sitting on the sofa as soon as he got downstairs, pouted.

"Why are you so happy?" Xue Zhiyan took his clothes and asked him.

Jian Zelin was obviously taken aback when he heard her words, but he soon knew what Xue Zhiyan was asking.

In the past, he seldom laughed out loud, let alone tell people why he was happy.But after being with Xue Zhiyan, he knew it, and he couldn't keep all his thoughts in his heart, so Xue Zhiyan would never know.

Since she asked, then tell her, there is nothing wrong with it.

Jian Zelin smiled and stretched out his hand in front of Xue Zhiyan. Xue Zhiyan looked at his smiling face and put his hand on his palm in doubt.

Jian Zelin pulled her into his arms, held her tightly, and whispered in her ear: "Because you are still alive, because you are still by my side, and because you kissed me on your own initiative."

(End of this chapter)

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