The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 382 Mysterious Express, Mysterious Dream

Chapter 382 Mysterious Express, Mysterious Dream
After lunch, the two were going to take a walk on the beach. Jian Zelin even prepared the beach mats and blankets, but received a call from Shengshi's secretary's office temporarily, saying that there was an urgent meeting to be held, and he was asked to go back and preside over the meeting.

After Jian Zelin hung up the phone, he kept his face dark and didn't start the car. The two sat quietly in the car, neither of them talking.

Jian Zelin rarely sighed, so when he sighed for the third time, Xue Zhiyan knew that he might not be able to accompany him.

"If you're busy with something, why don't you go?" Xue Zhiyan took out the phone in his hand and put it aside.

"I agreed to take you to the beach." Jian Zelin frowned, looking very conflicted.

Xue Zhiyan shrugged indifferently, "I'll go to your office to rest, you are busy with your work, just don't forget me when you finish."


Xue Zhiyan nodded, "Yes."

Jian Zelin still felt that something was wrong, picked up the phone and wanted to postpone the meeting, but Xue Zhiyan snatched the phone over quickly.

"I don't want you because I always delay work. Besides, I, Xue, is still in your hands. It's almost the end of the year. I don't want my income to be plural in the first year when I resume my status."

"Money fan!" Jian Zelin stretched out his hand and pinched her nose.

Xue Zhiyan stuck out his tongue at him, sat up straight and patted the car window, "Drive!"

Jian Zelin was happy to be Xue Zhiyan's driver, and at the same time very happy that Xue Zhiyan could understand him.So along the way, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

When he walked into the top floor of Shengshi holding Xue Zhiyan's hand, the smile on the corner of his mouth was still obvious.

Seeing the warm smile at the corner of his mouth, all the male secretaries who watched were lost in thought, wondering why Jian Shao was so happy today, when they saw Xue Zhiyan following behind him.

Although her face was a little pale, she also had the same curved smile on the corner of her mouth, and the group of male secretaries lowered their heads knowingly and continued to work.

Xue Zhiyan lay obediently on the bed in his lounge. There was a dim yellow lamp beside the bed. Because of the light, everything in the room was gilded with gold.

"Sleep well, I'll finish the meeting as soon as possible, let's go to the beach?" Jian Zelin kissed Xue Zhiyan on the head, and helped her tuck the corner of the quilt.

Xue Zhiyan nodded and closed his eyes obediently.Jian Zelin sat on the edge of the bed and tightly held Xue Zhiyan's hand. He didn't get up and leave the lounge until her breathing gradually stabilized.

When Su Lingxuan was busy signing the accumulated documents, a courier sent in by the secretary was for Xue Zhiyan to sign for.

"Young Master Su, is Zhiyan's courier delivered to you?" Xiao Min stood in front of Su Lingxuan's desk holding the courier.

Su Lingxuan looked up from the document, looked at the secretary in front of him, and the courier in his hand with a puzzled expression, "What is it?"

Xiao Min shook her head, "I don't know, it seems to be a card." As he spoke, he pinched the courier's paper bag and made a rough outline.

Su Lingxuan stretched out his hand, "Give it to me, let me see."

With no expression on Su Lingxuan's face, he took the package calmly, unsealed it, and poured out a stack of photos from it.

Holding the photo, Su Lingxuan glanced at Xiao Min, "You go out first, I will call you if there is something to do."

Seeing Xiao Min leave and the office door closed again, Su Lingxuan began to look at the photos in his hand.

Looking at the photos one by one, his expression became more and more solemn. Looking at the people in the photos, Su Lingxuan's brows were deeply knit together.

Behind the last photo is a card with a paragraph written on it.

"Miss Xue Zhiyan:

Don't you want to know the truth about Xue's accident?These photos are just an appetizer, and there will be a major event later, please don't be too nervous, otherwise it will be meaningless later.You can start the investigation now, otherwise hearing the truth from outsiders would hit you too hard. "

There was no signature, and the words written were very strange, which caught Su Lingxuan's attention.

The truth about Xue's accident?After so many years, no one has investigated it. The Su family and the Jane family have been investigating for so many years, and the conclusions they come to are accidental.

This mysterious person took out many old photos, what is the intention?
Su Lingxuan couldn't figure out what this person was thinking, but she couldn't show Xue Zhiyan the photo. If she saw the two people in the photo, it would be a big blow to her.

Even Su Lingxuan was taken aback when he saw Shen Bihua and Xue Li in the photo.He never knew that Shen Bihua knew Xue Li, and even the original investigation results did not have any information showing that the two knew each other.

Even Jian Qiyang and Jian Zelin couldn't find out, how could this person have such an old photo?

And he sent it to Xue Zhiyan on purpose, did he have any other purpose?Whether he wanted to stimulate Xue Zhiyan, or something else, he couldn't figure it out at all.

Su Ling pinched the bridge of his nose, put down the photo in his hand, picked up his phone and sent a text message to Jian Zelin, picked up the pen again, and started to sign the document.

Jian Zelin, who was in a meeting at the other end, didn't check the text messages in time, so he didn't reply.And Xue Zhiyan was still sleeping comfortably in his lounge, completely ignorant of the courier, let alone those old photos.

Xue Zhiyan had a dream, Shen Bihua in the dream was farther and farther away from her, with a face full of pain and regret, he kept saying sorry to Xue Zhiyan, Xue Zhiyan wanted to reach out to hold her, but was blocked by Xue Li who stood in front of him. All action is blocked.

"Yanyan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you." Shen Bihua's voice echoed in her dream.

Xue Zhiyan wanted to hold her back and asked her why she said sorry, but Xue Li kept blocking her.This was the first time Xue Zhiyan dreamed of Xue Li, so clear and true, it seemed that he was protecting her, for fear that she would be hurt.

After waking up from the dream, Xue Zhiyan was panting heavily, with beads of sweat on his forehead, sitting on the bed and thinking about the dream just now.

When Jian Zelin opened the door to check Xue Zhiyan's situation, he saw Xue Zhiyan sitting on the bed with a pale face, propping himself up on the bed with one hand, and stroking his chest with the other.

"What's wrong?" Jian Zelin strode up to her side and held her in his arms.

"It's okay, I had a dream." Xue Zhiyan shook his head in his arms, "It's the first time I dreamed of my dad and Shen's mother."

Hearing Xue Zhiyan called Shen Bihua, Jian Zelin frowned calmly.

Vic has already responded to the photos that were shown to Vic for investigation before, and everything found out has something to do with Shen Bihua.

It's just that they don't know the relationship between Shen Bihua and Xue Li, so they can't tell Xue Zhiyan about Shen Bihua's past.

"Do you want me to take you to You'an Courtyard?" Although Jian Zelin didn't want her to go now, she still wanted to ask.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head and directly refused. "Don't go, let's go for a while, I'm just a dream, it's nothing."

When Jian Zelin heard her refusal, she didn't insist on it, but she was more certain in her heart that she wanted them to speed up their investigation of Shen Bihua.

If Xue Zhiyan knew that her dream would become a reality in the near future, she might not be as calm as she is now.

(End of this chapter)

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