The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 383 Old Photos

Chapter 383 Old Photos

Xue Zhiyan rested for another three days, and Jian Zelin stayed with her for three days.

Early in the morning of the fourth day, the two of them changed into black clothes, solemn and solemn. Xue Zhiyan's long hair was scattered on his shoulders, and a hairpin with a white daisy was pinned to his ear.

Jian Zelin held her waist and kissed her forehead. "Pay attention to your emotions later, I don't want to see you too sad."

Xue Zhiyan hugged him back, and rubbed against his chest, "I want to go shopping with Qianqian later, you can go get busy, don't worry about me."

"Yes." Jian Zelin put on the coat for her, and the two went out the door side by side.

When the two arrived at the cemetery, others were already waiting by the side of the road.Everyone was dressed in black, and every woman had a hairpin with a small white flower pinned into her hair.

Seeing Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin coming, Su Lingxuan stretched out his hand to Xue Zhiyan, this time Jian Zelin was not angry, and generously handed Xue Zhiyan's hand to Su Lingxuan's.

Su Lingxuan held her hand tightly, and the two walked hand in hand, walking side by side.

Xue Zhiyan glanced back at Jian Zelin, and saw him nodding to him.Turning her head and biting her lower lip tightly, she followed Su Lingxuan, every step she took felt that it weighed a thousand catties.

I saw Su Kai in the photo, wearing a military uniform and a big cap, with a serious expression and no sign of illness.

Xue Zhiyan placed the bouquet of flowers in his arms in front of his tombstone, stood aside and bowed, waiting for the people behind to place the flowers in front of the tombstone. Everyone stood fan-shaped and bowed three times to the tombstone tacitly.

Xue Zhiyan didn't cry, she knew that Su Kai didn't keep telling her about his illness because he didn't want to see her cry.

"Grandpa, I didn't cry, don't worry, Ling and Aze will take good care of me." Xue Zhiyan's eyes were red, but he didn't cry.

"Grandpa, Ze will take good care of Xue Zhiyan, don't worry, I will take good care of him too." Su Lingxuan glanced at Xue Zhiyan, his eyes were red again.

Everyone stood in front of the tomb, blowing the mountain wind in silence for a while, and then left one after another.Xue Zhiyan was at the end. An old man said that you can't turn back when you come to the cemetery. She just used her own way to stay with Su Kai for a while longer.

"Are you going to see Haochen and Haoyue?" Jian Zelin mentioned the names of these two children for the first time in so many days.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "No need, next time!"

Jian Zelin hugged Xue Zhiyan, stroking Xue Zhiyan's cheek with warm fingers. "Where are you and Qianqian going, I'll take you off?"

"No, the four of us are going together, you go and do your work!" Chi Qian took Xue Zhiyan's arm with a smile on her face.

"Take care of her!" When Chi Yuan said this, his eyes drifted towards Feng Ziyao.

Feng Ziyao's eyes flickered a little, looking at Xue Zhiyan and not him. "Have we not gone shopping for a long time? Where should we go shopping?"

"Should we buy clothes? It's the Chinese New Year, we have to wear new clothes, right?" Chi Qian suggested.

Liang Huan raised his eyebrows, "That's a good idea!"

Feng Ziyao rolled his eyes speechlessly, "I'm getting old and I need new clothes!"

"You have to wear new clothes no matter how old you are!" Xue Zhiyan pursed his lips in dissatisfaction, turned around and stretched out a hand to Jian Zelin, "Bank card!"

Jian Zelin smiled helplessly, messed up Xue Zhiyan's long hair fondly, and patted her hand lightly, "Go to Shengshihuatian, who dares to take your money!"

"Ah! Rich and powerful!" Feng Ziyao wailed and got into the driver's seat, "I despise the rich!"

Jian Zelin didn't take it seriously, and opened the car door for Xue Zhiyan, "It seems that you are also a rich man!"

Xue Zhiyan sat in the car with a smile, lowered the window, looked at Jian Zelin's indifferent face, and patted his hand lightly. "I just realized that as long as you and Feng Ziyao get together, you'll fight!"

"According to this development, will the two of you have a story?" Yan Shaochen walked to Liang Huan's car window, tapped on the window lightly, and handed over a card.

Liang Huan rolled his eyes at him, but also accepted the card Yan Shaochen handed over, "Don't wait for me today."

When Chi Qian saw that both of them were being sponsored, she looked at Chi Yuan pitifully. Who knew that Chi Yuan ignored her and walked directly to Feng Ziyao's side. Just as she was about to take out her card, she was caught by Feng Ziyao. Refused.

"Stop! We're not close enough to ask you to pay me to buy things, you better give Chi Qian!" Feng Ziyao put on his sunglasses after finishing speaking, and stopped looking at him.

Chi Yuan glanced at his sister, and handed over a card, "You money addict, you have so many cards!"

"What's mine is mine, what's yours is yours! The nature is different!" Chi Qian stuck out her tongue before getting into the car.

As soon as Chi Qian closed the car door, Feng Ziyao's little red Audi rushed out of the parking space.

Looking at the little Audi who left in the dust, the four of them put away the smiles on their faces at the same time.The four were expressionless, with no trace of emotion on their handsome and stern faces.

The movements and postures of the four people are very consistent. They open the door at the same time, get in the car at the same time, start the car at the same time, and turn on the car Bluetooth at the same time.

The four cars are driving on the road at the same speed, with the same distance in front and back.

"How is the photo check?" Jian Zelin held the steering wheel with white knuckles.

"It's all old photos, nothing else." Su Ling glanced at the photo on the co-pilot.

"Shen Bihua's income is fine, he's not from our circle." Chi Yuan stared straight ahead, staring at the road.

"The founder of You'an Courtyard is Xue Zhiyan's deceased mother—Yan Xi." Yan Shaochen's news is the most valuable among several people.

"I still don't have a clue about what happened to the Xue family back then." Jian Zelin frowned deeply, staring at the road.

"Does the person who sent the email to Xue Zhiyan have a clue?" Su Ling tapped the steering wheel with his fingers, always feeling that this person should know Xue Zhiyan very well.

"I can't find other servers in foreign countries. And I can't find that person's activity recently, as if he has disappeared." Yan Shaochen stepped on the accelerator and passed Chi Yuan in front of him.

"Hmm, that person not only understands Xue Zhiyan, but also knows about Xue Zhiyan's movements." Jian Zelin slowed down the car, allowing Su Lingxuan to overtake him.

"The most important thing is that he still knows the truth about the Xue family's car accident!" Chi Yuan stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the front.

"By the way, I still have to tell Xue Zhiyan about the express delivery." Su Lingxuan honked the horn, Yan Shaochen passed Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan, and followed Chi Yuan.

"Do you want to show her those photos? The photo of Shen Bihua and Xue Li?" Jian Zelin couldn't help but worry when he thought of showing Xue Zhiyan those photos.

"Give it, you can't hide it from her, you know her temper best." Su Lingxuan slowed down the speed of the car.

He likes them talking like this, it's much more comfortable than sitting in a dark office, and the most important thing is that they can also race cars.

Jian Zelin frowned, and finally said something that everyone didn't know.

"Then show her the photo I took out of Shen Bihua's notebook?"

"What photo?" Yan Shaochen Chi Yuan and Su Lingxuan said in unison.

"A photo of Jian Qiyang and Yan Xi."

(End of this chapter)

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