Chapter 399 Before the Conversation
Jian Zelin's handsome face was so cold that it could shave off frost. The winter sun shone on his face, but it only made his black-faced godlike expression more obvious, and it didn't have a mitigating effect at all.

And there were three other men sitting beside him, Yan Shaochen supported his forehead with one hand without raising his head, while Su Lingxuan was calmly tasting the red wine.

Chi Yuan?After walking around in the store, he finally sat down on a chair and tapped Erlang's legs, as if strangers should not approach him.

Liang Huan came out from the small kitchen at the back with fruit, glanced at Xue Zhiyan who was still clearing away the empty cups, and lit a candle for her in his heart.

What the two of them said before was discovered so quickly, I really don't know whether Xue Zhiyan was lucky or bad luck recently.

A sign for suspension of business was already hung at the door, Xue Zhiyan deliberately slowed down, wiping the table over and over again, just to delay time.

Just as Xue Zhiyan was thinking about how to fool around with Jian Zelin, the door was pushed open, and the sunny doll hanging on the door made a jingling sound.

Xue Zhiyan thought to himself, because of her unlucky day, that sunny baby will also have a crying face, right?
The person who came was Feng Ziyao. She walked in wearing high heels, and the sound of stepping on the floor attracted the attention of several people. Except for Jian Zelin and Xue Zhiyan, they all looked up at her.

Feng Ziyao glanced in Jian Zelin's direction, turned his head and glanced at Xue Zhiyan again, raised his eyebrows, stepped on high heels, walked to the counter, sat on the bar chair, and tapped the bar with his fingers, as if something was about to happen It has nothing to do with her.

During the whole wait, except for the sound made by Xue Zhiyan when he put away the cup and saucer, only the sound of Feng Ziyao's fingers tapping on the table could be heard.

Feng Ziyao half-closed his eyes, looked at the four men sitting over there, and then looked at Xue Zhiyan over there with his head shrunk, feeling like the tranquility before a parent is about to reprimand a child who made a mistake.

"Hey! Slowly, what's the meaning of that message you sent!" Chi Qian pushed open the door, yelling as she ran in.

But as soon as he came in, he felt that the atmosphere was not right. Feng Ziyao, who was sitting in front of the bar, raised his eyebrows when he saw Chi Qian, with a mysterious smile on his lips.

Chi Qian glanced at Feng Ziyao's eyes, and when she turned her head, she saw four men sitting there. They were still a little bit mentally slow, and suddenly they walked in with their shoulders down and their heads bowed like a deflated balloon. inside the counter.

Liang Huan had also returned to the counter a long time ago, and poured lemonade for them. The three of them sat by the bar with three expressions, watching Xue Zhiyan dillydally tidy up his things.

Although Jian Zelin was angry, his gaze was always on Xue Zhiyan, watching her every move, and of course he also saw her tangled expression.

In fact, he didn't object to Xue Zhiyan being the proprietress, but he didn't understand why she didn't say it after so long.What left him speechless the most was that he asked Vic to investigate all information about Xue Zhiyan before, but he didn't find this small coffee bar.

Xue Zhiyan is still very happy to have something she likes to do.Although he is domineering and doesn't like to share things with others, as long as Xue Zhiyan is happy, she likes to do it. She told him that as long as it is reasonable, he will not object.

He can really do it, as long as you want it, as long as I have it, I will absolutely provide it to you.

But what he couldn't understand was why Xue Zhiyan kept it from him.And the way for him to find out...was through his subordinates!

What bothered him the most was that Su Lingxuan seemed to know about it from the beginning to the end, but he never knew about it.

If he didn't find out today that the villain on the coffee cup is very familiar, he doesn't know how long he will be kept in the dark.

No wonder Su Lingxuan called her that time, she brought fresh food to Kaisheng's top floor so quickly.

Thinking of this, Jian Zelin's heart became even more blocked. It seemed that Su Lingxuan not only knew about it, but even helped Xue Zhiyan, thinking that if Xue Zhiyan didn't speak up, he would help her hide the truth.

And he has been sitting here for almost half an hour, Xue Zhiyan has been holding a plate, what's the matter with cleaning the table without playing?

Did he deliberately avoid the problem and didn't want to talk to him, or did he still want to keep hiding it from him after reaching this point?
"Xue Zhiyan!" Jian Zelin finally spoke. Hearing his voice, Xue Zhiyan exhaled softly.

"Wait for me to take the things over." Xue Zhiyan threw the tablecloth in his hand into the tray, and walked towards the bar with his head down.

Xue Zhiyan walked to the bar, Chi Qian took the tray from her hand, looked at her sympathetically, and lit a candle for her in her heart.

Xue Zhiyan took a deep breath, turned around to leave, Chiqian reached out and hooked her collar.Xue Zhiyan looked back at her in confusion, and Chi Qian pointed to the glasses on Xue Zhiyan's face and the clothes on her body.

"You should change it first, how can I see you wearing my clothes, so awkward!" Chi Qian mustered up a lot of courage to say this, and secretly glanced at Chi Yuan who was sitting over there.

"Chi Qian, let's settle the bill at home!" Chi Yuan said coldly without even raising his head.

When he thought of his sister, who had been here for so long, and Leng Yun hadn't said a word to him, he couldn't help but get angry.

This time not only Chi Qian had to be dealt with, but Leng Yun had to be punished accordingly.He asked Leng Yun to go back to China first to take care of Chi Qian, but in the end he helped her conceal the news.

Forget about Namingli's affairs, the two just said hello, and the whereabouts of Namingli's bastard is too weird to find out.

But Chi Qian has become a waitress, and he doesn't even know about it. If Jian Zelin hadn't called him here, he probably wouldn't have known about it for the rest of his life!
Chi Qian and Xue Zhiyan shrank their necks at the same time, turned and walked in.After a while, Chi Qian came out first, holding a tray in his hand, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Brother, brother, brother, brother, try it quickly, the mango mousse made by Liang Huan is delicious!" Chi Qian put the things on the tray in front of Chi Yuan, stood quietly, and waited. Follow Chi Yuan's hair.

Yan Shaochen glanced at Chi Yuan, then at Chi Qian, and sighed heavily, "Go ahead, I'll go see Liang Huan."

It's not that he wants to go over, but Liang Huan hooked his fingers at him, and of course he wants to go over when he sees it.

"You go and sit here, you are not unaware, when Jian Zelin gets angry, maybe it will hurt you." Liang Huan poured him a glass of lemonade, "The farther away the better."

"I just said, tell Jian Zelin earlier, you're not." Yan Shaochen took a sip of water and glanced at the few people over there.

"That's about Xue Zhiyan, why do you want us to talk about it?" Feng Ziyao rolled his eyes at him, and continued to maintain the posture just now, so he had no intention of helping.

Xue Zhiyan changed his clothes and came out, picked up his cup, and walked over calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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